Shokuki: Start with an izakaya and make everyone cry

Chapter 64 Another eldest lady of the Nakiri family



This is the process and end of life.

Perhaps the biggest test for an ultimate foodie like Kobayashi Ryodan is whether he is willing to taste food with a "death consciousness"!

And obviously, the highly poisonous puffer fish is the most fascinating touchstone!

But when puffer fish sashimi is served, Zhang Fan, as a chef, naturally wants to be the first to eat it.

Under the watchful eye of Kobayashi Ryokan, he picked up a small piece of thin sashimi fillet with his chopsticks, and then began to chew it carefully.


"We don't need to try the puffer fish, right?"


"What I tested was not for poison."

“It’s about the confidence and level you should have as a chef!”

"Smei, then I'm not a timid young person. How can a mere pufferfish sashimi make me shrink back?"

After saying that, Xiaolin Ringtong rolled his eyes at Zhang Fan.

Immediately afterwards, she made a praying gesture with her hands together, even though she is an extremely adventurous expert on rare ingredients and likes to kill wild animals, such as crocodiles, snakes, moose deer, etc.!

But in fact, she is still very kind-hearted and as cute as a pufferfish...


In short, cute is cute.

When it’s time to eat, you still have to eat!

So, after praying for a while, Kobayashi Ringtong couldn't wait to take his chopsticks, picked up a small piece of puffer fish sashimi, and chewed it slowly.

There is no puffer fish without dipping sauce, and it always maintains its original flavor.

The extraordinarily plump puffer meat is quickly wrapped in delicious flavor and hits every part of the tongue the moment it enters the mouth.

The taste is quite wonderful and very tough, making people want to bite it hard with their teeth inadvertently.

The taste can really be described in two words:

So cool!

Under the wave of the fast food era, various cuisines are actually becoming more and more heavy-flavored.

Therefore, the light and light puffer fish sashimi inevitably becomes more precious.

Perhaps the "tasteless taste" is not necessarily the taste that the public is pursuing.

However, puffer fish meat is rich in delicious amino acids such as glutamic acid and glycine and nucleotides such as inosinic acid and guanylic acid, which are indeed a powerful explanation of its delicious taste.

Especially the moment he was struck by the delicious puffer fish, Kobayashi Ringtong could better understand the obsession and courage behind "eating puffer fish at all costs".


“The texture is extremely elastic!”

"The freshness and elasticity are completely different from the feeling of other sashimi in your mouth."

As he ate, Kobayashi Gentian became addicted to it and couldn't extricate himself for a long time.


Q bomb!

That weird and wonderful taste experience.

It feels a bit like the plump and tender flesh under the fish belly.

Just lick it with your tongue, and the puffer fish meat seems to "come alive", constantly squirming in the mouth, and there seems to be a hint of demonic moisture hidden in it, and it is very full!

In the end, the entire plate of puffer fish sashimi was wiped out by Kobayashi Gingen as fast as a wind and a cloud!

If we say, the full score is an evaluation of 10 points.

So this plate of puffer fish sashimi, Kobayashi Rgentan will definitely give 10 points.

In her mind, she didn't know what kind of sashimi cuisine there was in the world that could compare to Zhang Fan's pufferfish sashimi!


“Why does the puffer fish’s own taste make me feel delicious?”

After coming back to his senses, Kobayashi Gentian, who had eaten delicious puffer fish meat, couldn't help but blinked at Zhang Fan and asked curiously.

"Choose your ingredients!"

“Sashimi is about pursuing the original taste of the ingredients, so the quality of the ingredients is definitely very important.”

"Then there's the knife skills. The thickness, size, shape, etc. of the ingredients will directly affect your appetite."

"Theoretically, the thinner the puffer fish meat is cut, the more delicious it will be and the texture will be more elastic!"

Zhang Fan could only reply lightly when he heard this.

There is one thing to say, his words are a bit prevaricating and a bit vague!

But that's the case with sashimi cuisine. If you really eat serious "high-end" Japanese sashimi cuisine a few times, you will find that you haven't even ordered rice to make sushi delicious.

Even sushi is more about pursuing a sense of ritual, and the enjoyment brought by the taste is really so-so.

Therefore, Chinese chefs like Zhang Fan often disdain Japanese cuisine, which overly pursues the original taste of ingredients.

Whole goldfish, steamed with scallion oil, sweet and chewy, isn’t it delicious?

Bluefin pot belly, spread some coarse salt and air-dry, then add some Sichuan peppercorns to stew the eggplant, or directly fry it with minced garlic. Aren’t the kids next door going to cry?

Also, wouldn’t it be great to eat this kind of puffer fish directly braised in braised pork?

The results of it?

Neon people, they all used it to make sashimi!



Just at this time.

Having just finished eating fugu sashimi, Kobayashi's stomach growled with hunger again.

She quickly touched her belly, thinking that after eating a whole plate of sashimi, she would only be 10% or 20% full, which was quite unsatisfactory!

Therefore, she awkwardly said to Zhang Fan: "Shopkeeper, can... can you order some more pufferfish sashimi?"


"Still eating?"

Zhang Fan almost couldn't help laughing when he saw this.


"Eat one!"

"Aren't there still 9 left in the aquarium?"

Kobayashi Gentian pointed to the big aquarium in the corner and said.

"There are still a lot of scraps left."

"Well, let me make you a full puffer fish feast, including puffer fish hot pot, puffer fish mixed cooking, fried puffer fish, braised puffer fish..."

Hearing that she actually attracted the attention of the other nine pufferfish, Zhang Fan quickly stopped her.


"Just do as you wish."

After hearing the last word, Rientan Kobayashi knew that Zhang Fan was going to use the leftover scraps of puffer fish to make a puffer fish feast, and his eyes lit up.


"Then you can continue to wait."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Fan returned to the cooking table.

at the same time.

At the gate of Totsuki Academy.

A black car that looked like a mysterious beast began to pull up.

Immediately afterwards, two students who were preparing to take Yuanyue's entrance examination stepped out of the car.

One is Kurokiba Ryo, who has dark circles under his eyes and always looks lazy; the other is a girl with a pretty face, fair skin and an exotic mixed-race style, Nakiri Alice!


"Is this Totsuki Academy?"

Ryo Kurokiba, who was standing behind him, took a few glances at the Totsuki school gate.

It seems that he was shocked by the scale of this teahouse cooking school and the tall buildings that were faintly visible in the distance!


"This is Grandpa's Totsuki Academy."

Alice, just nodded.

As another eldest lady of the Nakiri family, Nakiri Alice also has eye-catching looks and unique talents!

But unlike Erina, who has been living in Totsuki Academy, she lived with her mother in Northern Europe for a long time when she was a few years old.

Now, maybe Erina had expected it, or maybe she had never thought about it.

Her distant cousin will be preparing to transfer to Totsuki Academy as the school season is approaching.

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