This is too comfortable

And the whole Internet was in a frenzy because of this news!

“Oh my God! Salute to the Second Grandpa!”

“Huh! Hua Guo Tobacco is playing with fire and burning itself. It makes the Second Grandpa angry. He

deserves it!” “If it weren’t for the warships of our province, I would have quit smoking a long time ago!”

“Okay, okay, okay. , you upstairs, stop bragging, stop being a hammer.”

“Hey, don’t expose me…”

Just as netizens were talking about it, Huaguo Tobacco, which had quickly reorganized, completed negotiations with You Jing and others, After Chen Qian’s approval, he officially became a shareholder in Galaxy Technology!

Like the Ministry of Security, the matter of taking shares is not known to outsiders.

In this investment, Huaguo Tobacco also holds 40% of the shares, and Chen Qian personally holds 20% of the shares. Although it does not seem like much, the income is still sky-high, so Chen Qian is still a little worried. .

Moreover, after Liya’s design of the ownership structure, coupled with the support from above, Chen Qian’s right to speak has not only not been reduced at all, but has also reached a terrifying level!

Huaguo Tobacco’s successful investment in shares also made Chen Qian breathe a sigh of relief and officially began to promote the popularization of nicotine e-cigarettes.

Under the operation of the state machine, in just over a month, the new electronic cigarette was officially launched! Huaguo Tobacco even went to the platform in person to advertise loudly.

All smokers were stunned. How come cigarettes are not produced even if they are not produced? Is this nicotine e-cigarette as good as advertised? Not only is it completely harmless, but it can also prevent Alzheimer’s disease?

But no matter what, cigarettes are no longer produced, and they have no choice but to bite the bullet and start switching to various flavors of nicotine e-cigarettes.

This is the characteristic of nicotine. It can be synthesized into many flavors and is still completely harmless. Unlike conventional nicotine e-cigarettes, various flavors are made from glycerin, essence, propylene glycol and other substances, which are still slightly harmful.

However, many smokers would not know it until they try it. After trying nicotine, a new world opens up!

To put it simply: this is so comfortable!

They even felt inexplicably that their minds seemed to be more open-minded, and people became more confident and optimistic. Just like looking at the vast sky and earth after climbing a mountain, the feeling of relaxation and joy from the bottom of their hearts will never be forgotten!

Coupled with this feeling of being “slightly tipsy” but clear-headed, I can only use two words to describe it, becoming an immortal!

That’s right, after nicotine e-cigarettes were launched, all smokers formed a unified view in just three days – this is something only gods can enjoy!

And there is no danger of second-hand smoke. It can be said that there are no so-called “smoking areas” in the entire country overnight. Even the country has vigorously promoted and advocated smoking more nicotine e-cigarettes!

Not only that, some people soon discovered how their children’s academic performance had improved dramatically. The class teacher praises me every day, which makes me feel embarrassed!

I couldn’t help but post it online to show off, and then I discovered that many other people’s children were like this!

why is that? Many people began to investigate, only to find that nicotine was the cause! Their children are secretly smoking nicotine!

Suddenly, many students across the country experienced the worst beating in their lives. Hospitals across the country were busy because the beating was so severe.

But within two days, a netizen woke up the dreamer with his words.

“It’s not stipulated that children can’t use it…”

Everyone woke up, yes, it didn’t say that children couldn’t use it! Since nicotine has been on the market, the “No minors are allowed to buy cigarettes” signs in front of the canteens have disappeared, and the country has vigorously promoted the use of nicotine…

What’s going on? Can children use it?

The Internet was immediately divided into two groups and started arguing. The public opinion became more and more intense, and finally the national team was dismissed.

“Nicotine is completely harmless and is equivalent to a ‘nourishing’ substance for brain nerves, so it has a certain effect in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. The improvement of children’s academic performance is also a benefit brought by the activation of brain nerves, not only for children, but also for pregnant women. Feel free to use it.”

“But learning does not happen overnight. Although it can make children ‘smarter’ to a certain extent, in the final analysis it still requires hard work. I hope that our Chinese students will be like dragons.”

Popular science at the end of the national team completely dispelled In response to everyone’s doubts, sales of nicotine e-cigarettes exploded overnight! Huaguo Tobacco’s production lines across the country were somewhat stretched, and in the end they had no choice but to quickly expand production capacity, and then the music continued.

No way, now not only former cigarette smokers, but also senior citizens in their seventies and eighties, middle-aged men, pregnant women, and children who have just entered elementary school are all starting to use nicotine e-cigarettes.

There is not a single one of the 140 million people who does not smoke nicotine e-cigarettes!

Nowadays, in Chinese families, the whole family smokes and smokes together. For families with children still in school, parents’ concerns are no longer about “eating more fruits” or “drinking eight more walnuts to replenish the brain.” Kind of a word.

Instead, they would all say: “Son, do you still have the cigarette cartridges?” “Tired from studying? Why don’t you take a sip to relax?” “You can study well if you smoke more!” The

teacher’s scolding of idiots also turned into: “You and those who don’t smoke It’s just like nicotine!” It makes people laugh and cry.

In the blink of an eye, more than two months have passed. In the “All-purpose Medicine” laboratory, everyone looked at the newly synthesized blue pill in front of them. Their eyes were filled with excitement. When excited, they picked up the pill hanging around their necks. Another puff from the e-cigarette.

Chen Qian is also a little excited. He has been working hard these days and finally completed it!

Suddenly, a Rouyi held his hand. Chen Qian turned to look at Jiang Ruyue, seeing the joy in her eyes, he smiled and nodded.

“As I said, we can do it.”

Jiang Ruyue snorted and buried her head in Chen Qian’s arms. The researchers around them looked at each other with joy, and then took a step back in tacit understanding, with a look in their eyes. He smiled and said nothing, but couldn’t help but take another puff of cigarette.

Chen Qian was also helpless and patted Jiang Ruyue on the back: “Okay, okay, I know you are happy. The current animal experiments are perfect, and I believe Xiaonan’s mother is the same.” ”

Yeah.” Jiang Ruyue hummed and paused. After a pause, he whispered: “My dear, you are awesome.”

Chen Qian raised his eyebrows: “Well… you said the same thing last night.”

“Fuck you!” Jiang Ruyue pretended to punch Chen Qian hard. Chest, broke away from the embrace, turned around and ran away: “Ignore you.”

Ignore me?

Chen Qian touched his chin and said, um, it doesn’t matter. He ignored me again tonight.

Then he returned to the office and dialed Chen Quan’s phone number.

“Don’t tell me you succeeded!” Chen Quan’s voice was a little excited.

Chen Qian was stunned: “Brother Quan, are you the roundworm in my stomach?”

Chen Quan immediately shouted: “Damn it! You actually succeeded! You told me before that you were going to develop some ‘universal medicine’, I thought You are bragging to me!”

Chen Qian smiled and coughed twice: “Ahem… Brother Quan, you have to pay attention to your image. You are about to be forty years old. Be careful. Let’s be more stable… “

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