Primordial Sequence

Chapter 52 Cursed Fox

The aroma of food filled the air, Enli and Nim were still talking about all kinds of injustices, and Kamius expressionlessly put away the dishes and prepared to meditate and sleep.

"Enli, listen to me. I learned from an underground gang member that some foreign nobles have contacted powerful organizations. Maybe there will be changes in Caddick City."

"What powerful organization?"

"I don't know...but this is an opportunity, isn't it? Mr. Camus, what do you think? You are a powerful transcendent, and you must have your own information channels."

Camus was lazily leaning on the bed. When he heard the sound, he turned around and saw two people looking at him expectantly.

"Um...I don't know, I haven't heard anything about it."

Enli looked at Camus with envy, "It is said that the potion on the underground black market has been sold for 50 gold coins a bottle, and it is often unavailable. Mr. Camus must be the best gentleman."


Just when Kamius was thinking about how to answer, Dina walked in wearing a seductive white uniform. The nurse behind her was carrying a tray of medicine. When she saw Kamius, she stuck out her pink tongue and licked her lips. Kamius instantly He heard the saliva of the kobold next to him.


"Mr. Camus, your medicine is here. It is a mixture with the "potion of life" added. I believe it will bring you a satisfactory result."

Looking at this vampire who always made him feel a little weird, Camus applied mental power to his eyes and looked over expressionlessly.


After seeing Dina's true face, Camus' eyes jumped. In his eyes, Dina turned into a fox in a white uniform. She had thick white hair and an amber pupil in the middle. Small red vertical pupils, petite and cute triangular white ears are trembling, there are some white beards on the smiling face, and some extremely beautiful silver-white runes appear on some exposed skin from time to time. The whole person exudes A hazy sense of beauty.

Seeing this bizarre situation, Camus' eyes flashed and he looked at her calmly, "Oh, thank you Dr. Dina, you are such a good lady."

"Really?...I hope you think so in the future."

Dina put the medicine aside, sat next to Camus, and put her face close to her. Suddenly, a seductive body fragrance hit her face. Camus looked at her warily, thinking about countermeasures.

"I didn't expect that you only used your "eye of truth" until now, Mr. Camoo."

Camus' eyes drooped slightly, without saying a word. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the clothes on the side, which contained the pistol that Casca gave him.

Ms. Dina saw someone next to her and gently touched Kamius' ear.

"I think the pistol in your clothes will be of no use to me. I am not your enemy, dear Mr. Makeup Artist."

Hearing her sultry tone, Camus looked at her calmly. "What do you want from me? I don't think you have that much free time? How about everyone getting along well? I don't know anything."

Dina smiled and shook her head, took out a bronze badge from her arms and handed it to Camus.

Kamiao took a look and saw that there were two inverted triangles opposite each other in black and white on the badge. There was a book under the inverted triangle with some incomprehensible "hieroglyphs" written on it.

"We, the Freemasonry, invite you to join us, Mr. Makeup Artist of Sequence Two."


Dina threw the badge to Kamius, "At nine o'clock on Sunday night, the moonlight shines on the earth, and the "activation space" of the Catic City Railway Station will be opened. When you hold this badge and pass the wall's approval, you will know everything. "

Kamiao squinted his eyes and looked at Dina beside his ear, "Why did you choose me? What will happen if you don't join?"

Dina's eyes exuded a faint fluorescent light, "Sequence 2 is a special talent. In the entire Drav Republic, there are currently thirteen "make-up artists" alive including you. We need you," Mr. Relimon Kamio ".

"Of course, if you don't want to join, we won't force you to join, but our "Freemasonry" has the follow-up potion of "Makeup Artist", and it is the third stage of potion."

Camus shook her head and whispered into her ear, "Can you let me think about it? I'm curious, what is your relationship with the "Dark Abyss Council"?"

Dina raised her lips, "We are not cultists, we are just a group of aliens who pursue the truth, a group of friends who explore "secret philosophy", a group of engineers who study the "origin of life", and a group of pursuers who interpret "sequence freedom"."

Kamiao thought to himself, this introduction seemed very remarkable, he should go back and ask Susie, maybe he knows.

"Thank you, Ms. Dina, no... it should be an unknown lady, I will seriously consider it."

Dina gently sniffed Camus' face, "The real Komo Dina should be sleeping in her mahogany coffin. She has lost some delicious vitality, but she should be fine. I believe she will wake up tomorrow. , what I’m telling you is what I read in her blood. My name is Ti Launa, from the “cursed fox tribe”. If you have any questions, you can find me inside the “activated wall.” "

"Well... In addition, there is nothing wrong with your potion. If you are worried, you can use the "indication prophecy method" to predict it. This is your Sequence Two's best skill. Goodbye, lovely Mr. Relimon Camio. "

"Are you waiting for me on purpose?"

Just as Laura was about to leave, she heard Camus' question behind her. She stopped, pointed to the mirror next to her, and leaned into Camus' ear. "You are not the only makeup artist. You share the right of the mirror, which means that you can see each other. When you advance, the "Faceless Man" of the "Freemasonry" has already seen you."

"If you have nothing else to do, I'll leave first. I believe we will meet again one day."


Kamiao frowned when he heard the news and looked at the mirror next to him. For the first time, he knew that the makeup artist had "shared mirror rights."

The thought of someone peeping at her in the mirror made Camus feel bad. She picked up the clothes next to her and covered the mirror before letting out a deep sigh.

"Higher races are good. I didn't expect that Mr. Camus would be favored by a beautiful doctor."

Lion Enli nodded in agreement upon hearing this, "I said that Mr. Camus must be the best gentleman. Only in this way can he be so favored."

Camus smiled and said, "Sorry, I have to go out for a while, so you can chat."

After leaving the door, Camus looked at the empty corridor and took a deep breath.

Instructions? There is no such method in elementary media theory. It seems that I still have to learn a lot. I don’t want to stay in this damn world for a moment. I thought that I could control my own destiny after being promoted, but I didn’t expect that it was all fake. I live It's really scary.

Thinking of this, Camus punched the wall, his eyes bloodshot, "Go home, I have to find a way to go home, no matter what the price."

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