Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 376: An Engineering Problem Solved in 3 Words and 2 Languages

"We came to work with you, this unit is not the right one, and the procedures seem to be inconsistent?" Zhou Bingde made up such a sentence after a long time.

"Now the construction fund for the project is in our hands, more than 10,000 yuan. You go back and check it out. If it's okay, take it over and do us a favor." Wan Feng's answer seemed a little bit wrong.

The problems mentioned by Zhou Bingde will eventually fall on the money, and it has nothing to do with the inconsistency of the corresponding procedures of the unit. If the money goes well, the rest will be floating clouds, and they will solve it by themselves.

You can come under the guise of supporting the basic construction of poor and lower-middle peasants' farmland.

What Zhou Bingde meant was money, and they would never come without money, even if he was willing to have hundreds of people in the engineering team, and he couldn't pay for them himself.

"I'll go back and do some calculations, and I'll write to you the day after tomorrow at the latest, and you can take me to the scene later to have a look."

In a few words, the official business is over, and the following is pure drinking and eating.

After toasting a glass of wine, Wan Feng said to Zhang Hai: "Will you preside over the appointment after dinner?"

Whether it is building a house or buying a house, a notarization procedure must be carried out afterwards. The team leader and some respected people are invited to sit together and write a contract. The popular name in the rural areas of southern Liaoning is contract writing.

Zhang Hai nodded.

"After dinner, I'll accompany my godfather to the construction site. I won't go there if I write an appointment. You can just write it. The name of this house must be written with my aunt's name. If Jiang Jiatong disagrees, don't worry about him."

If the head of the house writes Wan Feng's aunt's name, the Jiang family will definitely have opinions, but they have to bear with them.

"Can this work?" Zhang Hai asked with a frown. At this time, there has never been such a thing in the countryside where the head of the household writes a woman's name.

"I built the house with money. This is a dowry I gave to my aunt. Of course, my aunt's name must be written, otherwise I have to write my name. If the Jiang family wants to write the names of the Jiang family, it is fine. I gave me the money for the house, not much, so far I have spent three hundred yuan."

Three hundred yuan was an unimaginable figure to build a house before it was finished.

If you build three small thatched cottages with a smaller room collar, two hundred yuan will be out of the pot, and if you build four or five rooms, three hundred yuan will also reach the level of occupancy.

And this house is now 300 yuan, which is equivalent to pulling out a tube, and the inside is still empty.

Zhang Hai thinks about the same thing, this house has been built by Wan Feng from the beginning to the present, and the Jiang family probably has never even seen it except Jiang Li.

Xia Qiulong was amazed at the dowry that seemed to give his aunt a house, but the dowry said: "Fuck, give a dowry and a house, your uncle is really lucky."

"This house costs three hundred yuan now? Then how much did you pay to build it?"

Wan Feng thought about it for a while: "The house is not tidied up at all, not even the solid walls. When the house is tidied up, the roof will be covered with tiles, and the courtyard wall will be covered before digging a well. It is estimated to cost 500 yuan."

Xia Qiulong and the others clicked their tongues.

It was past twelve o'clock after dinner, and Wan Feng accompanied Zhou Bingde down Nanshan Mountain to the construction site where the commune construction team had withdrawn.

The commune construction team has been here for more than 20 days, and has done the foundations of the east and north factories. The foundations of the buildings have only been dug out and not filled.

"This is the location of our industry in Wahou, and it is also the driving force for Wahou to take off in the future. In the future, many industrial products will be produced from here to meet social needs."

Zhou Bingde walked around the 40-meter-long and 35-meter-wide site with his hands behind his back, and Wan Feng introduced him while walking with him.

"It takes a lot of investment to start an industry. Do you have that much money?"

"We are a pilot unit for the re-opening of the Warrior Commune. The equipment for the factory is provided by the higher-ups. We raise the money for building the factory ourselves, but the labor costs are paid by the higher-ups."

"That is to say, in your industry, except for the material cost of building the factory, you pay for it yourself, and the rest is paid by the higher-ups?"

"As a pilot unit for re-opening, we must have some preferential policies."

Zhou Bingde nodded: "That's right, that's right. It seems that if we don't accept your job, it will be obstructing reform and opening up."

"Hey, it's still godfather that you have a high awareness."

"It's useless to talk less, tell me how much is the manual cost of building this factory?"

"Ten thousand, originally it was ten thousand and two hundred, and the two hundred were consumed by the commune's construction team."

Originally there were 12,000 yuan left in the construction cost, of course Wan Feng couldn't give all of it to Zhou Bingde, why shouldn't he save some, a fool would give it all to others.

Zhou Bingde calculated and nodded.

"If you are all prepared, we can set up the shelves in the first year. When is the Spring Festival next year?"

"New Year's Eve, February 4th."

"Suppose we go to work on the 15th day of the first lunar month, and there is still a month until late March. That's enough. Maybe half of this building can be built for you by then."

"We can also provide some mechanical equipment support, such as concrete mixers and hanging pans, etc., which will greatly shorten the construction time of the first building."

If you don't sell a few blenders at this time, wouldn't it be two hundred and five.

"Can you produce a mixer? And a hanging pan?"

In the 1980s, the method used to transport materials upstairs was to build a stair-like scaffolding, and all the building materials used were poured up through this scaffolding layer by layer.

It is not only a waste of manpower, but the efficiency is not high.

"This is not a problem. If you need me, I will produce a lot of construction machinery. If you get me a chain-track tractor, it's not a big deal for me to change you a bulldozer."

Except that they can't build the excavator, if the conditions are ripe, it will not be a problem for him to build a forklift.

Zhou Bingde took a good look at Wan Feng: "Your boy is really not easy. Fortunately, my eyes are still good. No matter how much you earn, we will take over the job. Just let the third team come over and do it. They will come in the day after tomorrow. Oh, what a shame! Is food and accommodation also a problem?"

Since construction is going to be here, it is natural to set up camp here.

"We can go out for the cooks, but you have to figure out what to eat, and you can only live in the team headquarters. There are sixteen rooms in our team headquarters, including wing rooms, that should be accommodated."

There are six main rooms in the team headquarters of the Wahou team, and five rooms on the left and right side rooms. Except for the four rooms in the warehouse and the smashing point, the rest of the houses are filled with messy things that can be poured out and put on a simple kang There is a stove in the house that can accommodate seventy or eighty people.

"Okay, then it's settled. You pay for the cooks, and you also pay for the wages. We are responsible for the food and heating expenses."

In fact, it doesn’t cost much for heating, and construction can no longer be done in the winter and twelfth lunar months, and heating only lasts for two months.

After the matter was finalized, Wan Feng bought some roosters and some mushrooms in the village and asked Zhou Bingde to take them back.

Xia Qiulong and the others left together with Zhou Bingde's liberation.

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