Pirate Family

Chapter 89 Jeffrey

A luxurious manor on Rose Long Street. The outer wall of this manor is covered with blue vines, which looks quaint and unusual. This is not because the servants of the manor are negligent in cleaning, but because the family living here has a long history.

But at this time, inside the manor, in a splendid room. The old master was not in a good mood, and the servants standing beside him lowered their heads tremblingly, for fear that the master would take his anger out on him.


The owner of the manor, an old man in a light black noble robe, lifted off all the decorations on the cabinet.

Among them was his favorite red porcelain from King Ackerman II.

"This Father Wayne is too deceitful!" the old man roared. Holding his mahogany cane and waving. The servants dare not approach.

"He's just a nouveau riche! He's only started a few years ago, yet he thinks he's really on an equal footing with us!"

The old man punched the cabinet, causing the cabinet to shake, and a glass box placed on top wobbled and then fell down.

Fortunately, a servant has a quick eye and a quick hand. He jumped forward to catch it, then wiped it gently with his clothes, and handed it to the old man respectfully.

"My brother's stuff?" The old man took the glass box, which contained a delicate badge. The badge features crossed anchors and seagulls.

In any country, this mark represents only one meaning. That is the Navy.

The elder brother of the old man, named Admiral Jeffrey Walpo, was conferred a hero by Adela's emperor, Ackerman III himself!

This old man is the contemporary residence of the Jeffrey family! Jeffrey Williams!

Williams gently put the badge back on the cabinet and muttered. "If brother is here, how dare those bastards be arrogant!"

cluck cluck.

The door of the hall was slowly pushed open, and a hook-nosed man with a veiled cap came in.

He has braided hair, like a gentleman.

"What the hell happened? There's no need to be so furious?" the hooked-nosed man asked suspiciously, and waved his hand lightly, gesturing the servants to go out.

The servants who had been frightened for a long time were finally relieved and left here as if fleeing. In the huge room, only the man with the hooked nose and Williams were left.

"It's not because of the bastard Wayne." The old man snorted coldly. "Joseph is useless! I sent him to teach Wen En a lesson. I didn't expect him to be so useless. Wen En captured him on the spot and confessed to me!"

"Now Wayne sent someone to send Joseph back! His people are waiting for my answer!"

"Hey," the hooked-nosed man sighed, how could this man be so reckless, compared with his brother, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground, the two are completely incomparable.

If I hadn't been sewing for the family for so many years, with Williams' style, the Jeffrey family might not be able to survive now.

"Tell me, what should I do now?" Williams' emotions gradually stabilized at this time. He was clear about his ability and the importance of the man with the hooked nose to the family. It is time to listen to his opinion.

"The key to the question now is whether Wayne is sure that Joseph is one of us?" the hooked-nosed man thought for a moment, then suddenly asked.

"Isn't that nonsense?" Williams' eyes widened, his gray beard trembling. "Wayne sent people here!"

"I mean, does Wayne have any evidence to prove that Joseph is one of us," the man with the hooked nose took a deep breath. Anyway, he was used to Williams's short brain circuit and forced himself to be patient. "Or, sir, did you admit to your face that you did it yourself?"

"Huh?" Williams wondered. "That's not true. After Joseph's trash was sent, I was here, waiting for your countermeasures."

Are you waiting for me to clean up the mess? The man with the hooked nose complained silently. You didn't tell me when you sent someone to assassinate Wayne, and wait for me now that you can't hold back.

"That is to say, all this is the words of Father Wayne's family?" The tone of the man with the hooked nose gradually turned cold.

"What do you mean?" Williams' mind was muddled, and talking to these 'smart people' was annoying. Often do not understand what they mean.

"Then let's just keep doing nothing," said the hooked-nosed man with a trace of murderous intent in his eyes. "As long as Joseph is dead, all this will be solved."

Can it still be like this? The old man couldn't turn the corner for a while.

"Joseph died, Father Wayne didn't know that I did it?" Williams said in surprise.

of course not! You are stupid, Father Wayne is not stupid! Otherwise, it is impossible for him to rise rapidly in just a few years. Become Adela's dark titan.

"Yes." The man with the hooked nose said respectfully. "Wait a minute, master, please stop talking, and leave everything to me."

"Then I'll leave it to you! If you don't handle it well, you can ask me!" The old man suddenly sighed again. "It's just a pity. Although Joseph is not good at strength, he is quite obedient."

The hooked-nosed man made a promise, then turned and left slowly. It's just that when he turned his back to Williams, there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Is it really right to be loyal to the Jeffrey family?


In the gorgeous hall of Jeffrey Manor, Khalil sat on a historic mahogany chair, lightly sipping the black tea brought by the maid.

At his feet lay a drunk man who was tied up in five flowers. At this time, Joseph's eyes were blind and his heart was ashamed.

"Isn't this Adela's jewelry tycoon Lord Kalil? What brought you here?" A hooked-nosed man came down the spiral staircase and said with a smile.

"Hmph!" Khalil said coldly. "Don't you know why I came here?"

This hooked-nosed man was the focus of attention in the Wien family's intelligence. According to intelligence, the family Williams of the Jeffrey family is nothing more than a straw bag, supporting the men of the huge Jeffrey family.

It was this man called "Ghost Fox", Hill Allowin!

"Master Arrowen, save..." Joseph shouted loudly when he saw Arrowen walking down, as if seeing a savior.

boom! Arlovin held a revolver in his hand, the muzzle of which was blazing. A bullet hit Joseph's forehead accurately.

Joseph's eyes were full of disbelief, and he lay on the ground.

"Alovin!" Khalil frowned and roared. "what do you mean?"

"Oh, I'm just upset to hear the flies call my name." Hill Allowin walked in front of Khalil. Said lightly.

"Excuse me, is there anything else you want?"

"Then give us an explanation." Khalil said coldly.

"Oh?" A Luowen blinked and asked with a confused face. "Our Jeffrey family has never had any business dealings with you. I don't know. What do you want to say?"

"Okay, okay," Arrowen said with a rogue approach that made Khalil helpless, and he laughed back angrily. "I know how your Jeffrey family behaves."

"This matter will not pass like this!" Khalil said, then picked up his cane and left without looking back. When he walked out of the hall, he looked back at the Jeffrey building behind him.

The whole building is as white as jade, and there are decorations carved with expensive white jade by stone carving masters, which makes the building look magnificent.

But at this time, this magnificent building has become decayed in Kalil's eyes.

"I want to see the day when your Jeffrey family collapses!" Khalil said lightly.

"Is this the solution?" Williams said in surprise as he walked out of the secret door. "I was assassinated, and Wayne can bear this tone. It seems that he is not worthy of his name. I don't know what are Quite and the old blind dog afraid of."

"No," Arrown sighed. "With Father Wayne's character, he won't let it go. In the future, Adela may not be as peaceful as she is now."

"Will you not let it go?" Williams said angrily. "Why is he? He's just an upstart who hasn't started his business for a few years!"


The north gate of Adela City, Rose Street. A little house covered in moss. It looked a little run down.

But when you walk inside, there is nothing wrong with it. A large hole was dug out of the ground of the entire small building, like an underground castle.

This place is the "back room" of the Lorne family, the lifeblood of Lorne!

drink! drink! drink!

In a wide area of ​​the underground castle, a group of burly men are practicing.

Beside the school grounds, in a room, Lorne was wearing a black priest's robe and sat quietly on a chair carved with an eagle, looking through the single-sided glass at the sweaty brawny men on the school grounds.

Opposite him, sat a sexy beauty in a dress.

"These are this batch of people. They are all slaves sold through old Raleigh's channels, and they guarantee their innocence. After you, Boss Lorne, announced the restoration of their status as free citizens, one and two seem to have eaten It’s like a stimulant, becoming extremely excited, and will never have second thoughts about the family!" Agatha, a charming beauty in a purple dress, poured a glass of red wine and handed it to Lorne.

"Be wary of everything, break them up after they've finished training, and assign them to each group." Lorne took Agatha's wine glass, and the light red liquid inside exuded a charming smell. Intoxicating.

"Boss is really far-sighted!" Agatha complimented, then raised the wine glass to her mouth, and took a sip. The light red liquid came into contact with her dark red lips, which made people want to kiss her.

"This is Danatus, a special product of Oghongmu, the country of wine. It has a special meaning. Try it?"

Danatus, the legendary god of death. Lorne didn't know why a wine used the name of the son of the night god.

He took a sip following Agatha's example. It had a slightly sweet taste, but also a hint of astringency, just like a girl crying.

But after a while, the girl's crying sound gradually disappeared, leaving only a faint fragrance.

Since he didn't know much about wine, Lorne could only intuitively feel that the wine tasted good, but it was brought out by Adela's wine tycoon Agatha herself. There must be an extraordinary meaning.

"What special meaning?" Lorne asked curiously. The wine culture of Aogehongmu, the country of wine, is just like the flower culture of the country of flowers. Every kind of wine can be said clearly.

"It is said that every family in Aogehongmu will pick the most delicious grapes of the year after giving birth to a daughter, make a jug of wine and bury it. They will share it when the daughter is married."

"This wine is called the Heart of Aphrodite. The taste of the wine is strong and mellow, like freshly bloomed flowers. Even just the smell is intoxicating."

"But if the daughter unfortunately dies, then this heart of Aphrodite will become Thanatus."

"Danatus and the Heart of Aphrodite are originally the same wine, but because they were taken out at different times, they have completely different tastes. Isn't it amazing?" Agatha blinked and looked looking at Lorne.

Isn't this the red wine version of Nurhong and Huadiao? Lorne complained, but the meaning contained in the Danatus wine was indeed sad, and Lorne felt a bit of a bitter taste in his mouth.

"That's why you can't drink Danatus wine too fast, or you'll get intoxicated easily." Agatha said with a smile, and drank the liquid in the two glasses in one gulp.

"Didn't you say it's easy to get drunk? Then you drink so fast." Lorne frowned.

"Hee hee, because I'm not afraid." At this moment, Agatha's face was already slightly red, and she was illuminated by the faint candlelight. She was already a little drunk. "In fact, our country of flowers also has many interesting flower language."

"I know." Lorne said lightly. He has lived in Adela for several years, and he already knows the flower language culture here.

"Then do you know what flower I am?" Agatha moved her head forward and approached Lorne. At this moment, Lorne could already smell the faint smell of alcohol coming out of her mouth.

This question stumped Lorne. He only knew that Agatha was called Adela's rose in high society, but he was sure that what Agatha wanted to say was not that.

"My girlfriends call me Black Mandala." Agatha said with a smile, trying to get up, but her body softened and she lay down on the table.

"You're drunk." Lorne helped Agatha up, but she didn't expect her to wrap her arms around Lorne's neck and sit on Lorne's body.

"Little Lorne, I'm a little hot." Agatha lay on Lorne's body, and Lorne felt the softness behind her.

She was tall and slender, and her whole body was wrapped around Lorne, making Lorne not know where to put his hands.

"I am Black Mandala." She closed her eyes and murmured like a kitten.

"Yeah, you are the most beautiful flower I've ever seen," Lorne said softly, stroking Agatha's smooth hair with his hands. "A mandala that never fades."

Agatha gradually fell asleep. Lorne gently put her back on the chair. I just got up and sorted my clothes.

Walked out step by step.

After Lorne closed the door, Agatha, who was supposed to be asleep, suddenly opened her eyes with a triumphant smile on her face.


She made a victory gesture with both hands and smiled like a child.

As a liquor tycoon, how could she get drunk so easily?

It's a bit sloppy, try to code as much as possible.

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