Pirates: The Strongest Creatures of Beasts

Chapter 191 Finally comprehended, the overlord's color is entangled!

Kaido stopped chasing Luo Xing abruptly.

His fierce eyes turned to Yamato.

"Dahe, what did you just say that I'm scared? It's ridiculous, don't treat me the same way you judge little devils!"

Yamato shouldered a slender mace.

In human-beast form, her figure grows longer, her breasts become fuller, and her fluffy tail sways like a flame in the wind.

Yamato was originally a peerless beauty, and the form at this moment possessed a wild charm.

"Then—" Yamato said with a sneer on his face, "Why do you want to stop Luo Xing and dare not meet the next challenge? Don't you claim that you will be strong when you meet the strong, and you will never lose?"

Kaido's expression was extremely gloomy, and his brows were frowned like steel bars.

According to the usual logic, it is of course correct and wise to go after the enemy and not allow the enemy time to recover, and no one will say anything.

But the meaning to Kaido is different.

Because as the strongest creature, the strongest pirate, standing on the top of the mountain for too long is so boring that he wants to commit suicide. Facing stronger and stronger challenges, he should also become more and more excited.


Kaido is mainly confused about one thing now, that is, is there really no limit to Luo Xing's recovery and enhancement?

If that's the case, even his physical strength, vitality and resilience cannot be exhausted.

But being ridiculed by Yamato, Kaido was so annoyed that he didn't bother to think about it so much.

He also wants face, especially in front of Yamato, a rebellious son!

After Kaido was gloomy for a moment, he suddenly grinned:

"Hey, Yamato, your idiot-like head has really become much smarter, and you know how to use aggressive methods to deliberately stimulate me. But forget it, I will accept all challenges as you wish!"

"Come on, brats!"

Yamato swung his mace and attacked Kaido.

"You're the idiot, Minotaur!"

"At least I don't want to be someone else like you. I'm a devil! Uhhhhhhh!"

Kaido laughed wildly, and also swung his mace to collide with Yamato brazenly.

This pair of ghost father and daughter once again launched a devastating battle.


The earth shook and the sky was turbulent.

The sea surface around Ghost Island was like a tsunami, and it was blown up with waves several feet high.

Mountain-like coercion swept across all directions.

The huge skull on the front of Guidao was torn apart by the aftermath of the battle between the two sides.

far away.

Jhin, Foz Fu, Peggy Wan and others who had retreated to the edge of the roof all had terrified expressions on their faces.

The battle just now was definitely the best in the world, and the strength of Master Yamato and Luo Xing made them feel deeply shocked.

Fuzi Fu and Sasaki, who previously expressed dissatisfaction with Luo Xing's becoming a big sign, are now completely convinced, and dare not say a word of jealousy.

Because the strength levels of each other are not on the same level at all.

Foz Fu sighed: "I really didn't expect them to fight Boss Kaido to such an extent, the roof here is almost completely destroyed."

The roof of the ghost island is very wide, but the thickness is far less than that of the real land.

More than a dozen potholes have been punched out on the roof, and the bottom of the potholes is the ground of Ghost Island.

The stones falling from the roof have already smashed down a large building on the ground of Ghost Island.

If the fight continues like this, maybe the entire roof will collapse, and everything on the island of ghosts will be destroyed by then.

If the explosives in the underground arsenal were to explode again, the family business accumulated by the Hundred Beasts Group for nearly twenty years would really be destroyed!

When it comes to this point, even if there are conflicts between the three disasters and the Fei Liubao, they rarely express their concerns in unison.

After all.

In their view, Young Master Yamato is the daughter of Boss Kaido, and Luo Xing is the son-in-law of Boss Kaido. After all, this is just a family accident, an internal fight, and there is no need for it to get out of hand.

Enough is not good?

"Who is going to persuade them?" Sasaki said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded in agreement, and then looked at Yan Calamity Jin in unison.

Jhin, who actually handles most of the affairs of the Hundred Beasts Group, is the true deputy and second in command of the Hundred Beasts Group.

In this difficult situation right now, who will step forward if Jhin does not come forward?

Fortunately, Jhin was wearing a mask, otherwise the embarrassment and reluctance under his mask would have been seen, greatly damaging his image.


Jhin coughed.

"Well, I think..."

He wanted to say that it is better to persuade everyone together.

But everyone rushed ahead of him and said in unison:

"Master Jhin, only you can do this, we believe in you!"

Hey, I have already used the title of an adult, why don't you respect him so much, you gang of bullying bastards!

Ember stared angrily.

But that's all.

He had no choice but to pluck up the courage to persuade the fight alone.

After all, he is dedicated and loyal to the Hundred Beasts, and he doesn't want to see the family business that has been accumulated for so many years destroyed by his own people.

Behind Jhin's jet-black wings, flames ignited.

The flames were burning vigorously, which meant that Jhin had used his racial talent to the extreme, adding all points to defense!

In the flame state, Jhin's defense actually surpassed Kaido's, and was called almost invincible by Sauron.

With such a defense, Jhin can walk towards the center of the battlefield step by step without fear of the aftermath of the battle.


Luo Xing, who was binge eating food to recover, was domineering and knowledgeable covering the entire island all the time. Hearing the conversation between Jhin and Foz Fau and others, his eyes rolled and he muttered:

"It's true that the ghost island cannot be destroyed. Sooner or later, it will all be mine!"

Luo Xing gulped down the food.

He is very greedy for the countless weapons and ammunition on Ghost Island, and he has long regarded them as possessions.

In the future war with the world government, weapons and troops are indispensable.

"It's almost time for a truce. It's just that the domineering teacher Kai may not let it go so easily. After all, Yamato and I really made him lose a lot of face."

"Well...it's a little difficult."

How can Kaido agree to stop?

The best way is to completely defeat Kaido, the loser need not say anything, all problems can be solved.


Even though Luo Xing is getting stronger and stronger, even though Yamato has stepped into the imperial threshold, he still doesn't know how long it will take to completely defeat Kaido.

It is normal to be unable to tell the winner after a few days and nights of fighting.

"It doesn't have to be a winner."

Luo Xing was thinking while eating.

"Teacher Kai is not a desperate idiot. He is very clear-headed. What he cares most about is actually the weapons on Guidao. The price of Guidao's possible destruction is the biggest restraint on him."

"Not to mention Jhin's persuasion."

"However, Mr. Kai may also transfer the battlefield to the capital of flowers, or other places in Wano country."

"Mr. Kai must be given sufficient deterrence and sufficient conditions!"

Luo Xing swallowed the last piece of food in his hand, regained his strength, and stood up.

He already has an idea.

He had already prepared the conditions for negotiating with Teacher Kai in advance, so there was enough deterrence left.

For people like Kaido, only strength can form a deterrent.

Luo Xing pulled out the second generation Guiche, and the black and red domineering spirit wrapped around it.

He closes his eyes.

All the powerful attacks that Kaido had hit him before flashed through his mind like a slide show.

The aggressiveness on the knife gradually changed.

become more grandiose.

A trace of extraordinarily terrifying aura quietly leaked out a little.

Stab it!

In an instant, black lightning flashed across the air, stretching into filaments.

Luo Xing suddenly opened his eyes, his face was overjoyed:

"That's how it feels. After suffering three full blown entanglement moves from Teacher Kai, I finally understand what a tyrant's entanglement is!"

Luo Xing couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Continuing the feeling just now, slowly release his domineering look, and slowly wrap it around the second generation ghost.


There are more and more black flashes in the air.

The buildings here are beginning to be unstable.

Luo Xing's eyes were full of brilliance, lightning surged under his feet, and his figure immediately shot towards the roof of Ghost Island again.

He has finally learned the long-awaited overlord's entanglement. It's time to surprise Mr. Kai. Your hard teaching is not in vain!

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