Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 101 Magic Potion Formula

The magical item in Hobert's hand made Thomas re-evaluate Christine's strength (of course he thought that it was impossible for the "low-sequence" extraordinary person Hobert to obtain such a powerful magical item with his own power) .

According to the information about the Nighthawks, Christine was a brigadier general who had offended the king and therefore was not reused. But now it seems that this matter is not as simple as it seems.

"Captain?" the team member reminded: "We should withdraw."

Thomas then came back to his senses: "Okay. Oh, by the way, say hello to General Christine over there."

"Yes." One of the team members picked up the oil lamp and waved it in front of the window.

On a high-rise building not far away from them, a small green fireball like a will-o'-the-wisp soon lit up. The green fireball swayed left and right in response to Thomas.

On the roof of a high-rise building not far from the clock tower, Dophis put away the will-o'-the-wisp in his hand.

Christine, who was wearing a knight uniform, said: "I'll go back first and give Hobert some space. In ten minutes, you can help Hobert dispose of the body."

"Okay." Dophis said: "General, you gave the young master such a powerful magical item, aren't you afraid that it will affect your plan?"

"That's not what I gave him." Christine said: "The sealed item in his hand is an item shared with the Nighthawks. The magical item that grows a big tree should also be provided by the Nighthawks."

Hobert moved the corpses of the "Corrupted Baron", "Judge" and "Astrologer" to the spacious bedroom. He drew the symbols of the "Creator", then built the "spiritual wall", lit candles, and Make sacrifices to yourself and ask for channeling.

After the battle just now, Hobert's spirituality is running low. If he directly uses the "Psychic Necklace", he can only complete one channeling at most.

But if he uses the spirituality of the "State of Disorder" and the ability of the "Psychic Necklace", he can easily complete three channelings.

After completing his prayer, he entered the "Land of Disorder". The moment he entered the "Land of Disorder", his astral body felt severe pain.

Hobert fell on the "Iron Throne" and found that there were maggots burrowing inside his astral body. They seemed to be frightened and were trying their best to escape from Hobert's astral body. Get out.

After emerging, they immediately turned into black mist and disappeared without a trace.

When all the black mist disappeared, Hobert's astral body reappeared and became pure. Only then did he finally understand that the "State of Disorder" helped him eliminate the harm caused by the sealed object.

After all, that sealed object was the product of the "Law Master" who lost control. The damage caused by such sealed objects would not be able to stop the "Country of Disorder" at all.

Hobert, who was looking relaxed, first grabbed the sacrifices on the altar and brought them to the "State of Disorder".

There is nothing much to say about the "psychic necklace". Hobert feels that the black gloves seem to be much more "behaved". This is a crushing of personality!

Hobert had a hunch that he could also use the power of the "State of Disorder" to increase the power of the black glove and suppress its negative effects to a certain extent. After all, it was a sealed artifact of the "Arbiter" path.

But thinking about the transactions that may happen tomorrow, it’s better to wait until tomorrow.

The extraordinary characteristics of "Corrupted Baron" are like a piece of rotten black jade with a layer of black mist surrounding it, which looks a bit magical and unreal.

The extraordinary characteristics of the "Sheriff" look relatively ordinary, about the size of a child's fist, and are composed of three colors, iron black and dark red intertwined with large areas of silver.

Hobert waved his hand and "built" a small stone platform next to the Iron Throne, and placed all today's loot on the stone platform. There was no safer place than the "Country of Disorder".

Then Hobert began to respond to his prayers. He held a "psychic necklace" to mobilize the spirituality of the "Land of Disorder". As expected, he had the ability and power of psychics.

Putting this power into his own stars, he directly saw the gradually dissipating spirits of the "Judge", "Corrupted Baron" and "Astrologer".

You have to hurry up. You don't need to leave the "Country of Disorder". You can use the stars that represent you to directly channel in the "Country of Disorder".

Hobert first channeled the "Corrupted Baron": "The magic potion formula of Sequence 7 and Sequence 6!"

There is no need to recite silently seven times, but only once. The stars representing Hobert leap out of the pool and form a curtain like a movie screen in front of the "Iron Throne".

There was gray mist on the curtain for a second or two, and then a picture appeared. A middle-aged man who looked a bit like the "Corrupted Baron" smiled gently and said: "This is the magic potion formula of Sequence 7. Drink it and you'll be fine." There will be a qualitative change and you will become a truly extraordinary person.”

After taking the parchment, the perspective of the picture looked down, and he saw clearly what was on the parchment: the briber.

Main materials: One "Cry Baby" flower and strange-faced cannabis crystals.

Auxiliary materials: 5 drops of golden datura juice, 5 drops of black datura juice, 4 drops of psychedelic grass essential oil, 80 ml of red wine.

Then the screen turned, and the middle-aged man appeared again. He looked a little more weathered than before: "This is the potion formula for Sequence 6. I will provide you with one main ingredient, and you can use the remaining ingredients. You need to find it yourself, and regard it as your experience and test.

"As long as you gather all the materials, you can obtain the title of the family."

Opening the parchment, it read: Corrupted Baron.

Main material: A mutated heart of the Black Glow Beast, the crystallization of the Chiandari Elf Tree.

Auxiliary materials: 80 ml of the blood of the dark-blooded beast, 20 ml of the juice of the Chiandali elf tree, 8 grams of Agaricus powder, and 100 ml of aged white wine.

After the two potion formulas appeared, the scene on the curtain changed back to the spirit state of "Baron of Corruption" with his eyes blank.

Now that Hobert already has the extraordinary characteristics of "Baron of Corruption", and the extraordinary characteristics of "The Briber" are relatively easy to obtain, he mainly looks at the auxiliary materials of these two potion formulas.

As for taking Extraordinary properties instead of Extraordinary materials, Hobert felt that he did not have any psychological pressure in this regard.

The only thing to note is that the extraordinary characteristics of "briber" also include the extraordinary characteristics of "barbarian" and "lawyer".

Among the extraordinary characteristics of "Corrupted Baron", there are also extraordinary characteristics of "briber", "barbarian" and "lawyer".

Hobert considered whether doing so would ingest too many extraordinary properties of the same sequence. And make his role more complicated? Or a strain on your own spirituality?

But this was not the issue to be considered now. He asked the spirit body of the "Corrupted Baron" again: "How to play the 'Barbarian'?"

I forgot to mention it in my introduction. After it was released, it was updated three times a day, probably two chapters in the early morning and one chapter at eight or nine in the morning.

It's quite interesting to say. Originally, the author wanted to do something big, but as a result, there are some trivial matters at home recently, so I can only guarantee three updates most of the time. After August, I hope to strive for four updates!

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