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“Curious feeling!”

This feeling of rapid improvement made Lin Yu unable to help but show surprise, but he did not at all forget his true purpose.

He forcibly suppressed this wonderful feeling, and along the veins like the human meridian, slowly let the soul penetrate into the interior of the spiritual womb.

Although the distance may seem short, in fact, it took Lin Yu a full half an hour to finally enter the core of the spirit fetus!

At this moment, the soul fluctuation emanating from him perfectly matched the self-awareness of the spiritual fetus, and began to fully integrate!

Gradually, a faintly discernible face emerged on the surface of that spirit. As time passed, the face became more and more clear. If you look closely, it looks exactly like Lin Yu!

Not only that, the spiritual fetus gradually began to expand and gradually grow out of the body, and then hands and feet gradually emerged. Not only that, the veins on the spiritual fetus began to emit strong rays of light.

Originally, those veins were very similar to the meridian of the human body, and after emitting strong rays of light, it seemed to completely become the meridian of the human body!

The strong rays of light formed a powerful heart inside the spirit fetus, beating quickly, and suddenly, the vitality was extremely pervasive and quickly permeated.

Blood flowed from the a path of veins, rolling blood energy, washing the interior of the spirit fetus. At this moment, the spirit fetus has completely moved towards the transformation of the human body!

The jade block on that surface gradually becomes adult skin, and because of the original flawless precious jade, this skin is crystal clear and near-transparent. Even perfect peers should envy such perfect skin.

At the same time, trick points, skeletons, etc., all the essential ingredients of the human body are rapidly growing!

“It is!”

Seeing this scene, Chi Yuan and the others looked at each other with satisfaction.

Although the origin of time and space is a top grade treasure, and Lin Yu’s innate talent will not fail to merge, but after all, there are risks. Before the results come out, everything is hard to say.

But from the current point of view, Lin Yu’s integration has been very successful. It is conceivable that he will shape a perfect time and space Avatar!

“That being the case, let’s add fire to him!”

Chi Yuan opened the mouth and said, he took the lead to make a knot, and then Zang Xuan and the others did the same, and a wisp of pure energy suddenly moved towards the spirit.

With the help of these energies, the process of that human body moving towards the human body is further accelerated. After more than a dozen breaths, one silhouette is finally formed!

This is truly a dark and youthful complexion with youthful eyes. His eyes are extremely shiny, with a ray of rays of light, and his skin is crystal clear and near-transparent, exuding a perfect color.

Such delicate and pretty looks, and such perfect skin, are enough to make all women in the world feel deeply jealous!

On his body, it is covered with a layer of green robe. The green robe is formed by pure energy light. It is a robe condensed by the residual energy of the original spiritual womb of time and space. It is not inferior by comparison.

Qingpao is elegant and his eyes are smart. This youth is really like a beautiful young Master!

“Have seen this Venerable.”

The next moment, the Qingpao youth looked at Lin Yu and bowed down.

“Have seen Avatar.”

At the same time, Lin Yu also moved towards that Qingpao youth to give a gift, and immediately, 2 people laughed at the same time.

Although this Dividing Soul of Lin Yu has already gone out and merged with the empty source spiritual fetus at that time to form a complete Avatar, in fact, 2 people are still one person.

Their souls and minds are common. Everything that the ontology has can be owned by Avatar. Similarly, everything that Avatar perceives can also be owned by the same.

Although there are two fleshy bodies, they share the same soul and are the same person.

The conversation between him and Avatar is actually equivalent to talking to himself, and he did so with great interest, and that’s all.

Wu wu wu !

At this moment, a low roar suddenly sounded in the sky, as if there were countless war drums moving. Immediately, dark clouds quickly condensed, continuously rolling, exuding a powerful and heartbreaking wave.

On the dark clouds, from time to time there is a path of lightning faintly discernible. The entire sky, in just a few breaths, becomes completely dim, filled with a depressing aura!

“Heavenly Tribulation is here!”

This scene did not let Chi Yuan and the others reveal unexpected expressions, as if they had anticipated them.

“Lin Yu, the birthplace of time and space, is the treasure of Heaven and Earth. The Avatar created by it is too perfect, and naturally encounters Heavenly Tribulation!”

Chi Yuan opened the mouth and said: “This Heavenly Tribulation can only be faced by you. Whether you can truly consolidate Avatar depends on whether you can get through this level!”


Lin Yu nodded, solemnly looking at the dark cloud above his head.

He is no stranger to Heavenly Tribulation.

martial artist from Nirvana to Titled King, from Titled King to Titled Emperor, these are the 2 thresholds. These 2 thresholds have trapped countless martial artists, not only because of the limitation of aptitude, but also because of this Heavenly Tribulation!

Martial Dao cultivation itself is heaven defying. Especially since the Titled King Realm, it has almost completely departed from the category of mortals. Martial artists of this level are not allowed by Heavenly Dao, and they will fall into trouble!

If you can spend it, then you can continue cultivation, but if it fails, it will be a sorrow and death!

Of course, what Lin Yu is looking at is just an incomplete Heavenly Tribulation.

The real Heavenly Tribulation is divided into 3 levels: Thunder Tribulation, Fire and Fire, and Heart Tribulation. At this time, he only needs to face Thunder Tribulation. Compared with the complete Thunder Tribulation, formidable power is much inferior.

But even so, this Heavenly Tribulation is not so good to spend!

“come on!”

At the next moment, Lin Yu and Avatar swooped up against the dark clouds at the same time. One person was wearing a green robe and the other was wearing a white robe. His eyes were also full of fighting intent!

Hong long!

At the same time, it seemed that enough power had finally been brewed, and the dark clouds stopped rolling, and immediately, the horrible power broke out completely from that dark cloud!

Ka-cha! Ka-cha!

The bright white light illuminates the entire sky, a path of a huge thunderbolt with a diameter of several feet, falling from that dark cloud, and immediately breaking through void, a total of 9 thunderbolts, each of which contains the power of terror, moved towards Lin Here comes Yu strikes!

The complete Thunder Tribulation has a total of 9th layers. Each weight has 9 thunderbolts. When combined, it is 9 9 Thunder Tribulation. Now, Lin Yu faces 1st Layer Thunder Tribulation.

Of course, even if it is only 1st Layer, the formidable power of this Thunder Tribulation can be called devastating!

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