Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

Four hundred and twentieth chapters 3 mountains

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Time passed by like a horse, a day passed in a blink of an eye, and all the interviews that Xia Yu was in charge of were over.


After some interviews, 7 people were finally hired, including Jason Gregg, who was the general manager.


In addition, the other 6 people are high-level positions. As for the subsequent recruitment and replacement of middle and low-level personnel, there is no need for Xia Yu to worry about it, and the company's personnel department will be responsible.


The next day, everyone gathered at Jiuding Securities Company, and then led by Xia Yu, went to Jardine Insurance Consultants Group. To the shock of everyone, Xia Yu changed the top management.


Afterwards, he summoned all the employees to conduct lectures and adjust the division of labor. After a vigorous rectification, Xia Yu's prestige was instantly established, and his control over the company jumped several levels.


After the rectification, Xia Yu called Jason Gregg to his office alone.


"Jason, the company has just been reorganized, and there are still many deficiencies. You must fully check and let the company get on the right track."


"Before that, you should complete the company's name change. The name of Jardine Insurance Consultants Group is no longer needed. The company's name is Jiuding Insurance Co., Ltd."


"Okay, BOSS!"


Jason Gregg responded obediently and had no objection to the name change.


The name change must be done. Even if Jason Gregg stops him because he doesn't understand the situation, Xia Yu will continue to execute it forcefully.


Although Jardine Insurance Consultants Group is an established insurance company, it must have a reputation and brand.


However, the insurance industry is different from other manufacturing and retail industries after all. Although the name change has an impact, it will not be too big.


And there is another most important reason. The old brand of Jardine Insurance is not as famous and credible as the name "Jiuding".


Xia Yu is a proper financial tycoon, and the title of stock god has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with his achievements again and again. By changing the insurance company to Jiuding Insurance, you can enjoy the bonus of the "Jiuding" brand.


The original Jardine Insurance, at most, involves people who have business needs and are able to buy insurance. Many people at the bottom may not know it.


But changing to Jiuding Insurance is different.


The middle and high-level people covered by Jiuding Daily are basically able to buy insurance, and they have high trust in the brand of Jiuding.


If it is those who are temporarily unable to buy insurance, they contact the newspapers of Jiuding Newspaper Company every day. Over time, their trust in the Jiuding brand will reach a very high level. When they have the money to buy insurance, they will be more unfamiliar than others. Insurance companies are naturally more willing to buy insurance from Jiuding Insurance Company.


Another, when Jiuding Bank comes out, together with the original Jiuding Securities, the Jiuding Financial Group formed will definitely become the top comprehensive financial group in Heungkong.


Jiuding Insurance is backed by the well-capitalized Jiuding Financial Group. Customers do not have to worry about insurance claims, and the competitiveness of Jiuding Insurance will skyrocket.


Changing the name is good for both the present and the future. Xia Yu won't change his name unless he's out of his mind.


"Do you have any ideas for the development of the company?"


Xia Yuxiang asked Jason Gregg with a hint of expectation.


Jason Gregg thought for a while and said calmly, "Boss, my understanding of the company's situation is only superficial, and the specific situation needs to be understood in depth to be clear."


"However, according to my idea, the company must first base itself on the life insurance business, which is in the best interest for you, boss. The next level is property insurance, reinsurance and investment. First, stabilize this big and three small structure,

Reuse capital to quickly expand other types of insurance. "


Xia Yu nodded with a smile, Jason Gregg's thoughts were similar to his.


Life insurance must be deeply cultivated, and it must be cultivated to the death to compete for this market as much as possible.


Life insurance is the largest segment of the insurance industry, including term life, whole life, survival insurance, pension insurance, and more.


The second largest in the insurance market is property insurance.


With property insurance alone, it is absolutely impossible to become the world's top insurance company, because the capacity of the property insurance market determines the upper limit, and the other is the issue of the effective period of property insurance, which causes the market share to fluctuate easily.


But life insurance is different. Not to mention the high profits in the market, the most important thing is that life insurance has a long period of time, which can deposit funds. Moreover, if you buy a life insurance, you will not change it. of death.


If you think that insurance companies make a lot of money by collecting premiums, you are wrong!


Don't forget, an insurance company is a financial company!


The most important source of financial resources for insurance companies is actually investment income. The funds of insurance giants can easily be tens of hundreds of billions of dollars, and some can reach hundreds of billions of dollars.


Such a huge amount of funds pouring into the capital market can really stop and kill God and Buddha.


With the capital advantage, if it is matched with a top-level investment operation team, it will really be a heifer standing upside down!


Xia Yu is not lacking in ability, what is lacking is funds. The funds deposited by insurance companies will never be worse than banks, and they have more advantages than banks. Without so many rules and regulations of banks, capital operations are more free.


Jiuding Bank absorbed deposits, Jiuding Insurance deposited a huge amount of funds, Jiuding Securities made public offerings, and money came from three places. Xia Yu's Jiuding Financial Group was able to grow rapidly.


Only his financial core can continuously supply blood to the growing business empire, and the comprehensive anti-risk ability will increase sharply.

"Jason, familiarize yourself with the company's business as soon as possible, and then show me a detailed plan."


"Also, you can observe more about auto insurance. With the rapid development of the global economy, the auto market will maintain high growth for decades. It has great potential, accounting for more than 60% of property insurance. It is possible that now the Hong Kong insurance industry generally does not pay attention to auto insurance, and this is our opportunity!"


Xia Yu ordered, and finally told Jason Gregg.


Jason Gregg was stunned for a moment, a thought flashed in his eyes, and then nodded seriously: "Okay, boss!"


"Okay, you go to work first!"


After sending Jason Gregg away, Xia Yu breathed out a sigh of relief with a smile on his face.




As long as Jiuding Bank, Jiuding Insurance, and Jiuding Securities are integrated to form Jiuding Financial Group, Xia Yu will become the tycoon with the highest financial strength among the Chinese.


And jumped to the fourth place in Hong Kong!


In the Hong Kong financial market, there are only three mountains left over the Jiuding Financial Group.


The first big mountain HSBC!


The second big mountain Hang Seng Bank!


The third big mountain Standard Chartered Bank!


The second Hang Seng Bank is also a holding subsidiary of HSBC. From this, we can also see the power of HSBC as a fragrant ****.


Although Standard Chartered is third, it is still far behind the super giant HSBC.


As for Xiangjiang Bank of China, one of the two giants in the later generations, its strength is not strong at this time. After all, in this year, the mainland really has no money, and there is even less for Xiangjiang Bank of China to use.


In addition, Heung Kong Bank of China has to provide funds for state-owned enterprises such as China Resources.


The real rise of Bank of China in Heungkong will be after the reform and opening up of the mainland.


"In the next days, we will climb the mountain, step by step, until we step on HSBC under our feet!"


"It's a lot of difficulty, but it's fun, isn't it?"


"Ha ha!"


Thinking of the turbulent life in the future, Xia Yu suddenly felt high and laughed lightly.


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