PS: Tribute to Kamen Rider Balkan!

With the ring arm in his hand, Teliga's aura surged violently, reaching the fourth order in an instant.

Inside the spaceship, Chen Mo looked at this scene, and a hint of color flashed in his eyes.

It's not because Manaka Kengo summoned the Ring Arm again, but because he can reap the benefits of the fisherman again!

With Teliga's current strength, it will not be difficult to defeat Chimayira.

At that time, the Ring Arm will absorb the "experience" dropped by Chimaila, and when Chen Mo summons the Ring Arm again, those experiences will be fed back to him.

I don't know when Zhenzhong Jianwu became Chen Mo's "wage earner", and it was still the kind of free labor, thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help but laugh dumbly.

However, he did not feel any guilt or indebtedness because of this.

Even if he didn't have this factor, Kengo Manaka would have turned into Teliga to fight monsters, and now it's just that he can absorb the "experience" dropped by monsters, and a little strange change has occurred.

Teliga held the arm of the ring across his face, and his breath became more intense.

Chimayira seemed to sense the change, and stood far away, unprepared while Teliga continued to fight closely.

Its arms trembled suddenly, and two white tentacles emerged from its hands.

The tentacles hung down to the ground like whips made of leather.

Teliga lunged forward, and Chimayira roared and whipped the tentacle out.

The tentacles flicked through the void with a crisp pop.

Teliga's eyes froze, and he lifted his ring arm and slashed at the two tentacles.

The tentacles look like the body of a mollusk, fluffy, but actually very hard.

Chimayira's tentacles collided with the Ring Arm, sending out a large number of sparks.

Teliga retreated again and again under the monster's tentacle attack, and at this time, his palm was already slightly numb from the force of the backlash.

Teliga let out a dull snort, and the power of light poured into the arm of the ring, which was even sharper.

Chimayira's tentacles were drawn into the air again, but this time, they were finally cut off by Teliga.

"Great! The giant is gradually suppressing the monster!" said Sakuma Tiexin excitedly.

Maruru nodded and said, "Not bad!"

"After getting that weapon, the giant's strength has reached the fourth order, and it is no longer inferior to Chimayira...... But ......".

Maluru hesitated.

"But what?" Nanase Sunflower looked at him.

As soon as Malulu wanted to open his mouth to continue explaining, he saw a large number of tentacles suddenly appear in the palm of Qimaila's hand, dozens of them, densely packed.

These tentacles all wrapped towards Teliga, and Teliga kept slashing, cutting off seven or eight of them, but the remaining tentacles were already attached to him.

Teliga stood in front of him with both hands on the arms of the ring, but he could not stop the attack of the tentacles.

Dozens of tentacles twisted and extended, toiling Teliga along with the ring arm.

In an instant, Teliga was wrapped like a mummy, hanging in the air.

However, Chimaila's attack was not over, and a large amount of electricity emerged from the palm of her hand and channeled it into the tentacles.

The currents surged towards the bound Teliga, and in an instant, countless green smoke rose from the large cocoon formed by the tentacles.

Teliga's dull grunt of pain was clearly audible.

"Oh no, the giant is bound!" Nanase Sunflower's expression changed.

"Iron Heart, let's hurry up and help the giant!"


Nanase Sunflower and Sakuma Tetsushin controlled the fighter jets at the same time, sending out countless light bullets towards those tentacles.

Under the attack of the light bullet, a large number of sparks emerged from those tentacles, but they just didn't break.

How can a tentacle that can't be easily cut off by even the arm of the ring be defeated with a single bullet?

However, Nanase Sunflower and Sakuma Iron Heart did not give up, but increased the power output.

Under the continuous light bullet attack, those tentacles finally broke inch by inch.

Teliga struggled, and also broke free from the shackles of those tentacles, and fell from the air.

At this moment, the energy timer on Teliga's chest had begun to flicker.

And the true middle sword in Teliga's body was also grinning at this time, and his whole body was in pain.

"I didn't think this monster would be even more difficult to deal with than Gorba!" Manaka Kengo couldn't help but mutter.

Seeing that the giant was finally rescued, Nanase Sunflower and Sakuma Tetsushin breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did Maluru continue: "I just wanted to talk about Chimaira's tricky tentacles, but I didn't expect the Ultra warriors to be tied up ......."

Nanase Sunflower looked at him and pushed her glasses forward, revealing an unfortunate look.

She said jokingly: "I can't imagine that in addition to your poisonous tongue, you still have a crow's ......mouth."

Maluru was stunned for a moment, then became extremely emotional, and he shouted:

"Knock on it, knock on it, who do you say has a poisonous tongue?"

"Did you hear that? Who is the crow's mouth?!"

Nanase Sunflower and Sakuma Tetsushin looked at each other and smiled, and then stopped paying attention to the thunderous Maluru.


Kengo's mind raced, thinking about what to do with this monster.

"Its tentacles are so troublesome that I can't get close!".

"Is there any way to attack remotely......


Manaka Kengo thought about it, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He thought of the time when Dark Teliga had fought Carmilla!

"When Dark Teliga uses the Arm of the Ring, it seems to switch the Arm of the Ring to the form of a bow and arrow......


"If I'm not mistaken, it seems like just breaking the arm of the ring is enough......


"If he can, I can!"

A look of determination flashed in Manaka's eyes, and he began to try to break the arm of the ring.

On the spaceship, Chen Mo watched Teliga break free from his tentacles and first fell into a sluggish state.

Then he saw Teliga holding the hilt of the Arm of the Ring in his left hand, and began to use his right hand to break the arm of the Ring.




Teliga let out a dull whisper.

In his body, Zhenzhong Jianwu's green muscles burst out, and his face was full of hideous color.

The monster froze on the spot, its eyes blinking and blinking, and it couldn't figure out the enemy's situation.

The Nasdis crowd fell silent, looking at each other in confusion.

Teliga tugged at the blade of the Ring Arm, his chest heaving violently.

But...... To the surprise of Kengo, the arm of the ring was ...... under his full strength Motionless.


Manaka Kengo was dumbfounded.

Chen Mo's face showed a strange look, and he finally understood the idea of Zhenzhong Sword Enlightenment.

It turns out that he wants to emulate himself and switch the form of the Ring Arm!

Admittedly, the Arm of the Ring is capable of switching between different forms by wrestling, but ...... There are two things that need to be met.

One is that it needs to be recognized by the arm of the ring, and the other is ...... Only those who have reached the fifth order or higher (including the fifth order) can break it!

"Puff ......," Shizuma Yuena laughed.

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