Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 57: Sahavu Island!

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After sailing with Mihawk for half a month, they finally came to Sahavu Island. This island is not famous in the new world, but it should not be underestimated. The reason why this island is not famous is because of the land It is too strong, so it is very barren. No one will survive here, and naturally no pirates will go to such a barren place. However, the reason why he is called Sahavu Island lies in the word "wu", the new world's Master, when they duel, they chose Sahavu Island, because the land here is solid, and the island will not sink under the hammer. It is said that the clods here are comparable to stones, and the stones are comparable to iron. , can you imagine what kind of place this is?

In addition, the surface of Sahavu Island is black, and it looks like an iron ore at first glance. Even the trees are very sharp and can easily pierce the human body. It is like an iron tree. This kind of tree is very expensive because it No matter how hard it is, it is also a tree, which can be suspended in the sea. Speaking of which, it goes without saying why this kind of tree is so expensive. If you want a good boat, excellent wood is a must. According to some black trade markets, this is One of the trees on Sahavu Island can be worth 10 million Baileys. Of course, this island is protected by the world government. Anyone who dares to cut down trees on it without authorization will be severely punished. Moreover, Sahavu Island is very barren. , Even if this "iron tree" can survive, the number is very rare. It is said that it will always remain at the number of ninety-nine. If one is cut down, after more than ten years, it will grow another one and cut two. Two will grow, never more than ninety-nine, and never less than ninety-nine.

"Is this Sahavu Island? Sure enough, it's a kendo competition, a place that no one would visit on weekdays. At this time, it was already crowded with people, and even the navy came!" After Li and Mihawk landed on Sahavu Island , I soon saw the crowd of Xixi Mark, but most of them were swordsmen. They were all equipped with swords. They should have come to participate in this swordsman competition. In addition, there are some pirates. It is to watch the fun, and there are some more ambitious people who want to find a few reliable companions to strengthen their pirate group.

"This period of time is the great competition of kendo, so as long as the pirates appear on this island, as long as they do not do anything to offend the world government, the navy will not intervene. At this moment, gather on this island. The people here are not pirates, just swordsmen and the audience!" Mihawk explained lightly.

Even the world government does not dare to erect too many enemies. Although some sword masters are pirates, most sword masters are still "good people". In the hearts of sword masters, as long as they draw swords and fight, they are not Pirates, but a swordsman opponent, will give relative respect. For swordsman masters, swordsmanship is their life. Anyone who stops this swordsmanship competition will probably be condemned by swordsman masters in the whole new world. This crime, even the world government does not dare to take on it, no, in order to prevent some greedy pirates from cutting down the "Iron Tree", the navy sent a dozen warships to surround Sahavu Island, doing strict work. monitor.

"Hey, isn't that Hawkeye Mihawk? Who is that person beside him? He looks younger than Mihawk, is he a junior? Or a friend in the kendo?" Several swordsmen passing by saw Mihawk and Li, a few people started talking immediately, and most of them were guessing Li's identity. After all, Mihawk is notoriously indifferent in the new world. No matter who he is, he looks arrogant. , but now with Li, it is like talking with people of the same level. The arrogance in the past has completely disappeared, which surprised them and guessed Li's identity.

Hearing these people's rounds, Li didn't feel anything, but Mihawk's eyes were horizontal, and there was a ferocious light in his eyes. What he hated most was when others talked about him behind his back, not even praise.

"Shh, they heard, let's go quickly!" The swordsmen were startled by Mihawk's eyes, and hurriedly left. Anyway, Mihawk is a real master in kendo. Fighting with him is the dream of most swordsmen, but fighting against him is not everyone's wish.

"Hmph, let's part now, there will be more than a month before the kendo competition. At that time, I will definitely beat you with this black knife!" Mihawk snorted lightly, then turned and left, without any hesitation, Just like his swordsmanship, it is neat and neat, without the slightest concern, and nothing can make him hesitate.

Seeing Mihawk leaving, Li Wei slightly raised the corner of his mouth and held the hilt of the Tiancong Yunjian at his waist. For six years, he has been studying his own kendo, and soon, he will be able to verify these six Years' results!

"But it's a pity that the realm of the great swordsman has never been touched. What is this so-called sword qi?" Li felt a bit of a headache when he thought of this question. According to what he said in his previous life, the so-called sword qi Even flying flowers and plucking leaves can injure the enemy, and can even use grass and trees as swords, but unfortunately, unless Li injects chakra into the grass and trees, not to mention hurting the enemy, even a bug cannot be killed.

The realm of the great swordsman has already come into contact with the use of "Qi". Similar to the myths and legends of the previous life, it is a bit illusory, and even if he wants to break his head, he does not know how to enter the realm of the great swordsman.

"Captain, captain, what are you thinking?"

Just when Li was thinking about "qi", a voice suddenly came from behind him, and when he turned his head to look, Li suddenly showed a smile, it was Shanks and Beckman, and there were a few people behind Li who didn't know each other. , Compared with six years ago, the strength of the two has been greatly increased. Shanks' current kendo strength is the same as Li's, at the peak of Jianhao, but his breath is a little vain, obviously he has just been promoted, and Beckman is a lot worse, only the first-level big pirate

The appearance was three small steps away, and soon, Li saw the three scars on Shanks' right eye, and immediately narrowed his eyes.

"Shanks, what's the matter with your eye injury?" Li Dan asked with a snort.

"Ah, two years ago, I just went out from Libo Magnetic Island for a few days when I met a crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marshall D Titch, the captain may still remember him, I fought him once, although I I won, but I also left this scar!" Speaking of which, Shanks clenched his fist tightly, although he won, but Shanks did not cause any substantial damage to the opponent, but he himself Nearly being blinded was a shame.

"It really is him!" Li Wenyan, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, this black beard really has some ability! Two years ago, Shanks' strength was in the realm of a swordsman. I didn't expect Blackbeard to still hurt Shanks. ..

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