"He Mingyi!"

Shouting He Mingyi's name loudly became a standard part of cheering.

The name echoed throughout the arena.

The whole internet is in a frenzy!

Almost everyone who was watching the Olympic live broadcast cheered at this moment.

The 100-meter sprint used to be a weakness of the national team, but He Mingyi suddenly appeared, and this weakness is no longer a weakness.

Since He Mingyi started to show his prominence in the international arena, he has not missed out on the gold medals he has participated in. He has won all of them, breaking records again and again, and He Mingyi is only 18 years old this year!

He Mingyi is the pride of the country and the people of the whole country.

Watching the Olympic Games on the holographic network, the tense and enthusiastic atmosphere of the stadium can be clearly felt, which is not much different from sitting in the stadium.

"It's so exciting! From the moment He Mingyi started running, I was so nervous that I couldn't breathe!"

"It's all the same. I know that He Mingyi will definitely win the championship, but I'm still nervous."

"Don't be too happy watching the game on the holographic network. I am too wise to return to China before the opening of the Olympic Games."

"Who made it so that only our country can use the holographic network. Oh, watching those foreign people speak sour words on the old network is one of my leisure activities."

Two years ago, the holographic network was opened, and the whole people entered a new era.

The previous network was a platform and tool for information exchange, but the holographic network is more than just that. It can be regarded as a brand new world existing in another dimensional space.

Entering the holographic network, you can fly, teleport, swim into the deep sea, and walk in the starry sky. All your feelings are transmitted to the real body through brain waves connected to the helmet or holographic cabin, making it immersive.

Watching live events on the holographic network has a greater convenience than in person, that is, you can comment at any time without worrying about affecting yourself and others watching the game.

The moment He Mingyi won the championship, countless voice posts, video posts, and voice-to-text posts were posted in all the Olympics-exclusive discussion communities, which was a new peak since the start of the Olympic Games.

In addition to celebrating He Mingyi's victory, more people expressed their love for He Mingyi.

It can be seen that He Mingyi has won the hearts of the public.

"My Yi Zai Zai is so cute. He won another championship. His dimples are almost drowning when he smiles."

"Ah ah ah, Yi Zaizai looks a little better than last time. He's so handsome that my nose bleeds!"

"His appearance still has room for improvement. Don't forget, his sister is a cousin with a ceiling in appearance."

"By the way, does anyone have any footage of my little cousin in recent years? I'm curious about what she will look like, uh, I mean how beautiful she will become."

"The person who posted the video of blood spurting from the nose, please remember that Yi Zai Zai is your cub, just be a good mother and watch your Zai Zai be beautiful."

"Have you forgotten? The holographic network technology was handed over to the country by my little cousin, but you only discuss my little cousin's appearance in the holographic network."

"Yes, my little cousin's brain is her greatest beauty, and He Mingyi was trained by her. The smart watch used for national professional sports training is just specially developed by my little cousin for He Mingyi. .”

"What kind of fairy parents are He Mingyi's parents? Both his daughter and son have become extraordinary people."

"I laughed when I thought of He Mingyi's interview when he won the national championship for the first time a few years ago. The reporter asked him if he had dreamed of winning the championship since he was a child. As a result, He Mingyi said no, saying that his childhood wish was to be like his parents. , as a second-generation ancestor, the reporters even laughed."

"Someone has already revealed that my little cousin's dream in life is to be a second-generation ancestor."

"Hahahaha, please give the country a dozen more second-generation ancestors like this."

None of the He family went to watch the game live. They all thought it was more interesting to watch the game on the holographic network.

They were not surprised that He Mingyi won the championship, but they were happier than anyone else.

He Jincheng and Ji Meiqing received countless congratulatory messages, and the visiting posts were so dense that their home on the holographic network was filled to the brim.

They turned on the filtering process, and there were still a lot of posts left. This makes them dare not open the door to let people out.

However, He Jincheng and Ji Meiqing enjoy it. They have a son who is a world champion, which makes them proud.

Their daughters dominate the world of science and technology, and their sons dominate the world of sports. Who knows how they feel when they are praised to the point of dizziness? Who understands? No wonder old men like to hear flattery, they love it very much, but what they like is true flattery, for example, the most beautiful parents of the world champion.

Needless to say, my daughter can dominate the world of science and technology for her whole life just by relying on the holographic network.

There is a problem with his son. He Mingyi said at the beginning that he would retire and go home after winning the World Championships and Olympic Games, and they agreed.

At that time, they did not expect that He Mingyi could really do it. They admitted that they were not optimistic about their son at the time because his son had not grown up in anything since elementary school. They thought what their son said was one of the children's ever-changing ambitions and did not take it seriously. .

The more championships their sons win, the more distinguished they are as parents.

He Jincheng: "It's a pity that my son has retired. He is only 18 years old and the best time for athletes has just begun."

Ji Meiqing: "Winning glory for the country is the duty of every citizen, and sons must fulfill their duties."

He Jincheng: "As parents, we cannot hold our sons back. We want our sons to put down their burdens and continue to contribute to the country's sprinting career."

Ji Meiqing: "It is not easy for the country to train him. His son cannot live up to the country's hopes."

The two of them looked at each other and had the same mind: they could not let their son retire.

It's just that my son is older and it's hard to fool him anymore.

The two of them turned their attention to Yuhua.

"Daughter, do you think it would be better for Mingyi to continue to be an athlete?" Only a daughter can control her son. Without the supervision of his daughter, his son would have given up long ago and would not have become a champion.

Zi Hua already knew why He Mingyi suddenly wanted to be the world champion when he was eleven years old. He was deceived by He Jincheng's pretense.

Now that the two of them are addicted to being champion parents, there is no way they are willing to let He Mingyi retire.

Facing such parents, Zihua could only nod.

She has improved He Mingyi's physique to a big level over the years, and he still has potential to be tapped.

"What you promised at the beginning was that he would retire after winning the sprint championship, stop running, and switch to other sports to win championships."

He Jincheng and Ji Meiqing's eyes are sparkling. This is great. The titles of parents who are cross-event champions are more impressive than those who are single champions.

After returning home with the championship medal, He Mingyi heard the bad news that his desire to retire was rejected by his family.

He Jincheng had a heart-to-heart talk with him between father and son, "Son, I'm only a sprint champion, no way. Dad wouldn't fool you, you are so old, you can't fool you even if you want to, can you? What is your sister's height? What is your sister? Her brother, you can’t be too far away from your sister.”

So He Mingyi began his road to cross-event championships.

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