Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 2 Chapter 20: Talk to the undead

   When the undead are killed, the negative energy that maintains their activities will escape. The negative energy of some powerful undead can overflow out of the body. If the person fighting with it comes in contact with it, it will cause harm to the body.

   However, even if fossil energy is ignited, it can still be lethal.

   Then, with the same lethality, can these so-called negative energies be used like fossil energy?

As long as you understand the characteristics of the undead, you will find that the use value is very high. As long as the undead has negative energy, it is a "creature" that can continue to move without being exhausted. The conversion of a certain amount of negative energy into damage value will be very limited, but the conversion The kinetic energy is completely unlimited.

   Then, as long as there is a profession that can control the irrational low-level undead, it is not impossible for the undead to do the same work as the living.

In this world, it is the basic theorem that the living will eventually transform like the undead, but the undead hates the living instinctively, and will attack the living indiscriminately before the undead upgrades to regain their pre-alive mentality. As a result, the living must bother to purify the corpse. , Or regularly clean up the undead in cemeteries and battlefields, temples, guards, and adventurers make a lot of money on this.

If the negative energy can be controlled and used reasonably, it may be helpful for coordinating the relationship between the living and the dead, and it can also solve some social division of labor. The undead is very suitable for repetitiveness under command before regaining the pre-mortem consciousness. High mechanical work, and the survivors can engage in more other occupations-although there is often a shortage of talents with high-end occupations, it includes the high cost of education, and the reason why most people cannot read books is inside.

   See if we can use the non-fatigue feature of the undead to generate income for nothing, and use it to subsidize the cost of learning for the living.

  Crown Pith can only think of this at best, she doesn't know how to execute it, she is not a politician. Brain Bu Nao Bu just do these things casually, after all, there are not enough people on his side that can easily follow the orders of human thinking.

   Now Kraunpith’s main focus is still on the Rune.

   After all kinds of studies and questioning the dwarves, Crown Pith learned that the talent of dwarves for forging and enchanting is not so much less than that of magic casters, it is better to say that these people are actually included in magic casters. In the dwarf culture, there are magic talents, and the preferred profession is of course an enchanter who is complementary to the forge of forging equipment. Therefore, there are many dwarven forging enchanters, but there are very few magic casters who can fight. They can use the third. There are actually only three dwarves in the entire country with rank attack magic.

   That’s right, there are really three! No one above this. Unless the dwarves who had chatted with Kraun Pace lied collectively.


   But for the dwarves who have been mainly relying on manufacturing equipment to improve combat effectiveness and maintain national defense, there is no problem with this model.

   is that during this period, the imperial magic material enchanting technology squeezed the rune enchanting technology of the rune, which caused a headache for the dwarf's rune enchanter.

Speaking of it, it’s not bad to lay hands on the forge or leave some rough work in related industries to the undead, such as mining and transportation, to free these dwarves from unskilled work and spend more time learning forging technology. And enchanting technology to increase productivity............

   Does it seem to think too far?

   Kraun Pith was still thinking about the undead with the dead envoy and the vampire.

   "Anyway, that's basically it. If this is also considered evil, then I can only-uh, speechless. Um, that's it."

   At least, Crown Pith would not say "I am a harmless slime...fairy" like that.

   "In order to do these experiments, how many villages were attacked and how many innocent lives were hunted?"

   "Huh?" Kraun Pith didn't expect the other party to ask this for a while. No, this question is actually very reasonable.

But I can’t blame Klauen Pess. She has never directly given orders to slaughter the village. With the character of the fairies, there is nothing to do and go to the village to bloodbath, but with the warlike character of a part of the fairies, she chooses. It is not surprising that disputes arise, and then conflicts accumulate and eventually develop into massacres everywhere?

Klauen Pith just thought, no, he was bewildered by the appearance of the "living hands" that were loyal to him as his summoning unit and turned into according to his own preferences. The bones of those fairies are undoubtedly the same kind of monsters. It's not the innocent fairy in the fairy tale, obviously Crown Pith has understood it a long time ago, but he didn't bother to think about it before.

   "Please wait a moment." Crown Pith put her hand on her head, "[Message]]."


   Time goes back a bit, Abelion Hills, Demi Village——

   One by one, the dead spirits are drifting or passing between the simple sheds and thatched houses that have become deserted. They don't need to detour, they can pass through.

Inside the house, the big goblin is carefully collecting the items of the demihumans. In this hilly, the goblin’s daily necessities are "captured" and [low-level item creation Luno pays little attention to these things-trees The fairy can survive with sunlight and water, but for Cirno, it is better if the temperature is lower.

Because the summoned tree monster has creation magic, one of the three summoned units also has creation, so there is no need to worry about items. However, maintaining items consumes magic power, so they only use this magic if they only have low-level creation abilities. Maintain the clothes on your body. Try to do so if you can get other things from the demi village.

   The big fairy found a container and small knives with better workmanship than what he currently uses, so he took the poor-quality containers and worn-out knives out of his small shoulder bag and threw them away, and put them in relatively new ones. This satchel is a storage item but not an infinite backpack. The space is not so large, and some space must be reserved for unexpected events. The big goblin has always done a good job of his own planning.

   "Hey, Dosan, see what I found!" Winkaworth ran to the door and dragged something to show off to the big goblin.

   "Oh, what a big bow. Or a magic item?"

   "Well, it turned out to be a village of ogres and trolls, so there is such a big magic bow, so you can actually pick up such a good thing. They didn't take it away when they fled."

   "Okay? That—"

   "It's incomparable to the magic of Dojang, but at least it's better than bare-handed. This one can blow up the boulder. I am really good at attacking magic with only one first-level magic."

The former race of Winkaworth is just a plant-based monster that is purely used to flatten A. Therefore, even if the Dryad generally directly gives the tendency of magic casters, Winkaworth is also numerically biased towards the physics department, and the magic is poor. With weapons, it couldn't be better.

(to be continued)

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