Reborn As a Pirate

One Hundred Towards the Atlantic [End of Volume 2]

Relying on the will of Lorraine, the Drake Chamber of Commerce began to actively prepare for the transformation from offshore to intercontinental chamber of commerce.

This is bound to be a complicated and difficult process, and the first obstacle before them is the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and America.

Atlantic Ocean, Sea of ​​Storms...

Among the flagship's sailors, only Lorraine, Yacharin, and Keren had a handful of oceangoing experience. But among the three of them, none of them had personally commanded the crossing operation.

Simply put, in the following actions, everyone is a newcomer at a loss.

This group of newcomers will sail the boundless ocean for a month, and the time will only be lengthened, not shortened.

Food, fresh water, the mental and physical health of the sailors, unexpected situations that may arise along the way, all kinds of things...

In order to take responsibility for their own lives, they need to consider all aspects.

Lorraine thought first of all about sailors.

The full load of the fifth-tier Galenic destroyer is 250 people, and the minimum load is 50 people.

The fewer sailors there are, the more durable they are and the less able they are to deal with danger.

How many sailors should you bring?

After weighing the pros and cons, Lorraine decided to select 150 sailors to board the ship.

This amount takes into account sailing, combat and daily repairs.

The Golden Deer has 40 guns, excluding the bow gun and stern gun, there are 16 guns on each side, of which 10 are 18 pounds and 6 are 12 pounds.

Because they are all advanced flintlock guns, while their shooting efficiency is much higher than that of the Butterfly, the demand for gunners has been reduced.

The 18-pound gun needs 7 gunners, and the 12-pd gun needs 5 gunners. Lorraine prepares 100 gunners, which ensures that the single-sided firepower can be fully fired without affecting the manpower of the ship during the battle.

In the non-combat sailing state, 150 sailors can be divided into six groups, which is enough to ensure sufficient rest and rotation.

After deciding on the number of people, Lorraine began to choose sailors.

The Musketeers of the Butterfly must be brought on board, and the 50 backbone sailors who were used on the Hyacinth are also loyal subordinates who can be relied on, so there are still 60 left...

Lorraine handed over 30 places to Yachalin, and asked him to choose the backbone of the artillery, and the remaining half was recruited by Karen, only sea veterans with ocean experience.

Step two, food and water...

Lorraine called Wang Ye directly, and asked straight to the point: "The Qing Dynasty has a method of pickling vegetables, do you know it?"

Wang also had the expression of seeing a ghost all over his face: "Captain, you are a native English nobleman, how do you even know the kimchi in the Qing Dynasty?"

"Don't worry about where I found out, just tell me, yes or no?"

"Pickled radish, pickled cabbage, pickled cucumber, pickled pepper, although I have never done it, I know how to do it."

"Try it out, prepare a two-month supply for the whole ship, use oak barrels... and green tea, you need to prepare a lot of green tea, not high-grade, all sailors drink it when sailing. Lemon can also be prepared, it is a bit expensive, It is also easy to break, so prepare less..."

Wang also blinked: "Captain, are you going to let the sailors eat fast at sea?"

"These things are the killer of scurvy..." Lorraine paused, and said without confidence, "I heard it from people in Cambridge."

"Cambridge scholars tell you that pickles can cure scurvy?"

"Not only pickled vegetables, but also soybeans. Bean sprouts are cultivated by soaking soybeans in water, which are of high quality and low price."

"Scholars in Cambridge still know how to use soybeans to make bean sprouts? Let me go, do you Baipi Wenquxing?"

Lorraine was driven to a dead end by the sound of soul torture, and became angry for a while, and turned to the sky and scolded: "Cambridge scholars love China, can you control it? Get out!"

Wang also ran away in despair.

He went out, Hannah came in, looked at Lorraine who was blushing strangely, tilted her head and asked: "What is...

What kind of strange jellyfish? "

Lorraine was so teased by Henna that she lost all temper.

"It's okay, why are you here?"

Seeing that Lorraine didn't want to talk about it, Hana didn't ask, and pointed to the hallway and said, "Someone is looking for you."

"Where is Miss Zhenna?"

"Roll rest."

Lorraine shrugged: "What did that man come for?"


"At this moment, apply for a job?"

"Yes, apply."

After a while, Lorraine saw the person who came to apply for the job.

He was carrying a small suitcase, wearing a brown trench coat, and wearing an exaggerated retro wide-brimmed hat tied with a silver ribbon with blue and green feathers on the ribbon.

Lorraine glanced at the resume in his hand, raised his head, and looked directly into those ice blue eyes that couldn't find any emotion.

"Daniel Solander?"


"Your resume says you're Londoner, Catholic, and your specialty is... surgery?"

Daniel silently opened his small suitcase, turned half a circle and showed it to Lorraine.

A license to practice medicine was tied to the upper layer of the suitcase, bearing the seal of the Royal Society of Medicine on the license, demonstrating the superb skills of the licensee's owner.

The lower layer is a stack of bulging leather cases, in which are various shiny scalpels, tweezers, clips and many strange surgical tools.

"It seems that you are well prepared." Lorraine sighed, and continued to look through the resume, "You have excellent medical skills, but in your resume you say that you don't work as a are actually a barber?"

Daniel coolly pulled out a razor from the windbreaker, opened it with a shake of his hand, and wrapped a beautiful knife.

"It's inconvenient to take a bath during the ocean journey, and the sailor's hair is prone to fleas. To deal with this blood-sucking little thing, you need a barber."

"You also know that I want to go overseas..." Lorraine frowned, and turned the complicated resume to the third page. "Mr. Solander, who is versatile, is not only a surgeon and a barber, but also an alchemist?"

"The reincarnated alchemist of the Flamel School, my spiritual mentor is Henry More, and the introductory book is "The Immortal Soul."

"No teacher?"

"After the death of the last sage, I don't think there are enough alchemists in this world to be my mentors."

"Very good." Lorraine closed the resume, and looked at the applicant in front of him with interest who was not enough to be described as arrogant, "Mr. Solander, from the resume, you are very good, and you have two years I have been to Africa. You are as good as you, why did you come to the Drake Chamber of Commerce to apply?"

"Azot and the fifth element." Daniel said softly, "I have searched all the alchemy books I can find, and there are good reasons to think that these two treasures are hidden somewhere in Africa or America. I left empty-handed in Africa. Home, and you are going to America, and you are restless and adventurous."

"It sounds like you know me very well..." Lorraine felt a strong sense of weirdness, and couldn't help asking, "Who introduced you to me?"

"Sir Billy Layton, I was his personal doctor and hairdresser, and he mentioned you to me in a letter not long ago."

"Sir Layton?" Lorraine was surprised for a long time, and suddenly laughed, "Mr. Doctor Daniel Solander, congratulations, you have been admitted."

Lorraine's straightforwardness was completely beyond Daniel's expectations. He raised his eyebrows: "Aren't you going to verify my professional skills?"

"No need. The person who can be valued by my mentor must be a dragon and phoenix among people. I trust his vision."


On January 4, 1779, the Anglo-French post-war negotiations and the first Cantabrian Fair Trade Salon were held in the Southampton Town Hall auditorium.

The English, who occupied the absolute majority, dominated the process of the entire meeting, and the French were defeated for thousands of miles, and finally abandoned the Desai Chamber of Commerce.

All parties at the meeting agreed that the Desai Chamber of Commerce must bear full responsibility for the Cantabrian dispute that lasted for nearly half a year.

He needs to pay damages totaling £68,000 to the damaged English Chamber of Commerce. The Drake Chamber of Commerce received 3,000 pounds of it, and the Minder Chamber of Commerce received more, including two of the three Brigantines captured, and a total of 4,000 pounds in compensation.

This is a huge sum of money at a sky-high price, and the time for compensation must be long.

But Lorraine is not worried that the Desai Chamber of Commerce will not be able to pay enough money.

Because behind the chamber of commerce is the Viscount Desai of Porto, even for the vanity and face of the nobility, he has to grit his teeth and collect all the money until he is bankrupt and the statement is wiped out.

The first salon forum was also a complete success, and an open agreement named "Southampton Offshore Traders' Agreement" was formed.

The Charter of Commerce declared that the Cantabrian route was a route shared by all offshore chambers of commerce, and merchant ships of any nationality should enjoy fair and just treatment on the route.

All private plundering will be regarded as a provocation to the commercial treaty, and will be spurned and condemned by all members of the salon with honor and shame headed by the England Offshore Association.

From Lorraine's point of view, the only valuable words in this business agreement are the words [led by the England Offshore Association].

With this free advertisement, as a permanent member of the Offshore Chamber of Commerce, the Drake Chamber of Commerce will have no disadvantages in the trade throughout Northwest Europe.

The meeting ended successfully after five days and seven discussions. Lorraine officially handed over the business of Northwest Europe and returned to Plymouth with his sailors.

On January 12, 1779, the newly renovated Golden Deer slowly sailed out of the sea test site of Virea Dockyard, and drifted into the wide Plymouth Bay with the waves.

"Pickles, soybeans, green tea, lemons, black bread, pastrami and laying hens. Enough fresh water for two months, and a full fifty barrels of wine..."

"Two volumes of sails, five kilometers of rigging, enough medicine and consumables, ammunition and gold pounds..."

"150 loyal and well-trained sailors, 18-pound heavy guns, seamen with unique skills..."

"Caribbean, I'm ready..."

Lorraine slowly opened his eyes, holding on to the antlers of the bow statue, and stood upright on the bow of the ship against the wind.

He was wearing a windbreaker with a black background and a red belt, and the heavy windbreaker was rattling.

He wore a three-cornered hat inlaid with tortoiseshell pansies, and its colorful crest shone brightly.

He turned to his sailors and shouted: "Ready to conquer the ocean! You... landlubbers!"


"Target the Caribbean Sea! Golden Deer, set sail and set sail!"

[Volume 2, The Privateer of the Northern Sea...End]

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