My monster merges everything

Chapter 20 Spider-Man Monster

But at this point, it’s impossible to give up. We can only be more careful and cheer up. The group of people walked towards the top floor, passed through the gradually dimming corridor, and walked out of the safe door. Suddenly, a yellowish light shone on their faces, completely reflecting everyone's shocked expressions.

On the bloody corridor, there were dried and black blood stains everywhere, either mottled or stained in a large area.

Many corpses were piled up, whether they were human corpses, flesh corpses, or corpses of face-touching monsters. They were piled up layer by layer in the center of the corridor. At a glance, only seven or eight bloody heads could be seen.

All the corpses looked mangled with flesh and blood. The rotting flesh and blood were all sticky and sticky, forming a paste, exuding a stench.

The corpses were intertwined with each other due to decay, and the flesh and blood gradually merged. It was no longer possible to clearly distinguish each other, and there was only a vague appearance of a mountain of meat, which was very disgusting.

However, right on top of this terrifying mountain of corpses, a strange plant that was pitch black, had branches twisted upward, and completely leafless was rooted among the corpses.

The strange plant is actually not very tall. Su Han visually estimated that it is only about 50 centimeters at most.

Its roots are as black as ink, and the twisted angles of its branches are not like a normal plant, but more like broken bones. It is somewhat similar to the twisted appearance of its underground corpse. There is a faint shadow on its dark surface. The dark red lines flow slightly.

The most eye-catching thing is that there is a crystal-like fruit growing on the top of this dark plant.

The light reflected on Su Han's and the others' faces was emitted by this fruit, and it looked extremely strange.

"What the hell is going on?"

Someone in the team asked a question, but no one answered.

The scene in front of them was beyond their understanding. No one knew the answer or how to answer it.

The only thing they could guess was that the plant slowly grew by absorbing the flesh and blood of these corpses.

"Everyone, please be careful, that thing may be dangerous."

Just as Cheng Zhenyong issued a warning, a clicking sound suddenly sounded, like a hard object hitting the ground.

Everyone suddenly looked towards the end of the corridor where the sound came from, and two red eyes suddenly appeared in front of everyone.


A tall dark figure was gradually walking out of the dim corridor. Between the looming shadows, the approaching figure looked extremely tall, heavy and strange.

The monster's body crowded the corridors. It was about 2.78 meters tall. The upper body was a human body with twisted muscles and exposed red muscles, while the lower body was a spider body and legs made of flesh and blood like a spider.

The gaping mouth emitted a sharp roar, and tentacles covered with mucus like octopus tentacles stretched out from his mouth, constantly turning like insects.

Cheng Zhenyong and others' expressions changed, and they were all frightened by this tall monster.

Before anyone could react, the monster immediately erupted into bursts of passionate roars after seeing everyone's figures clearly.

Its spider legs were slightly arched, and its whole body seemed to be ejected, and it suddenly rushed towards the crowd.

"Stop that monster!"

Cheng Zhenyong, He Fang and others reacted immediately and loudly ordered their apostle corpses to rush towards the monster.

Only by stopping him can he escape. Otherwise, in a narrower space like the stairs, it would be impossible to escape from the monster's pursuit.

Su Han's four-armed corpse tightened, and sharp metal claws popped out of the two arms under the ribs. The thick muscles were tense, and a touch of black quietly covered it, and the iron skin skill was quietly activated.

Wait, it's slow!

Suddenly his eyes moved, and he keenly noticed that the spider-man sprinted a bit, and actually moved a little slower in front of the yellow light.

It's just that this movement was extremely slight. After a moment's pause, he immediately rushed towards the crowd, his eyes becoming scarier and more violent.

In the blink of an eye, the monster collided with the apostle corpses of Cheng Zhenyong and others.

The power of this spider man was unexpectedly strong. Just as the flesh corpse rushed in front of it, it was already knocked away the next moment.

First, Zhang Fu's apostle's corpse was suddenly hit against the wall of the corridor. The heavy impact made a low and dull sound, and for a while, the apostle's corpse fell to the ground.

Then there was Chen Jun's corpse, which was pierced by a spider spear as soon as he came across it. A huge blood hole suddenly appeared on the body of the apostle, and blood continued to gush out.

The apostle corpses of Cheng Zhenyong and He Fang were obviously slightly stronger, and they jumped onto the monster.

The long slender hands tightly hugged the spider man's body, and the bloody mouth revealed sharp teeth and began to bite the monster's body.

The remaining flesh corpses took advantage of the spider-man monster to be entangled, and immediately began to attack, punching the flesh, making a dull sound, like a dull drum.

Although the attack caused damage and bloody wounds appeared on the spider-man monster, such an attack also made it even crazier.


The spider-man monster roared, and the tentacles in its mouth danced wildly, and then one of its big hands was seen grabbing the corpse in front of it.

"Get out of the way!"

Cheng Zhenyong ordered to escape, but it was too late.

The apostle's corpse was firmly grasped by the monster's big hand, and it was thrown to the side like a sandbag, making a heavy muffled sound.

The spider-man monster followed the same method and threw He Fang's corpse away. For a moment, there was no interference from the apostles on its upper body. Like a dragon escaping from its trap, it went into a frenzy and continuously knocked away the corpses surrounding it.

The space in the corridor is limited, and the flesh corpse cannot use the human sea strategy, and it is actually unable to stop the approach of the spider-man monster.

It's now!

Yan Meiyu saw the right moment and controlled the rot-skin rat to swim quickly. While the monster was going crazy, the rot-skin rat jumped up and secreted its poisonous claws in the dark, blinding the monster's eyes.

After hitting the target, the rot-skinned rat did not dare to stop at all, and quickly hid in the darkness after landing.

The spider-man monster's eyes were injured, and it became more and more crazy for a while, knocking over three or four flesh corpses one after another.

Dong dong dong~

Heavy footsteps sounded, and the four-armed corpse strode forward and directly hit the spider-man monster hard.

The huge force knocked the monster's upper body upward, and the lower body of the spider staggered a little on its six spider legs. The huge fist of the four-armed corpse hit the monster's head directly. With a bang, the spider-man monster was dwarfed by the blow and kept retreating.

The monster immediately rushed towards the four-armed corpse, and pierced the four-armed corpse with its sharp spider spear.

With a sonorous sound, a heavy white mark appeared on the iron skin, and a small hole was faintly broken, but this damage was just like a mosquito bite.

The four-armed corpse immediately counterattacked, holding the spider legs with both hands on its back to prevent the spider-man monster from moving, and then hugging the fragile upper body of the spider-man monster with its hands on its lower ribs.


The spine twisted under the huge force and made a sound, and the screams from the spider-man monster almost pierced everyone's eardrums.

The four-armed corpse roared angrily, and with all four arms exerting force at the same time, he lifted the spider-man monster high, smashed it down like a meteor, and then threw it against the security door with a bang.

The security door was dented directly, and the monster was embedded in it. It struggled to get up for a while.

The four-armed flesh corpse pressed forward with a clanging sound, and the metal claws raised the knife without hesitation. The spider-man monster's neck was cut with a clicking sound, and a large amount of blood spurted out, staining the entire corridor red.

"This monster is so scary."

Cheng Zhenyong was still frightened. If the four-armed flesh corpse didn't take action just now, the spider-man monster would rush in front of them.

"It's awesome, but it's a pity, if it can be contracted"

He Fang was still frightened, but his eyes couldn't help but reveal a bit of greed. If his apostle was a spider-man monster, how powerful would it be?

"More than just powerful? If it is contracted, it will be a powerful fighting force for everyone. But let me tell you, Brother Su Han's apostle is the most powerful. I didn't expect to kill the monster so quickly."

After encountering such a monster, no one was injured except the apostle. Naturally, everyone felt relieved, and some people unknowingly praised Su Han.

Su Han was very calm. He glanced at the quiet floor and said, "Let's search this floor first. It's getting late."

Cheng Zhenyong nodded and greeted everyone: "Search for supplies first, be careful of monsters."

Su Han didn't say anything, his eyes fell on the weird plant and corpse pile, and he thought to himself: "This should be the only monster on this floor."

Then the corpse couldn't have appeared for no reason, it could only have been massacred by the spider-man monster.

As for why there are such weird plants, maybe it was consciously cultivated by the spider-man monster, or maybe the two have nothing to do with each other and just grew on their own.

Su Han didn't say anything about this, but just watched Cheng Zhenyong arrange his men to search the six rooms, paying attention to the plant.

"Pull that plant up."

With a thought, he asked the four-armed flesh corpse to grab the plant. The slender roots were pulled out of the carrion, and drops of blood were still dripping down, exuding a foul smell.

The plant was just grasped by the four-armed flesh corpse, but the light did not dim much.

‘Well, no, this plant is absorbing the power of the four-armed corpse. ’

Su Han quickly discovered that something was wrong. The power of the four-armed flesh corpse was slowly being absorbed.

He frowned, but he did not throw away the plant immediately. The power being absorbed was not serious, but was slowly lost. This loss can be recovered by itself in just one and a half days of cultivation.

Compared to this, he was more concerned about why the spider-man monster acted abnormally because of the yellow light.

‘Should this light be able to drive away monsters? That's not right, it should make the monster feel uncomfortable. ’

After carefully recalling the reaction of the spider-man monster, Su Han had some vague thoughts.

If this is the function of this weird plant, then it can also explain why there are relatively few monsters on the 18th, 19th, and 20th floors, not just because of the spider monsters.

"Can this thing be fused?"

Su Han looked at the yellow crystals on the plants, and a thought suddenly came to his mind.

He controlled the four-armed flesh corpse to hand the plant in front of him, and then reached out to touch it.

【Find the lamp tree crystal that can be fused, can it be fused? 】

"So this thing is called a lamp tree?" His eyes lit up, and then he refused: "It doesn't merge."

He found a sheet, then wrapped the lamp tree, and let the four-armed flesh corpse hold it for the time being. The things that would appear in the apocalypse would not be ordinary objects.

When Su Han collected the lantern trees, Cheng Zhenyong and the others moved very quickly, searching all six rooms in less than half an hour. The supplies found were also moved out and simply piled together.

"Su Han, did you touch that weird plant?"

Cheng Zhenyong's eyes were filled with surprise and a bit of confusion. No one knew what this weird plant was? What does it do? Hasty contact is dangerous.

Su Han nodded and said: "I will pay more attention. You can't leave this weird thing here, what if there are any hidden dangers?"

Cheng Zhenyong thought about it. It was better to keep something like this right under his nose than to leave it unattended on the 20th floor. Otherwise, no one would know what changes would happen, which would be dangerous.

However, destroying it was actually a way, but obviously Su Han didn't intend that.

So he said: "Then I'll leave this to you."

Su Han nodded, and he glanced at the tired people. It was already evening, and the corridor was getting darker and darker because there was no light.

He said: "Captain Cheng, let me go here today first, and then distribute the supplies tomorrow."

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