Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 109: The Summer Vacation Is Coming

Wan Feng simply gave Luan Feng the remaining tomato and melon.

According to the judgment, the cantaloupe should be unripe, because its top is hard, and there is a high probability that the cantaloupe will be bitter when it is unripe. He really wanted to see Luan Feng's expression and reaction after eating the cantaloupe.


"Bah bah! This cantaloupe isn't ripe yet, it's still bitter." The cantaloupe was thrown away by Luan Feng, and her face wrinkled into a bitter melon look under the light of the screen.

Wan Feng held back his laughter and pretended nothing had happened, but his body couldn't help shaking.

Luan Feng finally found out that Wan Feng was gloating secretly, so she reached out and grabbed Wan Feng's arm: "Bad guy! Lie to me!"

At this moment Wan Feng's heart suddenly rippling like water, he recalled every bit of ambiguity between him and Luan Feng during the two years he stayed here in his last life.

He was indeed an ignorant boy at that time, and he knew nothing about men and women.

It's true that he often played and went crazy with Luan Feng at that time, and Luan Feng loved to bully him, especially when she was playing with water at the old road in summer, there was never a time when she didn't water herself.

He even blushed with Luan Feng several times because of the watering.

But every time after blushing, she was the one who took the initiative to look for him, never for more than a few hours, and then played and fell out again...

until one day.

At that time, he spent his own money to buy a little book called "The Earth Cannon Brigade", which was borrowed by Luan Feng that day.

When the comic book was returned two days later, he found a pattern on the blank page at the back of the comic book.

It was a picture frame of flowers and branches drawn with a dipped pen. The frame was neatly drawn, and there were two characters in the frame: Feng and Feng.

Those two characters are painted like two villains huddling together, as if they are hugging each other for warmth...

At that moment, he in the previous life seemed to understand something but didn't understand anything.

In this life, Luan Feng is still the passionate Luan Feng, but Wan Feng is no longer the ignorant Wan Feng.

Although he is still thirteen years old, he knows everything.

But can he say it?

He knows Luan Feng's future, this rebirth can change his own destiny, but can he change the destiny of others?

Those two characters squeezed together like villains appeared in front of Wan Feng's eyes, his eyes suddenly became sour, and something called tears almost burst out of his eyes, but he restrained them vigorously.

If these two words still appear in this lifetime, will he accept it?

After pinching Wan Feng twice, Luan Feng found that Wan Feng didn't react as usual, and seemed to be deep in thought.

She took Wan Feng's arm lightly, and tentatively leaned her head on Wan Feng's shoulder.

The world seemed to have come to a standstill. In Luan Feng's hallucination, there were flying flowers flying in the sky. In the whole world, she and him were the only ones cuddling together, as if time had stopped...

Of course time will not stop. Anyone who wants to stop time is dreaming. No matter what major events happen in this world, time will not stop.

Wan Feng paid three yuan for the rooster that was promised to the fox fairy, and sent it to the fox fairy cave at noon the next day.

The fox fairy didn't know whether he ate Wanfeng or not. He sent the rooster to the stone platform at the entrance of the main cave and he came back. The fox fairy neither saw off the guest nor kept him.

Afterwards, his life fell into a routine again, and Wan Feng still spent his life following the two-point line from his grandma's house to school, day by day.

Luan Feng also lives between two points and one line, but her two points and one line is from her home to the supply and marketing cooperative in Gushan Commune.

Sometimes at night Luan Feng would go to the beach to watch Wan Feng practice, and sit quietly watching Wan Feng rolling all over the ground, just like a virtuous wife.

Time just flowed away quietly like the calm Inna River, and July came quietly in a blink of an eye.

During this period, Wahou also quietly changed,

All the production focus of the Wahou team has been shifted to the brick and tile factory.

Zhang Hai divided the commune members into two, some older people were responsible for the work in the farmland, and the young and strong people were concentrated in the brick and tile factory.

After countless experiments, cement tiles finally determined the final best formula, and also produced some products, but the output was not large because there was no market for the time being.

The red brick kiln was installed for the first time on June 20th, and a grand opening ceremony was held before the installation.

Amidst the sound of firecrackers, the brigade captain and brigade secretary jointly cut the ribbon for the brick kiln.

Wan Feng became the commander in chief on the opening day of the kiln because he had done the work of installing and exiting the kiln in his previous life. Others pushed the two-wheeled cart full of water billets into the brick kiln, and he laid down the first water billet.

Then, under his precepts and deeds, five great laborers who were in charge of loading and unloading the kiln filled the small kiln in one day.

Then there is ignition and firing.

Firing a kiln is also a technical task. When to add media to the kiln and how much to add at a time has a lot of knowledge.

Although this Wan Feng is not very proficient, he still understands a little bit. He can only tell the kiln burners the general process. As for how to be proficient, they have to figure it out slowly by themselves.

On July 9th, after the school finished the final exam, it officially started the summer vacation.

Wan Feng came to Xu Bin's house with his schoolbag on his back. He packed about seventy comic books into the schoolbag. He wanted to use these comic books for other purposes.

He left the remaining more than 80 comic books to Xu Bin to manage, and promised that his family would get one-third of every comic book rented out during the summer vacation.

He has other plans for this summer vacation. He didn't have time to take care of the villain book, so he entrusted Xu Bin with full authority.

In the evening Zhu Ping stopped Wan Feng who was going to practice boxing by the river.

"Zhang Hai asked you to come over at night and said that he wanted to discuss something with you."

Hearing that Zhang Hai called him Wan Feng, he frowned. He could figure out with his knees that there must be nothing good, but he still had to go. Who made himself a shareholder of the brick and tile factory now.

Following Zhu Ping, he stepped into Liang Wan's house again.

Liang Wan's family Wan Feng remembered that he hadn't been here for more than a month, and his two cheap sisters-in-law were eager to see him.

It's a pity that Wan Feng didn't have chicken feathers on his body. In order not to bear to see the tears of the two sisters-in-law, Wan Feng gave each of them a five-cent coin to keep the two little guys from crying.

Of course, Liang Hua didn't. Although Liang Hua didn't feel hostile to him after that conversation, he also didn't have much enthusiasm.

Although the two of them are not strangers in the class, they are also inseparable from each other.

"Call me husband and I'll give you a dime." Wan Feng said to Liang Hua who seemed to be envious.

"What is the husband?"

Wan Feng slapped his head. Husband will be called at least twenty years later. Of course Liang Hua doesn't know.

"Husband is my own man, meaning husband." Wan Feng explained patiently.

"Bah! You dare to say that, but be careful, I'll tell Erhou to let her cut you to death."

Wan Feng was taken aback, what the fuck, the rumors about him and Luan Feng came out?

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