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Chapter 432 The fear in Hulk's eyes

Chapter 434 The fear in Hulk's eyes

Abomination stood on the spot.

The scene was quiet for a while.

No one thought that Xu Fan just raised his hand and blocked the fist of hatred.

You know, this punch has at least a few hundred tons of power.

Enough to smash a car into scrap metal.

Ross and Fury on the helicopter held their breath.

For a long time, they thought that Xu Fan's biggest capital was to activate the machine and transform it into his own steel warrior.

And his body should be the same as ordinary people.

It also hurts and bleeds.

But the picture in front of him greatly exceeded Ross and Fury's expectations.

Stark also looked at Xu Fan in disbelief.

Before Xu Fan arrived on Broadway, Stark had fought against the hatred.

For the power he possesses, Stark can be said to have a very intuitive feeling.

With flesh and blood, it is enough to resist...

What the hell is this guy Xu Fan?

Is this also magic?

"This is impossible."

Yet this scene hits the hatred the hardest.

He just got the Hulk serum from Stern, injected it into his body, and fused it with a replica of the Captain America serum.

Although the appearance has become a little ugly, the power is quite powerful.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is invincible.

Even the Hulk, who gave General Ross a headache, was defeated by his own hands.

You should be invincible.

"This is impossible!"

Hatred roared again,

The fist slammed upwards, then exploded with greater muscle strength.

I saw the blue veins on Hate's arms burst out, and the iron fist fell again.

"My power is infinite!"


As the roar sounded again, the invisible shock spread out again in the form of ripples.

Instantly extinguish the flames burning all over Broadway.

And this scene naturally produced a greater blow to hatred.

What exactly is going on?

Who the hell is this guy in front of him?

First come out with incredible technology.

Then there is the incomparably powerful body.

Who the hell is this guy?

Cold sweat began to break out from the hatred forehead.

An unprecedented sense of blow quickly grew, shattering his inflated self-confidence.

However, at this time, the Hulk broke free of the building that trapped him and returned to the streets of Broadway in a meteor-like manner.

His feet stepped on the concrete road, directly printing two small pits.


A loud roar vented his anger.

His eyes glanced around, trying to find the hatred and fight him again.

Soon, Hulk found his target, and because of this, the corners of his mouth rose, and a smile appeared.

Because of the growth of anger, his power also became stronger than before.

But just as he took a step forward, the smile on his face disappeared.

In addition to the Abomination, the Hulk found another opponent.

A guy who made him have a psychological shadow.

Xu Fan.

Although the Hulk is always angry, he is not completely irrational.

Not without memory.

Whenever he broke free from Banner's body, he remembered what had happened.

In Thor 3, the Hulk remembered what happened on Earth and knew that no one liked him.

Seeing Xu Fan again now, he instantly remembered the power he burst out in the Six Paths mode.

That is a force that makes people feel a little despairing.


Hate the low voice.

Whether it is Hulk or Xu Fan, they are enemies that he must concentrate all his energy on to deal with.

Especially Xu Fan, his power is far beyond the hatred's expectations.

Now I see Hulk staring at him again.

The hated heart began to become restless.

But the situation was worse than he feared.

Just when he was about to retreat and temporarily open the distance from Xu Fan, he found out.

Xu Fan, who took his fist, actually held himself.

Because of the size of his palm, Xu Fan couldn't wrap his entire fist.

But it's just a half-grip, so I can't withdraw my arm.

In other words, the current hatred was actually restricted by Xu Fan.


Hate couldn't help but screamed inwardly.

But honestly, he didn't know whether the bad thing was whether Hulk was eyeing him or Xu Fan's power was too terrifying.

Because the current situation is really bad for him.


Stark's eyes focused on the direction of Hulk.

He was the first superhero to arrive on Broadway, and he witnessed the Hulk being kicked away by his hateful legs.

I thought the Hulk would rush straight up to beat the hate.

As a result, the scene that came into view was that Hulk's body was rapidly shrinking.

After a few breaths, his appearance changed back to Dr. Banner.

The fat shorts fell to the ground, revealing Dr. Banner's lower body.

There was confusion in his eyes.

For hatred is right in front of him.

The two sides looked at each other, and Banner opened his mouth wide, a little confused about the current situation.

What about the Hulk?

what is he doing

"Hey, Hulk!"

Banner didn't even care about his own predicament, and slapped himself hard, trying to force Hulk to fight in this way.

In his knowledge, only the Hulk can deal with hatred.

But no matter how angry Banner was, he couldn't wake up the Hulk inside him.

"You embarrass me like this, Hulk, are you afraid?"

Banner began to taunt himself.

Hulk remained indifferent.

But the hatred to see this scene is very clear.

The Hulk never disappeared because he was afraid of himself.

When he just saw himself, he was obviously very excited and excited.

It was a look that rediscovered the target.

After a long military career, he would never misread the message in Hulk's eyes.

at the same time……

Before Hulk disappeared, he also saw something else in Hulk's eyes.

That is fear.

And this fear comes from his own side.

Xu Fan...

Abomination turned his head sharply and looked at Xu Fan again.

This seemingly ordinary boy actually made the Hulk feel scared.

What did he do to the Hulk?

Do not……

You should be clear.

Hatred rolled down his throat, as if realizing what was coming next.

Do not……

He still didn't realize it.

"It turns out that this is gamma energy."

Xu Fan murmured softly, and with a slight force on his wrist, he just lifted the hatred in front of him into the air.


Under everyone's astonished gaze, Xu Fan threw his hatred away as if he was throwing garbage.

And this inertia is so big that hatred can't adjust itself in the air.

He could only suffer silently as his body drew an arc in the air, fell heavily to the ground, and continued to slide forward.

"You just said that your power is infinite?"

Xu Fan smiled, "You are wrong, hate it."

(End of this chapter)

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