My summons are weird

Chapter 54 53. Siege

After some exhortations, Chacha officially took the order and left.

This time, he will replace the Goblin King to command the army and launch a war against humans.

Looking at Chacha's leaving figure, the Goblin King sat on the throne piled with various metal coins, the brilliance in his eyes gradually faded.

As his chosen successor, Chacha still can't meet his own standards, but he is already the best mage.

Cha Cha felt that irrigation might be just a misunderstanding, not from the king of the human kingdom.

However, the Goblin King yelled at him loudly, and educated him not to think about problems from the perspective of a mage, let alone have a half-hearted fluke mentality towards humans.

On the premise that it is impossible to determine whether the other party is aware of his physical condition, coincidences should also be treated as premeditated.

And irrigation is not only a means, but also an attitude.

This behavior is directly related to whether the three border lords of the Kingdom of Yas have given up their "morality".

Although the Goblin King has always felt that humans don't have what they say.

If breaking the embankment really becomes a feasible plan on the human agenda, and they think that they will not hesitate to offend the alien races living on the Luotan Plain...

To make humans pay such a high price to try, the Goblin King can only feel that they plan to destroy the underground palace in one fell swoop.

Although the drainage system of the underground palace has been remodeled, although several powerful magicians have risen among the goblins, they are all stronger than themselves at this age.

Although he believes very much that the underground palace he created alone is enough to prevent human conspiracies and schemes from coming and going, let them bury their bones here, and become the rations of goblins...

But he is king.

The king must be responsible to his people, and he is irresponsible if he is willing to believe in illusory possibilities.

There is no way to judge this matter, and there is no effective information channel to prove it. The most appropriate way to solve the problem is to take the initiative.

Instead of waiting for others to deal with you, it is better to take the initiative yourself.

It is a good deal to exchange the Goblin generation for the human border garrison generation. After all, because of the crazy violence in these years, the food shortage is getting bigger and bigger.

It must be fought, and it must be fought with great momentum.

Human beings have no time to judge whether their time is approaching.

Both sides need to calm down and return to the back-and-forth duel in the past.

As time goes by, the decline in strength after his death will also be made up with the rise of the young goblin in the underground palace.

Lu Yu in Black Shield City didn't leave the town for two days just to be on the safe side.

In Black Shield City, except for the increased alert level and more knights patrolling, everything is as usual.

After waking up from a coma, Maroni was furious when he found that two fingers of his right hand had been amputated, and wanted to slash the healer in charge of the treatment with a knife.

The nobles who suffered heavy casualties didn't even eat the set meal prepared by Yas III, and their courage was completely frightened.

No matter how much the family cronies persuaded the injured nobleman, he was unwilling to continue participating in this competition.

This made the knights and adventurers in the Black Shield City extremely disdainful. How many days have you been in the Black Shield City?

In the few days since I started killing goblins, everyone wanted to raise their heads to the sky, look at people with their nostrils, and brag about their bravery when they entered the tavern. The sentence was ridiculed for inferior people.

If it wasn't for the members of the Black Shield Knights who took away a few of them and conveyed Duke Guy's order, these nobles might hold a trial court on the spot to punish a few unconvinced inferiors.

Seeing these nobles beating eggplants one by one, the knights and adventurers felt comfortable. The streets and alleys of Black Shield City have been filled with various stories mocking the nobles in the past two days.

What's more, someone heard about the reason for the competition, and even brought the goblin's head to Lu Yu, offering to give it to him.

If Lu Yu didn't want it, he just threw it at the door.

With such a violent gift-giving method and the visual impact of the gift, Lu Yu could only reluctantly claim it.

Seeing the calm outside the city and the regular patrol of the Black Shield Knights, which covered the underground palace he had explored before, Lu Yu decided not to wait any longer.

Most of the nobles were wiped out, and those who refused to give up were injured, and needed to be recruited from the royal family.

This time and again, it was enough for Lu Yu to reach the top.

After checking the supplies, Lu Yu, who was seeking stability, chose to bring three days' worth of dry food to prevent accidents.

And in order to prevent the nobles from making trouble secretly, Lu Yu chose to travel in the middle of the night, avoiding sight.

However, just as Lu Yu entered the underground palace again, on the other side of the vast Luotan Plain, a fast horse galloped into Luotan City carrying a knight who was shot in the back as a porcupine.

"Enemy attack!"

With just this cry, the dutiful knight rolled off his horse and died.

As the three major cities in the east of Yas, Luotan City also has the most elite knights and magicians of the Yas Kingdom.

The rotating magician guarding the city and the head of the Knights looked at each other.

The sentinels of Luotan City are densely distributed on the east side of the Luotan Plain, exchanging information with the other two cities.

The range of this cavalry sentry is not too far, it is only around Luotan City, he is the one who desperately came back to report, could it be said that all the sentries outside...

The two people on duty shivered violently, cold sweat dripped from their foreheads.

The knight leader ordered a messenger to inform the lord who had just fallen asleep, and shouted to alert the cavalry guards below, and quickly closed the city gate.

The magician condensed a ball of light in his hand and aimed it at the sky outside Luotan City.

Under the illumination of light attribute magic, the outline hidden in the darkness gradually became clear.

The hands of the well-informed magician trembled.

The area he could see was full of goblins.

They are like the rising tide, rushing towards Luotan City from a distance.

The leader of the Knights shook his head in disbelief, subconsciously took a step back.

"Why, after learning about the change from Black Shield City, we sent out several times more sentries than usual, all over the east side of the Luotan Plain...their people, why only one knight who was guarding near Luotan City came back to warn !"

The young magician recovered from his panic, it was a question that no longer needed to be asked.

The goblins had already touched Luotan City's field of vision, which proved that one of the sentries was dead.

And the purpose of these goblins is not just to remove the sentinels, they can approach Luo Tan City silently, thanks to the cooperation of the goblin priests and goblin mages in the team.

If it wasn't for the light-attribute magic he unleashed, which broke the stealth magic covering the striker, these cunning guys could even touch their noses and explode!

The warning bell rang throughout Luotan City, and the people who got up cursing grabbed the things next to the bed and wanted to go out to scold the street, but their scalps became numb after a while.

Accompanied by the sound of the bell, there was also the sound of an explosion.

The messenger cavalry galloped past the main road in the city, shouting loudly: "Goblins attack the city, adventurers in the city come to meet the enemy!"

Soon, the news that Luotan City was attacked by goblins was transmitted to Black Shield City.

"What about the number of goblins?" Duke Guy asked the messenger.

"I don't know, I only know that they are attacking Lotan City one after another. Now the east gate of Lotan City is being stormed, and the city walls are being bombarded by Goblin mage's explosive magic. I don't know how long they can last!"

The courier knelt down on one knee and begged sadly: "Twenty-seven couriers broke through, and I was the only one left. All the magic messages were disturbed by the goblin mage's disturbing magic power. Now Luotan City is at stake. Please hurry up, Duke!" Rescue!"

Duke Guy thought for a moment, then waved his hand, indicating that the Black Shield Knights would join him in the battle, and the deputy head of the Knights temporarily acted as the defense of Black Shield City.

When the people around were busy preparing for the rescue operation, the deputy head came to Duke Gay and knelt down on one knee: "I implore the Duke not to attack!"

"The goblin army has not fought against the kingdom on the ground for a long time, but only used the underground palace to harass the kingdom, making it impossible for us to take back the Luotan Plain."

"In the past ten years or so, the goblins only launched sieges and raids on the Luotan Plain during the winter season when food was short of food. I have reason to believe that the goblins sending troops this time are most likely related to the lack of food."

"At this time, the adventurers in the city should be mobilized, together with the Black Shield Knights, to launch a surprise attack on the underground palace. The large-scale troop mobilization and the weak defense force in the underground palace, we can create a big commotion in the underground palace, and the goblins in Luotan City will naturally Will return to the rescue!"

"If the Duke personally rescues Luotan City, the force is like a sea of ​​stones. It may not be effective, and he may be ambushed by cunning goblins. The risk is too great!"

Duke Gay watched him pull up with one hand, the loyal deputy head, heaved a long sigh.

He helped the deputy head up with his own hands, and said with a smile: "Randy, you are very proficient in military affairs, and your judgment is very correct."

"But you don't understand politics."

Randy's deputy captain's eyes trembled.

"The three major lords of the Eastern Territory are the few direct descendants of His Majesty who can entrust their safety. We and our family swear allegiance to His Majesty to the death, just for the betterment of this country."

"The confrontation with the goblins for many years has proved that whether it is defensive or offensive in the eastern border, on this vast plain, at least three cities need to take care of each other to slowly map it."

"If a city falls at this time, and a lord dies in battle..."

"The former will make the nobles in the royal city stretch their hands to the east and question His Majesty's employment; the latter... the power vacuum left by the dead lord may not be fully taken over by his heirs. Not everyone's loyalty can be guaranteed by Fanxing Praise, more people just want to be the black mist that dims the stars."

"If the transfer of power in the Eastern Territory is in turmoil at this time, His Majesty's plans will all go bankrupt."

Guy patted Randy on the shoulder and said seriously, "I must go. Not a single city can be lost, and not a single lord can die."

"Although this is the best chance to destroy the Goblin Palace... But unfortunately, I can't bet. If you want to blame, blame those useless nobles for holding us back."

"Can't we do anything?" Randy clenched his fists tightly, wishing to tear up the nobles who dragged him down and swallow his stomach.

"There's one more thing we can do."

Randy listened.

"Issuing a commission to let adventurers enter the Goblin Dungeon to destroy it, to what extent we can do it depends on whether the stars in the night sky will protect us."

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