Rebirth Starts at 7 Million

Chapter 198 Drainage Action

Now the only good news for Penguin is that Xingyuan itself does not pay enough attention to Xingchao, and they do not regard Xingchao as a core industry.

This can be seen from the report that Xingyuan invested in the construction of a cloud service center in its boss's hometown, and spent a lot of money on supercomputers.

As an Internet company, Penguin is also very clear that Xingyuan has a high probability of deploying in cloud computing.

Coupled with the special algorithm of Xingyuan Daily Toutiao, Penguin has already made a rough guess about the development direction of Xingyuan.

They feel that Xingchao is optional for Xingyuan. The reason why Xingyuan is popular is that Xingyuan chooses to develop in the stranger social field that Penguin is not familiar with and the completely blank business social field.

Now Penguin is also preparing to socialize with strangers, which is why wx will be launched. However, under the guidance of Penguin's all-out efforts, the number of users who use wx is only one-third of Xingchao, and the proportion is gradually decreasing. It seems that among the entire mobile phone netizens Groups who have the desire to socialize with strangers are all attracted by Xingchao.

It was pointless for Penguin to invest in Xingchao in order to shake the relevant data of the circle of friends.

Because even if the wx side is also equipped with Shake, the number of users is too small, and many users can't match the people they want.

In this case, users will naturally choose to go back to Star Chat, which further causes the loss of users on the wx side.

At this rate, the penguin's stranger socialization is likely to fail.

And the entire Penguin has nothing to do about it. This situation reminds the executives of Penguin when they started Weibo.

They were faced with a scenario where all users flocked to Sina Weibo. With the loss of users, Penguin Weibo quickly collapsed.

The same situation is happening again now, still in the core social area of ​​penguins, which makes the top management of penguins feel a lot of pressure.

"Sun and Moon"

Because according to the report, when Xingchao first launched Shake, some people found users with the same interests, and many would directly ask for QQ numbers, and then add each other as friends.

This represents the default of "friends", that is, the progress from "strangers" to "friends", and the ratio of adding friends to each other has basically reached more than 90%.

However, with the progress of Xingchao in socializing with strangers, when a person has a few friends with the same interests, it is too cumbersome to let him transfer to Penguin chat one by one. What netizens are most afraid of is trouble.

So, they stayed on Star Chat and started their own small group.

The group chat function of Star Chat is very perfect, and there are all kinds of interesting emoticons. Slowly, users have developed a habit of chatting on Star Chat.

Coupled with the business social networking featured by Xingchao, the bosses of a large number of companies have a more comprehensive way of attendance, and they have gradually become accustomed to using Xingchao.

In this case, many young people who have just graduated, when they go to work, the first thing they do is download Star Chat.

In other words, every year the newly graduated college students are potential users of Star Chat.

"We have to do something, I'm afraid wx will have a big problem if it goes on like this," said President Zhang of the wx team.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to increase the publicity?" asked the person sitting on the main seat.

"You can let the game cooperate with the promotion, such as f."

"Impossible! These two games are the company's basic business, but Penguin games can."

"Then let's play Penguin Games! Can you also cooperate with Penguin Video?" President Zhang continued to ask.

"I'll ask."

Half an hour later, a reply came from Penguin Video, saying that they could cooperate.

Just two days later, wx launched a series of activities. The first is the users of Penguin Games. As long as these users forward the screenshot of the game victory to the circle of friends, they can receive a reward.

In just a few hours, after reposting the screenshot of the victory of Penguin game to the wx circle of friends to receive the reward, it rushed to the top of the hot search on major platforms.

The event is so popular because the rewards given by Penguin are very generous. The main props are q coins, blue diamonds, and Penguin members. These are things that usually cost real money to buy.

And this event is not only this, wx also united with Penguin Video, and also sent relevant screenshots of Penguin Video to the circle of friends, and you can randomly get Penguin Video members for 3-15 days.

Under such vigorous publicity, the number of registered users of wx has risen like a rocket, and the number of registered users has caught up with Xingchao in just one week.

After Xingyuan's executives got the news, they immediately reported to Luo Fan.

Luo Fan was very uncertain about this, because Luo Fan knew very well that the resources behind Penguins far exceeded Xingyuan.

Not to mention other things, the number of their games is dozens or hundreds of times that of Xingyuan.

Penguin directly uses the game team to drain traffic to wx, it's no wonder that users don't increase explosively!

More importantly, Penguin seems to send a lot of things out, but in addition to buying hot searches, almost no cost is paid.

Because most of the rewards sent by Penguin are Q coins, Penguin members, game members, etc. These things are all virtual assets, and Penguin can send as much as they want.

And so many users forwarded the circle of friends, maybe it will attract a large number of new game users.

Of course, Penguin Video is not without its benefits. Today's Penguin Video has only been established for half a year. It can't compare to Youku, Tudou, and iQiyi, and even active users are inferior to Xiaopozhan.

Penguin Video seems to be advertising wx, but in fact it is using wx to drain itself.

With the exception of Xiaopozhan, all major video sites require membership to be free from advertising. Now that everyone knows that there is an opportunity for prostitution, why don't you hurry up and seize the opportunity?

Penguin Video took advantage of this idea of ​​users and attracted a wave of popularity.

The executives of Xingyuan are also very aware of this, Xu Jiale said sourly: "Penguin's operation is really powerful, it has mixed the traffic of several businesses together, drained each other and achieved each other, I am really envious! "

"Penguin is indeed much stronger than us in terms of resources. Just a penguin game, our entire Xingyuan can't compare to others." Cao Shuai also said helplessly.

"Don't be so pessimistic, you two, it's just a matter of how many people they can keep. Our Star Chat now has over 100 million daily active users, and they can't surpass us in a short period of time no matter how much they drain.

And our basic game is not on the star chat, I am right, boss! "Wang Jing said with a smile.

"That's right, the basic idea of ​​penguins is that they can't be disadvantaged in this aspect of social interaction, so that's why they attract people like this. We are different from them."

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