Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2624: 1 point interest

, the fastest update of the peerless waste of rebirth! boom!

In the shocked eyes of everyone, first, there was a vast aura from Miyamoto Taro's body, vigorous and powerful.

He has already cultivated to the realm of the innate peak, and he can break through the golden core with only one opportunity.

Now this opportunity has come.


Thunderclouds gathered in the sky, covering a radius of hundreds of kilometers, towering like a canopy.

He was not the only one, only a moment later, Xiao Qingtian's porch was also suddenly broken open, the true essence in his body like a vast ocean, surging and whirling wildly, and finally turned into a vortex.

The true essence vortex was stacked layer upon layer, condensing a dove egg-sized Yuandan at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yuan Dan's rays of light were extremely dazzling, illuminating the whole body, and even penetrated into the body, making the whole body a golden light.


Thunder smashed to the ground, knocking Miyamoto Taro and Xiao Qingtian into disorientation. When the thunder cloud dissipated, the two men found out that one had certified the sixth-grade Jindan, and the other had proved the fifth-grade Jindan.

There are even more people who have broken the realm of the gods from the realm of transformation, and those who have broken the innate by the realm of the gods.

This huge feast of breaking the customs lasted for several days.

Ye Tian put Qinghan's silkworm cocoon afterbirth in the depths of Beimingdong Mountain, nourished it with the faith of all beings, and asked Xuantian Daojun to help take care of it.

He wants to do something while the combined power of his previous life has not disappeared.


In the depths of the Big Dipper Star Territory, there is a bright star of life, and Dongfang Hao and Xuanjizi are from this star.

In the prosperous period of immortal cultivation before the ancient times, there was a space channel connecting this star and the big star in the middle earth.

In the catastrophe created by the Western civilization outside the territory, many Middle-earth cultivators fled to this star, avoided the disaster, and reproduced.

At this moment, there are not many blood descendants of Middle-earth star living on this star.


Ye Tian waved his hand.

Immediately, a dazzling divine light landed on the big star, condensing into a teleportation formation in an instant.

A void passage runs through, reaching the Middle-earth star several hundred light-years away.

Wave your hands!

And it is a large transmission array between stars and stars.

All the cultivators on the Big Dipper were shocked, this was too heaven-defying.

This is the ability of the true immortals of Hedao, staring at the sea of ​​stars, controlling the universe, and creating a space teleportation array, just a matter of thought.

The creatures of the Big Dipper still didn't know who Ye Tian was, but they all knelt on their knees and worshipped him when they felt the vast energy.

After the Big Dipper, Ye Tian came to Fusang, then Mu Lingxing, Sirius,...

Boom boom boom!

One after another void passages were penetrated, all leading to the Middle Earth Star, the depths of the North Mingdong Mountain.

"Ye, what are you doing?"

Looking at the starry sky passages, the expressions of Beiming's disciples changed.

"Ye Shenjun seems to be opening up the connection between the Middle-earth star and all the life stars in the Middle-earth star field. Does he want the Middle-earth star to reproduce the prosperity of the ancient times of immortal cultivation, and stand proudly at the head of the stars. Foreign monks come to court?"

When the news came out, the stars of Middle-earth were boiling.

How incredible is it to reproduce the grand scene of the prosperous period of immortal cultivation before eternity?

Many cultivators couldn't help but burst with thunder in their hearts.

After doing this, Ye Tian did not return to Middle-earth, but went to a more distant place.

Xuandu Star Domain and Guangxing Star Domain are crusade against the Middle Earth Star, so-called if there is a relationship, he is going to seek some benefits for the Middle Earth Star.


From the eternally silent cosmic vacuum, there is a roar of the avenue.

Ye Tian's whole body is like a chain, and the chaotic energy is like a vast ocean lingering around his body.

If he reached the nine star fields at his previous speed, it would take a year and a half, and now only a few hours have passed, and the Xuandu star field in the nine star fields will arrive.

The Xuandu Star Region is the second largest star region in the nine major star regions, second only to the Guangxing Star Region.

Among them, the Shenyang Star, where the Sun God Dynasty is located, is the core of the Xuandu Star Region.

Even from a long distance, you can feel the exuberant vitality contained in this big star. The waves of spiritual energy are like flares erupting on the sun star, rushing straight into the sky for millions of miles, like angry dragons. Howling.

On this star, a **** can be born!

With Ye Tian's arrival, the entire Xuandu Star Region was shocked, and the Sun God Dynasty of Shenyang Star was even more like a formidable enemy.

It is a pity that the expedition army of the Xuandu Star Region was defeated, and the four transformation gods were killed and injured. The remaining strength faced a true immortal of the right way, like an ant facing an elephant, and there was no power to fight back.

Ye Tian didn't start a killing spree, just excavated several main spiritual veins on Shenyang Star.

The aura is like the sea, washed like waves, and the soup is so vast that it even rushed into outer It is no exaggeration to say that the aura contained in each spiritual vein is enough to kill a life and death star. Create a star of life, not inferior to the star of Middle-earth at the moment.

If all these spiritual veins are penetrated into the depths of the Middle Earth Star, one can imagine how much change it can bring to the Middle Earth Star. Even if it cannot reach the level of the Sun God Star, it will not be too bad.

On that day, after these main spiritual veins were excavated, the tide of the spiritual energy of Yangshenxing had already plummeted, and the spiritual power of the avenue would also decline.

Mining the spiritual veins is the second thing, and Ye Tian's main medicine is still a warning, warning the Xuandu Star Region, the Central Earth Star has a Hedao True Immortal guardian, and if there is any more evil intentions, there is no discussion about destroying the Xuandu Star Region.

With several main spiritual veins excavated from the Yangshen Star in the Xuandu Star Region, Ye Tian walked in the void like a god, hanging on the galaxy, and the bright stars, one by one, quickly retreated.

Soon, he came to another destination, the bright star of the light star field.

This is a star of life that can emit light on its own. It hangs in the dark universe like a brightest night pearl. It is extremely eye-catching and conspicuous.

The Emperor Guangming on the Bright Star received a signal that the Emperor Guangming might fall not long ago. At this moment, the emperor is in the final mobilization, assembling an expedition army that is several times more terrifying than the Xuandu army, ready to go to Middle Saturn Domain to take a look.

When the emperor falls, the matter is very big, you want to see people in life, and you want to see corpses in death.

Of course, more than one Guangming Emperor, dozens of life stars in the entire Guangxingxing domain participated in this expedition.

Looking at the history of the Guangming Emperor, there has never been such a grand expedition.

This is a terrifying force that is enough to easily destroy a galaxy!

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