Why are you back too? Pink Dragon and White Wolf!

“What are you looking at! This is what will happen if you disobey!”

Wilson Qi said slightly seriously to the three dumbfounded little guys.

‘You hit us right after you said that, and we have no chance to obey…’

Quinn and Barrett, who fell headfirst into the snow and were dizzy from the overbearing beating, thought at the same time.

‘Not to mention, you will become more proficient if you use it regularly. ‘

Wilson Qi felt that the overlord’s color entanglement just now has become more refined, and he has completely mastered it, through the fights in the past few days and more practice.

Now that you have mastered this technique, it is the time when the overlord color entanglement is complete.

Because his domineering power can be described as the sea.

Now even without using the top-level “wall-penetrating plug-in” of virtualization, Wilson Qi is still sure to fight the top Whitebeard for ten days and ten nights!

If Whitebeard can’t hold on, he wins! Of course, he was already terrifying to the extreme if he could almost leave Garp alone with his virtual blur and overlord color entanglement!

Therefore, in Wilson Qi’s heart, as long as he does not face the entire Imperial Regiment alone, or the Beasts face the entire Navy, or face the entire World Government, then he and the Beasts Pirates will stand firm. In an invincible position!

The current thing is to enjoy life, coupled with the cultivation of domineering, the development of power, the penetration of the lineups of all parties in the world, strengthening one’s own strength, and finally being able to overwhelm the entire world!

Even the five old guys on the red earth continent, the Knights of God, or the most mysterious Im, will all be defeated by his hands!

I was thinking too much for a moment, and I couldn’t help but feel that I might be a little arrogant now, and I was trying to take over the world before I had done any preparatory work…

It was only for a moment, I woke up a little, and didn’t care about those two guys, watching The two little guys and an older child in front of them said:

“Yamato, the Devil Fruit I found for you is the Blue Dragon Fruit, which is the same as your father’s fruit. Although it is artificial, it is different from Mr. Kaido’s Blue Dragon Fruit except for the color. Except, everything else is completely reproduced!”

“I believe you heard what I said a few days ago!”

“What?” Yamato looked back in confusion! ”

…It’s okay, you just know it now.” Wilson covered his head and responded with a smile.

He turned to the little lolita Hiyori and saw that she was holding an orange Devil Fruit that was as big as her little head. It might be difficult for her to swallow it all, but in fact, just a small bite would be enough… He

squatted down and rubbed Hiyori. With his little head, he smoothed the silky green hair down to the end, looked at the delicate face of this cute little cotton-padded jacket and said:

“Hiyori, what I prepared for you is the Inu Dog Fruit Oguchi Shinjin I told you! It can transform into Become a white wolf! Master the power of ice!”

“Ice! Then can I freeze Qi Bing in my room and prevent Qi from leaving?”

Tong Yanwuji spoke the truth… There was

a wrinkle on his head. appeared, and then disappeared quietly. Wilson Qi could only squeeze out a smile and said:

“Then you have to wait until you master it to a certain extent before you can keep me!”

“Really! Then I am very satisfied with this ability! I want Qi to Will be frozen by my side forever…”

Looking at the cuteness, why is he so “cute” inside, Wilson Qixin thought: ‘You are the only one who still wants to keep me? It’s hard to tell even your mother…’

He turned around with a smile, Leave Jack with a superficial smile, at least don’t leave sadness to poor Jack.

“This devil fruit of yours is called a barrier fruit! No… how can Ship King use this…”

Wilson Qi, who was about to say something, looked at Jack, who was standing there with a simple and honest face holding the barrier fruit, and suddenly Remembering that Jack is a guy with a billion bounty and 900 million ivory…

Just go for that brainless fierceness. I’m afraid it will be a little difficult to develop this superhuman barrier fruit. For a moment, Wilson Qi felt inappropriate for his original idea. .

The scene was awkward for a while, and Wilson Qi was thinking about making amends for his mistakes.

“Huh? By Ship King?”

Jack looked confused.

“Hey! Jack! This fruit may not be suitable for you…”

The next moment, Wilson Qi’s figure teleported in front of Jack, patted Jack, who was a little taller than his shoulder, and said tactfully.


Unexpectedly, just after saying this, Jack, a child who was more sensible than adults, directly handed the barrier fruit in his hand to Wilson Qi’s unopened hand!

“Just…that’s it!?”

At this moment, it was Wilson Qi’s turn to be shocked.

“Commander Qi! My life belongs to the Beast Pirates! Obey all orders from my superiors!”

At this moment, Jack actually shone in Wilson Qi’s eyes, and Qi seemed to see an iron-blooded soldier saluting! “Take it off?”

He patted Jack’s shoulder hard. Wilson Qi felt a little guilty, but still firmly promised:

“Jack! I will definitely find the most suitable Devil Fruit for you! The top of the future Beast Pirates You must be one of the most powerful warriors!”

After the filming, Wilson Qi turned his head to the other side in Jack’s grateful eyes and said with a smile:

“Even if you rely on the ship with the five old stars in the future, you will become a reliable supporter. I will save you even if you are the captain of the ship!”

“Uh? Day by day, Qi is not thinking about things carefully anymore, hey!”

Yamato on the side looked at the two nervous big guys and couldn’t help but sigh. It’s really strange that he could go back on his word on the spot…

Hearing Yamato’s muttering, Hiyori put her chin on the hand that wasn’t holding the fruit and wondered why?

‘Is it because I’m tired from being with my mother every day? Well, it’s possible. It seems that I can’t let my mother pester Qi anymore. ‘

Thinking about the past few nights, when Qidu walked into his mother’s room and “danced” with her, Hiyori had also seen scenes without a partition… She couldn’t help but think of so many things.


Jack still didn’t understand the last sentence, but before he could ask, he was grabbed by Wilson Qi’s thunder chain and sent into a wooden house a hundred meters away.

Since he is not today’s “winner”, then he can just be polite and throw it aside, it is so “ruthless”.

On the other side of the cabin, looking at the confused Jack lying on the snow on the outer steps, Maria couldn’t help but smile: “Hey, why are you back too?”

Jack put away his smile and rolled his eyes in reply.

After sending Jack away, Wilson Qi also disappeared, and the next moment he appeared outside the window of the wooden house, in front of Maria’s sight.

“Lord Qi…”

There was endless tenderness in Maria’s eyes. If it weren’t for the fish-man outside the window, she would have wanted to go out directly and enter the arms of this handsome and powerful man.

“Look, they might get very big after eating the fruit…”

After saying something to Maria, he saw two “clowns” who had just crawled out of the snow, and shouted to them Said:

“Come here, let’s see their two fruit abilities! These are two phantom beast species!”


Quinn snorted, but still ran over, while Barrett remained silent. The ground is coming this way. After a while, they all stood on the right side of Jack who stood up, looking at the two small figures in the distance.

The two little guys were watching Wilson Qi retreat to the wooden house.

But he still didn’t move, holding the fruit given by Wilson Qi in his hand.

“Now you can choose whether to eat or not. If you want to eat, you only need to swallow a mouthful, but you will also be cursed by the sea…” A

voice a hundred meters away came from a distance. When he heard this, Yamato As if a student finally encountered a knowledge point that he knew, he jumped up and answered:

“I know! I know this! I just can’t swim!”

“Yes, just like Yamato said, if you eat it, you won’t be able to swim for the rest of your life! Except for that! In addition, if you encounter the sea floor stone, you will lose all your strength and you will not be able to use the fruit’s ability!”

“Consider whether to eat it or not…”

Just before these words reached the ears of the two people from a distance, the two of them started talking. They

all took the first bite of the pulp…


I had to endure the taste that sounded like a reply and swallowed it hard!

“Mhahahahaha! They ate it!” Quinn couldn’t help laughing when he saw the two children in the distance, both slightly bent, looking like they were enjoying “the best food in the world”.

And Barrett has learned a lot. If he can’t stop laughing, he won’t laugh, and laughter will easily “pass away”.

“Use your abilities! Feel it like instinct!”

With Wilson Qi’s support from a distance, the two began to feel the power that Devil Fruit can bring!


A line of white smoke appeared out of thin air around the two of them! Cover the entire field of vision! There is only white left in that world!


A sharp dragon roar came from the white smoke!


The childish wolf howl also spread to the surroundings!

After a few minutes, the white smoke dissipated, and the scene inside made Wilson Qi and Quinn very satisfied!

Just like the ability Wilson Qi said, a dragon and a wolf came into view!


In front of him was a 100-meter-long pink dragon with four corners! It’s Yamato! Perhaps because Yamato is young and not very big, the dragon she transforms into is not that big either.

And she can’t fly yet…

And there is a three-meter-long white wolf on her body, which is extremely elegant! The snow-white fur makes people want to stroke it, but the color is not Wilson Chichai’s green…

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