"The Wizarding World of Galar...the senior prosecutors of the Quartz Alliance...how did they get involved?" Eminem still thinks this combination is strange.

"Yes, there should be a more in-depth exchange of interests, which I don't know yet, but what I have discovered now involves... well, the smuggling of some dangerous goods." Yingli said, still covering up a little, as if I don’t want my daughter, Eminem and others to know too much.

slim Shady:? ? ?

After hearing this, Eminem was stunned for a moment, then asked tentatively: "The ultimate alien beast material? Is it centered on Enzhu City?"

This time it was Yingli who said in surprise: "Huh? How do you know?"

"When we were in Yuanzhu, we encountered two secondary cases caused by the influx of ultimate alien beast materials into the public. However... as far as I know, the smuggling case of Yuanzhu should be due to an insider within Junsha. " Eminem also felt "what a coincidence" at this time.

"Yuanzhu's Junsha... That should be the bottom line of the prosecutor's high-level development." Yingli did not think that there was anything wrong with her investigation results. Instead, she believed that what Amu found was just the traces left by some "eagle dogs and lackeys" .

"The prosecutor has such a big influence on Junsha?" Amu was still a little confused.

"You have also encountered many cases, and you should know... In the Quartz Alliance, once the prosecutor's intervention is reached, the case will be under the prosecutor's responsibility system. Although the prosecutor and Junsha are different departments, when the case enters the review stage At that time, the prosecutor could command the Junsha department, which also caused some Junsha to be 'corrupted' by the prosecutor with problems." At this time, Yingli explained to Eminem the power structure of the Quartz Alliance.

"So that's it..." Ammu understood after hearing this.

After all, in the cases Eminem encounters, the "truth revelation" usually occurs during the "preliminary investigation" stage!

Normally, it is difficult for many cases to reach a conclusion at this time. It is normal for them to enter the case review stage of the "prosecutor responsibility system".

And for the Quartz Alliance...

No, it should be said that for the major alliances, Junsha and the prosecutors are departments with great weight - it can even be said that they bear most of the significance of the existence of the "alliance".

Because of the special ecology and habits of the Pokémon world, the development of major towns is basically "self-care", so the "alliance" actually plays a small role in development planning.

The greatest significance of the existence of the "alliance" is to "maintain order" - the joining of the two major families, Junsha and Joey, also laid this foundation.

In all other aspects, from urban development to technological research and development, the "alliance" plays a very limited role - just like the research institutes that major eminems are familiar with, none of them belong to the alliance!

Therefore, since Yingli said "high-level prosecutors", he was actually pointing directly at the core circle of the Quartz Alliance!

"Aunt Yingli, you should give the evidence to me for safekeeping! I have a little lightning bird following me to ensure that it is safe... Even if it has to be handed over to Dumbledore, I have channels!" Eminem said that he has a treasury Letter of recommendation from Lou Rideau.

Dumbledore couldn't be too rude if he bowed to him without saying anything, right?

"But..." Yingli still hesitated after hearing this.

"Then why not hand it over directly to the Alliance people?" Yuanzi asked innocently at this time.

Eminem said directly: "After all, there are guys from the Rockets in the league now! I think they are very suspicious, maybe that bald guy is behind the scenes..."

But before Eminem finished speaking this time, Yingli shook his head and said: "No, as for Team Rocket...it shouldn't be."

Without waiting for Amu to ask, Eiri explained directly: "It is said... that the Quartz Alliance will choose Watari and Sakaki at this time because many knowledgeable people have realized that there is an internal problem, so they chose Watari, who represents the Junsha clan. , and the opposite Sakaki.

"As a champion, Du can strengthen the autonomy of the Junsha Department and identify the real behind-the-scenes force. The Rockets... have had disputes with this behind-the-scenes force in the gray area. At least they are definitely not an accomplice of these people, and and crossing restrain each other.”

Eminem was suddenly surprised when he heard this - when Eminem went to report Sakaki to Teacher Jumu in a cute way, what Teacher Jumu told him was actually about the same meaning, but he was not so specific...

The reason why I want to become a champion is because the Junsha Department has been "corroded" and I need someone from the Junsha system to enhance the "resistance" of the Junsha Department without letting Junsha's influence on the Quartz Alliance be endless. expansion, so Sakaki also became the champion.

But this also has a premise - Sakaki, or the Rockets, must not be the one in the game!

Since the knowledgeable people of the Quartz Alliance have recognized this, I believe that Sakaki is indeed innocent in this matter...

"The reason why I handed it over to Dumbledore is... the evidence I have found now is basically some evidence of Rita's crimes, and she is at most a broker among them.

"And as a witch, the wizarding world has greater restrictions on her. Even if these evidences are given to the Quartz Alliance, at most they can only punish some small people who accept bribes and open doors for convenience. Not even Rita can deal with them, so ...I just thought that even in the worst possible outcome, I have to let Maya take the evidence back and let Rita get the punishment she deserves!" Eri explained.

Maya is the name of Eri's sister and Xiaolan's aunt.

"But although Maya is a student of Hogwarts, she is still just a student after all, so leave it to me!" Eminem said in a generous tone.

"But..." Yingli looked shaken, but also a little embarrassed.

Mainly because she didn't want Eminem to get involved, after all, the matter had nothing to do with him.

"If Auntie Yingli is in trouble, then she can continue to keep it by herself, but... I don't think it is a good choice to leave it to Miss Maya." Eminem suddenly backed down at this time.

When he heard this sentence on the bug, Conan couldn't help but be startled - he thought that Aunt Yingli must hand over the evidence to "himself" at this time!

Firstly, it is to continue the investigation, and secondly... it is also for the safety of Aunt Yingli!

"But just to be on the safe side, Auntie Yingli is staying at the Pokémon Center for now."

"That's fine..."

Listening to the voices of Eminem and Aunt Yingli, Conan suddenly became anxious. At this time, Xiaoai and Xiaolu had almost finished eating. Conan quickly got up and said: "Ah! Brother Eminem sent me a text message and asked me to come over... I am leaving!"

"Eh...wait a minute..." Xiaolu tried to stop him but didn't have time, so she had to pay the bill first.

Xiao Ai, on the other hand, continued to wipe his mouth slowly, with a "boys are just frizzy" expression.

Conan released the Rotom skateboard and skated all the way back to the downstairs of the office. He only saw Eminem sending Yingli, Xiaolan and others into the car...

After the car drove away, Conan immediately stepped forward and said, "What are you doing? How can you let Aunt Yingli continue to carry those evidences when you know there is danger?"

"Don't worry, those evidences won't play a decisive role, they are just used as 'bait'..." Eminem smiled confidently at this time.

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