Lingsu found a pen and paper to write the prescription: "I read the previous prescription, and there are some problems, which are not good for his current symptoms, so it is not good. If the prescription is not adjusted, it will be really delayed."

Seeing her say that, Gongyu Mingxi was taken aback: "Is there any obstacle? Can you be optimistic?"

Lingsu shook his head: "It's not that he can't handle it well, it's just that it takes a lot of work, and it has to be supported normally. This is because he lost his body when he was young, and he is an hunter. Take good care of yourself. After my grandfather passed away, the medicine he took in the past two or three years was not very symptomatic, but it would make things worse? Fortunately, a few years ago, my grandfather helped him with the conditioning and laid a solid foundation. .... It's not enough to just take medicine, I'll prescribe some medicine to eat first, and then supplement it with acupuncture.

The grandfather of the Zuo family is also fifty years old, and if he lives for another ten years, he will be nearly seventy years old.

Life is rare in the 70s, and it is hard to say that, living in the 70s and passing away can be regarded as happy and mourning in this era.

Gongyu Mingxi was relieved: "That's it. If it goes on like this, your Uncle Lu will be dragged down, and it will be difficult to start a family."

Hunting is a life-threatening business, and it was difficult to get a wife. His family is in the current conditions. If things go on like this, Uncle Lu really can't get a wife.

In fact, Uncle Lu has a tall and straight eyebrows, looks very Zhou Zheng, and can be regarded as a handsome young man. As long as the family conditions are decent, he will not be a bachelor in his twenties.

The grandmother of the Zuo family was so worried about his marriage.

Lingsu smiled and said: "I will prescribe the medicine for ten days first. Except for one or two herbs, which are slightly more expensive, the others are also cheap. I will go up the mountain and find some herbs, which will not cost a few dollars. I will prescribe another one. The recipe for the medicinal diet will allow him to feed the old man this winter, and he will be fine in the spring. In the future, he will have to give birth and raise, and there will be no major problems."

In fact, using some precious medicinal materials can make it better faster. But isn't this condition not allowed?

By the time the chicken soup was ironed, it was almost an hour, and it was completely dark. The lights were lit in the house, and the family ate the noodles. After boiling water and washing, he turned off the lights and fell asleep.

The next day was still a sunny day.

Because the second brother was going to the county town with Uncle Lu, Lingsu was afraid that he would be hungry on the way, so he spread out egg and scallion pancakes for him, and boiled a few more eggs for him to bring.

After breakfast, the sky was bright, and Lingsu said, "Mother, I'm going up the mountain to find some herbs. I'm afraid I won't be back at noon. You can eat lunch by yourself."

Gongyu Mingxi is worried: "You can't do it alone, or let your second brother accompany you?"

"No, I can do it myself. I don't go into the deep mountains, I just walk around the periphery. They are all common medicinal materials, and it's not difficult to find."

Gongyu Mingxi thought that she was a martial artist in her previous life, and she practiced Wu Qin Xi with her grandfather for several years a few years ago. He told her to be careful. He asked her to bring some boiled eggs before letting her go out.

When Lingsu took the medicine hoe and sickle, put the medicine on his back and went out the door, Gongyu Mingxi and the mother and daughter of Lingyu continued to make cotton-padded clothes, and Qixun drew the spinning wheel picture that was not finished yesterday. By the time she draws the component diagrams one by one, it will be noon and lunch will be made.

Seeing that Mother and Sister Lin were busy, Qixun made lunch by himself.

Yesterday's chicken soup is still there. She can't make noodles, but she can make gnocchi soup. Then he went to the vegetable field and took a handful of spinach and a green garlic and washed it by the well. Back in the kitchen, he made hot chicken soup. After the soup boiled, he also mixed the noodles.

But with a stick of incense, the chicken soup spinach gnocchi is ready. She took out a bowl, sprinkled some green garlic, and brought it to the house on a wooden plate, greeting her mother and sister for lunch.

After lunch, Qixun washed the tableware and chopsticks, rinsed the pot, and boiled a pot of boiling water, and then said to Gongyu Mingxi: "Mother, I'll take a chicken and go to the village to exchange for some soybeans and mung beans. Come back, let's order it in the evening. Eat tofu. Soak two pounds of bean sprouts."

A chicken can be sold for about thirty cents,

Enough to replace six or seven pounds of soybeans.

Gongyu Mingxi waved her to go.

In fact, the mud on the road hasn't dried out yet. Fortunately, she doesn't have to worry about her broken shoes. She didn't go to anyone else's house. Red dates and persimmons were packed with about two kilograms and brought along to visit my great-uncle and grandfather.

My great-uncle and grandfather is in his seventies, and his body is still healthy, but the weather has not been very good recently.

Seeing that Qixun brought him big red dates, the old man was in a very good mood. He asked her about the situation at home, and then he said, "This season, the dates are going out of the market, but such big dates are rare, where did you find them?"

Qi Xun smiled and said: "Second brother and mother went to town, but they happened to meet someone selling it. Seeing that the price was not expensive, I bought some. Fresh fruit is not common in this season. Mother asked me to bring sweets to you, great grandpa. A mouthful. Dates are okay, persimmons are cold, you can only eat one a day."

The old man who said it laughed: "I'm making you guys think about it, your mother is the most filial one. Cheng, I don't eat much. Now that the family is in trouble, don't worry about me as an old man, just live your own life well. It's done."

Qixun smiled and said: "Don't worry about us, the former grandfather and the second grandfather sent a lot of food to my family, and we can't starve us. Moreover, the second brother went to the mountains with Zuo's uncle yesterday and caught a lot of prey, which can be sold. A lot of money. The second brother also told me yesterday that you have broken your old legs again, and you have to come back with a wolf skin and make a mattress for you, so that your cat can have a comfortable winter. "

These words startled the old man.

"Don't dare, the pheasant and the hare are fine. The beast and the big worm dare not touch it. Tell him not to think about me, I'm in good health."

Qi Xun did not argue, but said: "My mother said that the third sister's medical skills are considered to be the true inheritance of my grandfather, and now it is considered a complete success, and can be a teacher. She went to the mountain today to help the Zuo family grandfather to collect medicine, tomorrow let's let She came to show you."

The old man just said don't think about him, and asked Qixun if her father had written back. It's been more than half a month since he left.

Qi Xun smiled and said, "I haven't received the letter. When I have a letter, I'll come over and tell you."

After talking with the old man for a while, Qixun said goodbye.

Auntie gave her the exchanged soybeans, and she carried them seven times. She was afraid that she might have ten kilograms of green beans, and she hurriedly said, "Auntie, this is too much."

The uncle Guo is a straightforward and enthusiastic woman. She smiled and said, "I keep it at home. You can just take it. It's not worth a lot of money."

An extra three or four catties is also a dozen pennies.

But Qi Xun was not polite, thinking about making tofu and sending out bean sprouts, just send some over here.

She didn't plan to sell it. One catty of soybeans can produce three catties of tofu, and her family can't eat that much.

Besides, it is impossible for her family to do this tofu business. Making tofu is a hard business, and her family has no labor.

On the other hand, the three sons of the eldest grandfather have three sons. Uncle Tang is the accountant in the town. Uncle San and Uncle Si can only go to the town to work part-time jobs. It can be done for two cousins.

It gave benefits to the eldest grandfather's family, and the second grandfather's family cannot but consider it. The two houses are blood relatives, and only if a bowl of water is level, the relatives can last for a long time.

However, Uncle Wutang of the second uncle's grandfather's family is a teacher in the county seat, and there are only two elderly people in the family with their grandsons. What they do to make money has to be considered.

As he went out, he asked the uncle, "Why haven't I seen Brother Lingzhou and the others?"

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