Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 803 Important matters other than being handsome

Kanto region, Rainbow City, inside a family restaurant.

"Sister Xiaolan, it's possible that Eminem suddenly awakened some fairy-type ability, right?" Conan made a clear voice from the side.

"Eh? Is that possible?" Xiaolan frowned and questioned.

Conan, however, did not believe that Sonoko's "symptoms" of blindness could suddenly become so serious, and specifically explained: "I have seen it on TV. It is said that many fairy trainers will become handsome after awakening their special abilities! "

"It's a pity that I didn't take a screenshot just now, otherwise I could show it to you..." Yuanzi was worried about gain and loss at this time.

"Oh? You can't wait to find him? Well, where are they now?" Xiaolan asked in a pretentious manner.

"Huipi Town on Manjin Peninsula." Yuanzi said quickly.

"Huipi Town..." Xiaolan hesitated when she heard this - obviously she also knew about Huipi Town!

Xiaolan was not very afraid of insects, but she didn't feel comfortable either.

"It may not be too late for us to go to Huipi Town now. Their next stop should be Super Town...but there is no airport there." Yuanzi thought about it.

But Xiaolan immediately said: "Super Town? Farewell!"


Xiaolan would never go to Super Town or anything like that.

Although it is called "Super" Town, the town is surrounded by "Ghost Forest" and is rich in [Ghost-type] Pokémon.

Because there are too many [Ghost-type], they always play tricks and confuse the people around them, so [Psychic-type] Pokémon are needed to guide the way, and then the people around them get used to interacting with [Psychic-type] Pokémon. They became partners, so the name "Super Town" came into being...

Compared to the [Insect Type], Xiaolan and the [Ghost Type] are completely incompatible, especially in places where there are many [Ghost Type]. Among all kinds of strange stories, there are often many rumors of real "ghosts" haunting them.

Xiaolan will never go to Super Town!

On the other side, in the town of Jupi.

After the phone call between Eminem and Yuanzi, although he was wondering why Yuanzi's reaction was smaller than expected, he didn't really care about it at first, so he quickly put it behind him and started writing "Ability Development Diary"...

Well, after being promoted, Eminem began to systematically summarize other "abilities" that he cared about for the first time.

It can be seen immediately that Eminem has been trying to improve his personal "strength in all aspects" and his "trainer compatibility" in recent days.

In terms of strength, Eminem is now full of confidence - with both hands raised and both feet kicking hard, he can win in an arm-wrestle without using skills and without Mega Evolution!

Dali, but the level 68 "Heracross"!

It is a [Fighting-type] Pokémon, and it is also relatively powerful among the Fighting-type Pokémon...

Dali's strength race value is 125 and his level is 68, which can beat Dali in normal state. In other words, Eminem's pure strength index has exceeded 8000, which is already very high among humans. A world-class karate player is just that. this level.

Of course, the actual combat effectiveness is not determined by pure strength index. For specifics... Eminem is going to ask after meeting Xiaolan.

In addition, this "individual strength" is not only "physical strength", Eminem's mental strength has also been greatly improved!

Now Eminem can easily bend spoons with "psychic power" - as long as the spoon is not too hard.

If it's too hard... it won't be that easy.

You can even drive your "mind power" to make yourself slightly levitate a few centimeters if you have a long time to prepare and there is no interference...

In terms of human superpowers, this should also be world-class.

Of course, it can't be compared with Nazi or anything else - there are karate competitions and kendo competitions, but there are no superpower competitions... It's just that the gap between superpowers and superpowers is too big!

In terms of mental strength, there are many people whom Eminem can ask for advice.

Unfortunately, Nazi seems to be busy recently and is not in the service area, and she has not responded to her text message yet.

But Eminem is not too anxious. If it doesn't work, he can go to Hogwarts for advice - magic and spiritual power are also closely related.

In addition, Eminem can also feel all aspects of perception, which is much sharper than before. This wave has greatly strengthened Eminem himself.

If Eminem had enough karate skills and superpower skills, he might be equivalent to an elite-level Pokémon now, and he could even try to be like a fighting master, using no skills on a king-level [fighting-type] Pokémon. In this case, simply practice sparring with the opponent...

As for the compatibility improvement in [Fairy], [Ghost] and [Evil], although it is not as good as the super enhancement of [Poison] described by [Biologist], it is still a big improvement.

Now for Eminem, [Fairy Type], [Ghost Type], and [Evil Type] have undoubtedly surpassed [Ground Type], [Grass Type], and [Poison Type]...

The happiest person is undoubtedly Laoban!

Before evolving into "Banjilas", Laoban was [Rock + Ground], and after evolving into [Rock + Evil]...

That is to say, he first matched up with the previous Eminem, and then with the current Eminem. Eminem, who was originally not very confident about his promotion before March, thought that the level of his old class might fall behind. Now it seems that when it comes to the competition At that time, Laoban's level was probably the highest in the team!

At that time, a level 80 "Banjilas" will definitely kill everyone in the rookie competition.

Another strong competitor is the small plane. As a [Fairy + Flying] Pokémon, the compatibility between "Togekiss" and Eminem has also been greatly improved, but...

In the early stage, the level of small aircraft dropped a bit. After all, there was no earth series that was most suitable for Eminem before.

However, other Pokémon conquered in Johto are unlikely to be able to "take advantage" of Ammu's skyrocketing three-type compatibility - even Kejiu, because it is an "ancient monster" and not a "modern monster". ", so there is no [Evil] attribute.

"Look at it this way, it's really a waste...but it's only one month." Ammu thought and shook his head.

One month to train Pokémon and participate in the Rookie Competition is a bit too hasty, unless there are Pokémon that have a relatively high level of growth and are suitable!

As for the magic potion...or rather the enhancement of the potion, Eminem hasn't been able to try out too much yet. He just used basic materials to refine a batch of potions.

It turns out that the effect of this "enchantment" is very magical - now that Ammu is refining the potion, it will naturally produce "supernatural" extraordinary power, giving the potion special effects, but at the same time... it is often accompanied by side effects.

At present, Eminem is not able to control this inexplicable variable...

The most serious one was when Eminem was refining a potion that stimulated the strength attribute. The resulting reagent could increase the strength attribute to the maximum, but at the same time, it would greatly weaken the physical strength - the entire one-potion version of [Abdominal Drum] , and the side effects are more serious, and the malaise will last for several days.

When the "enchantment" effect is small, there will also be some strange side effects...

Fortunately, Eminem doesn't have to make potions to make money now, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do it!

From this, Eminem also understood the description of the promotion of [Potions Professor] - [Becoming a Master of Potions]. This point should be connected with another description, that is [As a Potions Professor, he can control the side effects of potions and arrange them appropriately. Take】……

Without being able to control this side effect, Eminem will never be able to become a master. But when Eminem can control the side effects, there is no doubt that Eminem is a master of pharmacy!

Rather than becoming a master of potions, it is better to say that it is to become a "qualified potion professor"...

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