Misunderstanding, I Really Didn’t Show Love to My Teacher

Chapter 45 Brother, don't blink, I will give you a surprise!

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Because Li Tianci got along with Chen Chang'an, he had some understanding before, so he had this view.

The others are just watching and don't understand anything.

Be preconceived and think like that.

Chen Chang'an said.

"Since the elder brothers think so, why not care about what they say and what they think."

Li Tianci nodded with a clear understanding in his heart.

"Junior Brother is right."

If Feng Wanxi really regards Chen Chang'an as a direct disciple.

In fact, Li Tianci doesn't need to worry so much about Chen Chang'an's duel.

When the time comes, Feng Wanxi will definitely help him.

At this time.

Chen Chang'an said.

"Brother gave me a hosta as a gift, and I should return it with a gift. Then I will choose a magic weapon for the senior in this Wanbao Building and give it as a gift."

Chen Chang'an treats Li Tianci as a friend and treats him sincerely. Aren't you worrying about the comprehension pattern, then I will help you.

Li Tianci shook his head.

"It's not necessary."

Chen Chang'an laughed and said nothing.

At this time, they had already strolled back to the first floor of Wanbao Building.

Chen Chang'an looked at a mottled ancient tripod.

Look at the price.

This mottled ancient tripod only needs ten thousand spiritual stones.

"I will buy this tripod and give it to my senior."

Many disciples are paying attention to Chen Chang'an here.

Hearing that Chen Chang'an was going to give this mottled ancient tripod to Li Tianci, several disciples couldn't help laughing and talking.

"I am so ridiculous. Brother Li helped him. Why did Chen Chang'an send such a broken tripod to Brother Li? I am ashamed of Brother Li!"

"I heard that this broken tripod was put on display in Wanbao Building hundreds of years ago. It seems that it has accumulated dust. It is just a three-star yellow magic weapon. Chen Chang'an is too stingy. Anyway, Brother Li is also too stingy. I helped him and gave him a treasure hairpin worth 300,000 yuan. He was fine, with three thousand spiritual tickets on his body, and a wealth of money, but he bought this thing for Brother Li."

"This Chen Chang'an is not worthy of Senior Brother Li's action for him just now!"

"Forget it, forget it, these three thousand spirit tickets don't necessarily belong to him, maybe Elder Feng handed them to him for preservation. After all, he is a handyman. Whether he can take out ten thousand spirit stones is still a question. "(Read more @ wuxiamtl.com)

"Senior Brother Li shouldn't get too close to him. At first glance, Chen Chang'an hugged Senior Brother Li's thigh. Now he gave Senior Brother Li a broken tripe. Are you afraid that Senior Brother Li will leave him too? Tighten Senior Brother Li's thighs, but unfortunately I don't look at what kind of broken copper and broken iron they are sending."

"If I were Senior Brother Li, I would have gone away long ago."

"That's right, isn't Brother Li's favor only worth 10,000 spiritual stones? If I were to give me a magic weapon with a value of no less than hosta and at least 300,000 spiritual stones, then I could give it away. Well."

This time, the discussion couldn't help becoming louder.

When Li Tianci listened, his face was a little ugly. He looked at these disciples who were discussing, his eyes were cold and full of warning.

Although Li Tianci was afraid of Zhang Chongyun, he was a direct disciple.

Whether in the outer door, the inner door, or even the core disciples, it is also very majestic.

Suddenly, these disciples saw Li Tianci's warning gaze swept over, and they did not dare to talk.

After all, these disciples were just talking about it.

Let out the jealousy, envy, and imbalance in your heart.

If Feng Wanxi wants to receive personal biography again.

I'm afraid they will be the first to rush up, begging Feng Wanxi to accept them, whether it is Feng Wanxi's personal transmission, real or fake, as long as there is a personally transmitted name, they can't ask for it.

Seeing that these disciples didn't talk about it anymore, Li Tianci looked back.

Chen Chang'an also glanced at the disciples who were discussing, and said lightly.

"This broken tripod is worthless in your eyes, but it is priceless in my eyes."


Chen Chang'an said to Li Tianci.

"This tripod is a magic weapon specially selected for the senior brother. Does the senior brother like it?"

Li Tianci knew that this was Chen Chang'an's thoughts. To Chen Chang'an, Li Tianci also regarded him as a friend. This is the case, and he would care about the preciousness Chen Chang'an gave.

He smiled and nodded.

"Senior brother gave it to me. I naturally like it. It just so happens that I lacked an ancient ding as a defensive weapon."

Chen Chang'an shook his head.

"Brother, you are wrong. This is not a defensive magic weapon, but an attacking magic weapon, not an ordinary attacking weapon."

Li Tianci was a little embarrassed.

"This is a defensive weapon, not an attack. Junior Brother, have you admitted your mistake?"

Everyone was speechless and despised even more.

This Chen Chang'an is a handyman disciple, short-sighted, and he didn't expect that even Huang Tier's magic weapon could admit his attributes to his mistakes.

They recognized this broken tripod at a glance, it was a defensive magic weapon.

When I got to Chen Chang'an, it wasn't.

If you are with Chen Chang'an, don't be too embarrassed.

Chen Chang'an did not explain.

It only costs a spiritual ticket, which is ten thousand spiritual stones, to purchase the mottled ancient ding.

The mottled ancient tripod is not big, it is supported by Chen Chang'an with one hand.

This tripod is mottled, old, and worn, with the yellow-step artifact pattern shining extremely dimly light, and even the tripod body has a few cracks. It is extremely ordinary and can be said to be an inferior magic weapon.

This mottled ancient cauldron is something that even the outer disciples of the Qi Refining Realm can't look down on, otherwise it won't be bought in Wanbao Lou for hundreds of years.

In the eyes of these disciples, it was nothing but a piece of iron, worthless.

Only a fool would spend 10,000 Lingshi to buy it.

However, in the eyes of everyone, it is nothing more than a mottled ancient tripod with broken copper and iron. In Chen Chang'an's eyes, it is indeed a rare magic weapon and an invaluable treasure, as he said.

He possesses [Refining Weapon and Power of God], and at a glance, he can see that the ancient ding is dusty, the light is not visible, and the three-star yellow rank is just an illusion on the appearance of the ancient ding.

Chen Chang'an's eyes are calm, his expression is calm, and the palm of his right hand is holding the mottled ancient tripod.

"Brother, don't blink, I will give you a surprise."


Chen Chang'an poured his body mana into the mottled ancient cauldron.

Li Tianci looked at Gu Ding, and the others were also watching.

I don’t know what the secret of Chen Chang’an is.

ps: Seeking flowers.........................

Ask for evaluation...................................... ...........

Various requirements............................................... .............*

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