Military Industry of Great Powers: Build the Strongest Flanker

Chapter 17 If you want to do your job well, you must sharpen your tools

"Xiao Zhao, starting from tomorrow, you will work in the third group. Director Gao has agreed to this matter. What do you think?"

"I obey the organization's arrangements!"

"Okay, okay, Xiao Sun, you can familiarize yourself with Guo Qing first. The specific work will be arranged after you are familiar with the three groups of environments!"


The projects of the three groups are all confidential, so each department has strict confidentiality regulations. Even people from the 14th Institute and unrelated people cannot enter casually.

Xiao Sun also took Zhao Guoqing to look at the venue. When Zhao Guoqing saw the computer room, he couldn't move away.

"The third group has a computer room? Can you go in and have a look?"

"You can check it out, but you can't move it. If you want to move it, you need to apply!"

The so-called microcomputer room only has one computer. Yes, Zhao Guoqing looked at it, it is a microcomputer. There is a keyboard, crt monitor, but no mouse.

The model number on the sign is IBM PC 5050, which was launched in August 1981. It is considered a relatively new computer.

It uses an Intel 8088 processor, 64kb of memory, a 5.25-inch floppy disk drive, no hard disk, and a printer.

The person who operated the computer was a little girl named Pan Xiaoyan. She looked to be in her twenties. She was wearing a hood, mask, and footmuffs, all wrapped up so tightly that it was hard to tell what she looked like.

"You're new here, you need to change your feet and headgear."

Zhao Guoqing laughed dumbly. It was just a computer.

"is it necessary?"

"Of course it is necessary. Do you know how much this computer costs? This is the latest technology in the United States."


Zhao Guoqing has an image of this computer in his memory. He has also used it. The high-end version costs about 20,000 US dollars. The current exchange rate is 1:3, which means it costs about 60,000 yuan. It is indeed a sky-high price.

A household worth ten thousand yuan outside will be pursued by too many people.


There were very few applications developed for microcomputers in the 1980s, and they could do some ordinary document processing, of course only in English.

Then there are programming and small games. There are many industrial applications, but the scientific computing performance is limited, and more complex series operations are probably too difficult.

The standard 5.25-inch floppy disk has a capacity of only 386KB.


Zhao Guoqing saw the words AutoCAD on the desktop floppy disk shelf?

"Don't touch it!"

"Comrade, can you show me this?"

"I'll hold it, but don't touch it. This set of software costs more than a thousand yuan!"


AutoCAD 1.0, a 300kb software, is indeed the first computer-aided design software. He has used it before, but it was version 3.0. The initial version did not have a border bar, and all the commands that came with the software were used.

As for the function, it's terrible, just drawing lines and circles.

There is no line width layer at all.

The first version was useless, and the software came with a manual that explained various functions in detail, but in any case, it was considered a major breakthrough.

"Do you understand? You can't pretend!"

Zhao Guoqing looked at the woman and said, "Do you want to test me?"

"Do you know what this software is for?"

"Autodesk Computer Aided Design, can the exam be a little more difficult?"


"There is also a Visual Basic compiler, but it's a pity that it's useless!"

VB is a language that is only used for teaching. If you want to use it to write a program, it will kill you if you execute it. This language has inherent shortcomings and is destined to be garbage.

"Hmph!" Pan Xiaoyan said: "You know VB? That's not a small tone, do you understand?"

"You know Yidiandian, is there C language here?"

"What C language?"

Zhao Guoqing shook his head. The C language compiler on the IBM microcomputer may not have been developed yet, and the more advanced C++ has not yet been born. After thinking about it, he sighed lightly.

If there is C language, it is not impossible to develop a chip EDA software.

Zhao Guoqing also had this impulse when he saw the AutoCAD software.

"The big deal is that the function is simpler, similar to that of AutoCAD 1.0. It removes the computationally intensive logic error correction and only draws pictures. Drawing thousands of transistors is not a big problem."

"And you can build a chip library through software!"

The so-called library is a group of transistors that express the same function. It can be made into a library. If you encounter the same needs, you can directly copy and paste from the library, which can greatly reduce the difficulty of design.

EDA software is of great significance to chip development.

It is the programming language. Hey, Zhao Guoqing said to Pan Xiaoyan: "I remember that the instructions that came with the IBM computer included IBM PC assembly language. Do you have it?"

Pan Xiaoyan raised her head and said, "Do you even know this? Which school did you graduate from? Is your school only about computers?"

"Don't worry about which school I graduated from. Show me the book quickly. I need it urgently!"

Pan Xiaoyan looked at Zhao Guoqing, then at Xiao Sun, and said to Xiao Sun: "Look at him, don't let him touch the computer!"

Zhao Guoqing smiled and said to himself: "The little girl still thinks this computer is a treasure, look at how I use this computer for personal use."

After a while, Pan Xiaoyan came in with a thick book from the outside. The instructions were all in English, but the assembly language had more than two hundred pages. It introduced various commands and risks that needed to be avoided.

"Good guy, there are more than three hundred orders alone!"


Zhao Guoqing flipped through the pages a little and said to Pan Xiaoyan, "Can you lend me this book to study?"


"The book can't be damaged, and it's not like I won't return it to you!"

"Why don't you have any awareness at all? This is not my thing. If you want to borrow it, you need the director's signature!"


Zhao Guoqing put down the book, and the ideas in his mind became clearer. It happened that he was about to report to Director Gao.

There is a saying from our ancestors: If a public wants to do his job well, he must sharpen his tools.

After looking around the laboratories of the three groups, Zhao Guoqing became more and more convinced of this idea.

When I returned to General Engineer Bi's office, he was not there, so I found him after finding him in the assembly workshop. General Engineer Bi put down what he was doing and said, "How was it? Do you have any ideas?"

Zhao Guoqing said with a smile: "What I learned from the book is ultimately shallow. There are too many things to learn!"

Chief Engineer Bi nodded and said, "What you said makes sense. These drawings are drawings. Making things out of the drawings is another matter. It takes a lot of time to recognize hundreds of components. These components are installed in Together, whether it can work as designed is another thing!”

Zhao Guoqing also agreed with what General Engineer Bi said as an experienced person, but Zhao Guoqing was still thinking about semiconductor chips.

The research on semiconductor chips requires the entire industry chain and regulated materials.

This is one reason why Zhao Guoqing did not choose to go it alone and chose to join the military industry.

"On National Day, Dean Gao asked you to come see him when you have time. I guess the people from Institute 53 have left now. If you have nothing to do, go now!"


Dean Gao must still be worried about the ice cream factory. Zhao Guoqing felt that it was necessary to draw a big picture for Dean Gao first.

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