Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 64 Paradise Travel Line

'Carnival Town' St. Pruitt, sea train station - 'Red Station' (Red).

Amidst the bustling crowd, Victor and his party walked into the waiting hall of the Red Station along the entrance avenue of the station square. There is a ticket office at the door, and the ticket to Puqi, the ‘Gourmet Town’, is very cheap, 2,000 Berry per person, and people like Haoxue who are out of shape from ordinary people are charged double the fare.

There were still more than 10 minutes before the train started, and they walked along the wide stone steps to the lower waiting area. Simple and neat seats are arranged here, and in the center of the waiting area there is a huge timetable made of a whole piece of hard wood. The floor composed of large square polished tiles looks high-end and elegant. Outside the porch of the waiting area is the sea. A steam train painted black is parked steadily on the sea. Its overall style is simple and crafted with craftsmanship. It is impressive at first glance and unforgettable for a long time. .

"This is... Sea Train Puffing Tom."

Wu Hongji clasped her palms together and lightly put her mouth in front of her mouth, looking at this work in shock, which represented the pinnacle of boat craftsman's craftsmanship.

"Each station on the Sea Train has its own name. The 'Red Station' in 'Carnival' St. Pruitt, the 'Yellow Station' in 'Gourmet Town' Pucci, the 'Green Station' in St. Aspen's 'Queen of Spring' ’, the ‘Blue Station’ of the City of Seven Waters in the ‘Water City’, the ‘White Station’ of Judiciary Island, the ‘Chimney Station’ and the ‘Mermaid Station’ of the sea mobile station.”

Robin, the omnipotent secretary, smiled and popularized science for the curious Perona: "Sea trains sail on the same track every day, transporting guests, and sometimes ships and goods. In fact, this train line was just put into operation at the beginning of this year. , but the response was very enthusiastic. After the 'White Station' on Judicial Island Enies was opened to traffic, the world government also gave it a green light all the way."

Beside, Haoxue handed a newspaper to Victor: "Victor, today's World Economic News."

"Thank you." Victor, who was sitting on the public seat, took the newspaper, and after unfolding it, the headline on the front page read [G-3 branch crashed into the sand, Gustav's fleet showed great power! 】

"These supernovas are really restless." Victor glanced at the content of the report and smiled: "'Lieutenant Lemon', 'King of Salt Stream', 'Night Owl', 'Zhan Nian Dao'... are all What a thunderous name."

"Is there any problem?"

"Of course. Don't worry, Mr. Hoxue." Victor flipped through the newspaper boredly. Except for the front page, there were some trivial matters or news from certain kingdoms. Soon, he lost interest and handed the newspaper back to Haoxue.

"It seems that our Mr. Moria intends to play in this 'Carnival Town' for a while. Let him chase us to the next island we originally planned - Switz Island." Victor looked at the hanging hanging in the waiting room The huge clock: "There are 5 minutes left, ready to go."

After successfully passing through the ticket gate, Victor and his party filed into the compartment of the sea train.

The seat they bought was in the No. 4 compartment, which was right next to the window and opposite to the two rows of 3-seaters. Perona and Wu Hongji were very excited as they sat by the window, Victor and Robin sat next to Wu Hongji, and Hao Xue occupied two seats beside Perona.

With the piercing and long whistle of the siren, the amplified horn sounded in the waiting hall.

"At 13:45, the sea train departs from St. Pruitt to Puqi, and departs now."


The carriage shook slightly, then the train started slowly, and the scenery in front of me began to reverse rapidly.

Sea train, start crossing the sea!


"...In other words, our original route should start from Tanar Town on Tanar Island, passing through Chuklik Island' White Mountain Town, Carnival Town St. 'The Azure City That Never Sleeps', Flying Shark Islands' Seahorse Wharf', 'The City of Windmills' Decatur,

Finally arrived at the "Water Capital" City of Seven Waters. "

In the train carriage driving on the sea, Robin is sorting out the current route for everyone. She spread out a simple route map bought from the waiting hall on the folding flat table between the two rows of seats, and told it like a story:

"This route is the famous travel route of the Great Airway—"Paradise Travel Route". Presumably, Moonlight Moria followed this route all the way."

"I have a problem!" Perona raised her little hand and shook it: "The H.M.S. Beagle sails super fast, and we didn't carry any weight, and we didn't go wrong along the way. Basically, we were on the first two islands. It is to set off to the next island immediately after storing the record pointer. How did this big man catch up with us?"

"Permanent pointer. As long as they know the specific route, they can skip Chuklik Island, where the pointer has been stored for a long time, and go straight to St. Pruitt from Tanar Town." Victor tore open a bag of potato chips , Shared some for everyone: "Mr. Moria is not a rookie who has just entered the great route."

"But I still have some regrets." Wu Hongji rested her elbows on the folding flat table and said with her hands on her chin: "I heard from Sister Robin that the islands behind this travel route have particularly beautiful scenery. Famous tourist attraction."

Haoxue stroked the tiny fish scales on her chin, and recalled: "It's true. I have been to all the islands in this 'paradise travel route', and they are all very interesting islands."

Everyone became interested at once. After all, even Robin only learned the information about these islands through newspapers and other channels, so how could he describe it like Hexue who had visited these islands himself?

"Grandpa, please tell us about it!" Perona held on to Haoxue's clothes, with little stars in her eyes.

Wu Hongji and Robin were a little more reserved, but they were also full of anticipation. Even Victor tilted his head with interest, assuming he was listening.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Haoxue laughed loudly, sorted out his thoughts and then said: "Then the old man will talk about it a little bit."

"The 'blue city that never sleeps' in Thwaites Island is a huge and noisy city. There is a nocturnal culture here. Even at night, you can't sleep because of the neon lights of the whole city and the noisy night market, but the drinks here are very good. Drink. Of course, its another major feature is not suitable to be detailed in front of ladies."

"Flying Shark Islands is a world-famous fishing sanctuary. World-renowned fishermen and anglers gather here, and various fishing competitions and food competitions are held every year. The 'Sea Horse Wharf' on the main island - Sawbill Shark Island It is the largest collection of aquatic products trade markets in 'Paradise'."

"The 'City of Windmills' Decatur is located in Spring Island Doraha Island, which should actually be called the 'City of Flowers'. There are seas of flowers inside and outside the city, and whenever the gentle sea breeze blows through the sea of ​​flowers, it will It blows the intoxicating rain of petals, and it is also known as the "hell for rhinitis sufferers and hay fever sufferers". There are windmills of all sizes in the city of Decatur, and the residents here use windmills as My own folk house. The largest windmill is located in the center of the city, it is 26 meters high, known as the 'Giant Windmill', and it is also the location of the most famous hotel 'Song of Flowers' in Decatur."

"'Water City' Seven Water City is a city on water. All its buildings are connected by waterways, and the local residents will raise a creature called 'Bru' as a means of water transportation in the city. Every year there will be A 'mask carnival' will be held, when residents and tourists in the city will wear gorgeous festive masks to go out and play. Located here."

"After crossing the capital of seven waters, there will be a long sea road ahead, and the last one will arrive at the Chambord Islands, which is located in front of the red earth continent in the middle of the great sea route. The island is composed of many big trees, and the ground is the roots of the trees , Bubbles will emerge from the ground, so this place will also be called 'Soap Bubble Islands'. Bubble cars, bubble ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles... bubble culture permeates every place in Chambord Island Place. The whole island is composed of 79 trees, each tree is numbered, and there are towns and facilities.・Marin Vandor is very close to the Holy Land Mariejoa, so I often encounter Celestial Dragons who 'come to the world', which is very dangerous in some ways."

"If you want to reach the new world, there are two ways: one is to submit a request to the world government, and then directly pass through the holy land Mariejoya located at the top of the red earth continent, so you have to abandon the ship, although it takes a lot of money to apply and time-consuming, But it's very safe; the other is to wrap the boat with the resin of the Alkyman mangrove in the Chambord Islands, dive 10,000 meters, pass through a huge hole under the red earth continent, and arrive at the fishman island via the "submarine route" New world, but dangerous."

"So far, it is the famous route of 'Pirate Paradise' that runs through the first half of the great route——'Paradise Travel Line'."

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