Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 493 Panic Buying Scene

Hearing that it was the same price as in the store, the beauty-loving girls were tempted.

There are no clothes of this style and color matching in the store, and almost all of them are more or less the same style.

"The price is not expensive, but you don't have so much money with you?" a girl said regretfully.

"If you don't have enough money, you can buy one first, and then you can buy another one later." Her companion also gave him advice.

"I just don't know if there will be more in the future?"

Wan Feng replied immediately: "Yes, I guarantee it. From today onwards, our garment factory will conduct clothing exhibitions in this area every day. However, because the garment factory has just been established and there are few equipment and personnel, we can only produce 30 to 40 pieces a day. If we want to buy, we must See luck."

These girls can only produce so much after listening to it for a day. Even if Huaiyuan County is not big, there are more than 200,000 people.

Since it depends on luck to buy and return in the future, it is better to do it now.


"I'm buying this dress."

"Sister, there is no discount for single-purchase, so I can only charge you four yuan." Wan Feng took a five-yuan note and found a one-yuan change.

There is one person who eats crabs, and the rest of the people have no hesitation. Several people shot at the same time, causing a scene of panic buying.

While the Wen Yu siblings were stunned, the thirty or so pieces of clothing that Wan Feng brought were sold out within ten minutes.

When the last piece of clothing was sold, some people asked unwillingly: "Is there any more? Is there any more for sale tomorrow?"

Wan Feng pretended to be deep: "I don't have it tomorrow, I can't make it, but I will definitely have it the day after tomorrow. If you want to buy it during this time, you can just buy it here."

Many girls left disappointed, but they remembered the day after tomorrow.

Wan Feng stuffed the rope for the clothes into the empty cloth bag and looked back at the Wen Yu siblings: "See? That's how they are sold."

Wen Tan stammered: "How is this possible?"

There is nothing impossible about this.

In the early 1980s, there were countless inexplicable snatching stories.

A few photographers in Kyoto took some random photos for a photo exhibition, and more than 70,000 people went to see it in just a few days.

Pierre Cardin brought western models to hold a fashion show in Shanghai, and some people who couldn't afford the tickets drew their own tickets and went in to see them.

When Ye Yonglie's "Little Smart: Roaming the Future" came out, it was not a novelty to queue up to buy it. What is novel is that even scalpers appeared.

When the movie ban was first lifted, people who were tired of watching crooked model dramas could turn out a movie "The Flower Girl" in Nest County.

What else will not happen.

He just sold a few new styles of clothing that people here have never seen before, what's so strange?

"Okay, we can go back and talk while walking."

The three of them started to walk back, but Wen Yu and Wen Tan hadn't calmed down yet, they were still immersed in the wave of panic buying just now.

"Do you know how many garments I sold?"

That Wen Tan didn't know, he was confused at that time, Wan Feng asked him to watch the stall so that it would not be robbed,

He thought it was a joke, but when the panic buying started, he was completely confused. How could he remember how many clothes Wan Feng brought over.

"A total of thirty-two pieces including clothes and pants, not including the suit I'm wearing." Still a woman was careful,

"I'll give you the suit you're wearing."

"Really!" Wen Yu almost flew into the air in surprise.

"Then Wentan, calculate how much money I have made in this short period of time."

"Each pair of sixteen pairs of trousers earns seven cents, which is ten yuan and twenty cents. Each of the sixteen pieces of clothing earns one yuan and five cents, which is... twenty-four yuan. The total is thirty-four yuan and two cents, ah! You have worked hard for a while The money I earn is almost as much as my dad's monthly salary!"

Wen Tan's eyes were red.

Last month, I owed someone fifteen yuan, and they drove him around the city.

Now, this guy has made nearly 35 yuan in just over ten minutes. He still has no stock in his hands. If he has one, he doesn't know how much he can sell it for.

"Are you still saying that this costume can't be sold? Are you interested in selling it?"

That Wentan looked at his sister.

Wen Yu nodded.

When she figured out that Wan Feng had earned so much money in just such a short period of time, her heart was completely confused.

This money can still be earned in this way, and it is still like running water.

At this moment, she suddenly realized a problem: beauty seems useless without money.

"Follow me to our place tomorrow to pick up the goods. If you really don't have the money, I can give you the first batch of goods on credit. You will be responsible for purchasing the goods back and forth in the future, and your sister and your mother will be responsible for selling them at home. You will find that you have money in a few days." Do you want to do it?"

"Damn it! But I've never traveled far before, so I'm a little scared." The thought of going far away, Wen Tan, felt a little quivering in his heart.

"You are afraid of a ball. Your pockets are cleaner than your face. You look just like that and you are not very educated. Human traffickers at your age don't want you. What are you afraid of? If your sister is afraid of going out by herself, it's okay. Excuse me."

"In the future, when I have money, won't it be valuable to buy goods back and forth with the money?"

"On that day, you will have to run at least two or three times. At that time, you have already stepped out of experience, and you are no longer afraid. Besides, no matter whether you back up at Xiuyan or Goudong from Hongya to Huaiyuan, you can't do it in one day. I'm back, and I have nothing to be afraid of."

That's what Wen Tan thinks about.

"Then I'll ask my mother at night. If she doesn't pay for the first shipment, she can only pay on credit."

Wentan's mother saw the bag of clothes that Wan Feng had brought. She watched Wan Feng and his son and daughter go out with the bag on their backs. When they came back, they only saw the empty cloth bag.

When the daughter and son told about Wan Feng's grand occasion of selling clothes on the street, they couldn't close their mouths in surprise.

It can be seen that she is a woman with a strong backbone, a woman whose husband does not come back several times all the year round, if there is no backbone, the family might have broken up long ago.

She firmly supports her son and daughter, but she is not at ease when her son goes out alone for the first time. She wants to take a look with her, even if it will cost an extra six yuan for travel expenses.

The next day, the Wentan mother and son followed Wan Feng on a journey, and after a day's journey, they arrived at Wahou at around three o'clock in the afternoon.

When they saw the scale of the garment factory, their expressions were like other people who came to Luan's for the first time, they were beyond shocked.

That Wentan's mother was very courageous, she took more than 50 sets of clothes when she came there for the first time.

In the evening, Wen Tan's mother arranged to stay at Luan Feng's house, and Wen Tan followed Wan Feng to Wan Feng's grandma's house to live with Wan Feng.

Wan Feng also showed Wen Tan the electronic watch, and told him that he would approve the electronic watch for sale after he had some experience in selling clothes.

Unsurprisingly, Wen Tan was surprised again.

The next morning, Wan Feng took their mother and son to the passenger terminal by motorcycle.

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