Medical Sovereign

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Dinner

"I am thirty-three years old this year. At your age, I should be at about the same level of cultivation as this female lay monk."

Taoist priest Xuanling drooped his eyelids and said calmly, but Ding Ninglei's skin was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. He lost his voice in disbelief: "You are only forty-three years old this year? Are you a liar?"

Taoist priest Xuanling shrugged noncommittally and smiled without saying a word.

Kemei said with a serious look: "Taoist Master Xuanling didn't lie to you. His age is no secret in the entire Fengling Continent. When I met him a few years ago, he was still in his early thirties. I didn't expect this. In just a few years, he has...become like this."

Ding Ning was stunned, with disbelief on his face. Taoist Master Xuanling was in the same realm as Mei when he was in his twenties. Doesn't this mean that he had reached the peak of the Divine Transformation realm in his twenties?

With such qualifications, such speed of cultivation, and such a perverted monster, how could he, who calls himself a peerless genius, be embarrassed?

"So, you are now exhausted and about to die of old age, is it because you revealed the secret of heaven and were punished by heaven?"

Ding Ning suddenly woke up and asked thoughtfully.

Taoist Master Xuanling nodded slightly, but he did not show any signs of decadence or complaint because he was about to die. He was still as calm as a calm lake.

It seems that he has no fear of death. His indifference to life and death is like that of an old man who has seen through the vicissitudes of the world. It is impossible for people to associate him with his actual age.

Ding Ning sighed softly, shook his head and said, "It's your fate, not your illness. There's nothing I can do about it."

There was a strange look on the face of the Xuanling Dao elder, and he looked at him amusedly: "Do you think I'm waiting for you to help me survive?"

"Well, I'm a doctor, professional habits, professional habits."

Ding Ning's face turned red when he was told this, and he said sarcastically.

"Taoist Priest, I won't hide it from you, and I can't hide it from you. He is not from this world. He was dragged here by the turbulence of space. What should he do if he wants to go back now? Please give me some advice."

Mei's temperament has always been like this, and she likes to be straightforward. Although she respects Taoist Master Xuanling very much, it is just respect. She has not reached the point of feeling sad because he is about to run out of life, but because he may die at any time. Death, fearing that Ding Ning would be cut off from his return, he asked anxiously.

Taoist priest Xuanling was not dissatisfied with her outspokenness.

He was not surprised by Ding Ning's background. His face remained as calm as ever and he nodded calmly: "This is why I have been waiting for you to arrive."

Mei Wenyan looked happy, but Ding Ning felt extremely strange in his heart. He felt that Taoist Xuanling was too powerful.

There may be people with prophetic powers in this world, but they are all predictions of a certain scene in the future in an instant, but Taoist Master Xuanling seems to be an omniscient and omnipotent master, as if he knows everything clearly.

How could there be such an omniscient and omnipotent person in this world? Ding Ning asked himself, even if he cultivated to the peak level of Origin Dao, he would not be able to know everything as well as Taoist Master Xuanling.

Therefore, he concluded that this Taoist priest Xuanling was not simple. Even if he was not the mastermind behind everything, he must have some kind of special relationship.

Although the person behind all this did not show any malice from beginning to end, he knew people but didn't know their hearts. What's more, this person didn't know what kind of magic method he used. The bewitched Mei was unwilling to leave with him, which made him He secretly felt wary. He would never easily believe this Taoist Xuanling before he understood the person's purpose.

But facts have proven that many things in this world cannot be decided by him at all. In the face of absolute strength, all his vigilance is useless.

Taoist Master Xuanling didn't even give him a chance to speak, so he just said to himself: "I am holding on for a breath, just waiting to send you back."

After saying that, before Ding Ning could express his position, he stretched out his finger and lightly swiped in the air, and a huge gap suddenly appeared in the space like a curtain being cut with scissors.

Violent spatial fluctuations came, and Ding Ning was swallowed by the space crack before he even had time to react.


Ding Ning was shocked and turned pale. At the moment when the space crack closed, he turned his head with difficulty and shouted urgently at Mei with a look of reluctance on his face.

It's a pity that the turbulence in space is raging, and his voice can't convey even a single cent. He can only watch Mei's lonely figure getting further and further away from him, as far away as if separated by a long river of time, forever far away. and.

The violent space shock made him feel dizzy. After a moment of dizziness, he fell to the ground with a thud.

Fortunately, he had rough skin and thick flesh. Even if he fell from a high altitude, he could not be harmed at all. After getting up, he looked around. This was an extremely unfamiliar wilderness, but the familiar thin spiritual energy in the air could be seen. Zhong can know that he has returned to Earth.

In Fengling Continent, in the White Cloud View, Mei closed her eyes silently, and two lines of clear tears rolled down the corners of her eyes.

They say lovesickness is bitter, but she feels that even lovesickness is sweet.

Only separation, the kind of attachment and reluctance that hits your heart like a tide when you see your lover go away, that kind of sadness is the most difficult to accept.

After a long time, Mei finally broke free from the pain of separation and bowed to Taoist Master Xuanling Yingying with a sincere expression: "Thank you, Taoist Master, for your help."

But after waiting for a long time, there was no reply from Taoist Xuanling. Mei Mei raised her head strangely, and was shocked to find that although Taoist Xuanling was still sitting on the futon, his neck was drooped and he made no sound. He didn't know why. Time has passed suddenly.

Mei, took a deep breath, a complicated look flashed in her eyes, bowed respectfully to the body of Taoist Xuanling, turned around and walked out of the room.

On that day, the news that Xuan Lingzi died in Baiyun Temple spread throughout the world, causing an uproar in the world.

Just when everyone was lamenting Xuan Lingzi, in a remote small county under the jurisdiction of the Tiangu Dynasty, dramas were being staged one after another.

First, the Wu family and the Zhao family, who were relatives of the emperor, officially broke up with each other. The county magistrate Zhang Lukai clearly sided with the Wu family and arrested Zhao Dahai, the head of the Zhao family, on the grounds of arresting the murderer.

Immediately afterwards, the Zhao family, who felt deeply humiliated, became furious. Zhao Dahai's wife went to Beijing overnight to find her daughter Zhao Yunting, crying and asking for help.

Zhao Yunting's husband's surname is Sun. Although she is from a powerful family, she does not want to have any conflict with Concubine Xian. However, the young master of the Sun family dotes on this concubine very much. What is it like to cry in front of the father who always dotes on him? Hang yourself three times.

He was the only son of the head of the Sun family. Seeing that he was on the verge of death made him feel extremely distressed. But after all, he was an old fox. How could he be willing to confront the Wu family head-on?

Besides, Zhao Dahai was his in-laws after all, and if County Magistrate Zhang dared to attack him, he didn't take his Sun family seriously.

The head can be cut off, the blood can be shed, but the face cannot be lost.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, the Sun family decided to take action. They did not choose to directly confront the Wu family, but used the family's huge connections to investigate Zhang Lukai.

Magistrate Zhang is a local emperor in Zeyang County, and he is greedy by nature. How can he keep his butt clean?

In just two days, the situation was reversed. News that Zhang Lukai had committed corruption and perverted the law, risked lives in the grass, and was about to be dismissed and investigated instantly spread throughout Zeyang City.

Just when County Magistrate Zhang was in panic all day long, pestering Wu Shi'an like a headless fly, asking him to ask the imperial concubine for help, the commander who arrived before the imperial concubine Luan conveyed the good news. The empress is about to come to Zeyang City to visit her cousin Wu Shian.

This news was like a shot in the arm for Wu Shi'an and Magistrate Zhang. They saw the hope of turning defeat into victory. They immediately dropped everything, spent huge sums of money to decorate the Wu mansion, and prepared with great fanfare to welcome Concubine Xian's arrival.

I don’t know if it was the arrival of Concubine Xian that restored calm to the surging undercurrents of Zeyang City, and the rumors that County Magistrate Zhang was about to be dismissed and investigated came to an end.

Could it be that the Sun family just died out?

Wu Shi'an couldn't believe it, but when he thought that the high-ranking imperial concubine was coming and could give him a kiss, he felt as if he had been shot with blood and was so excited that he could not control it.

The imperial concubine arrived as scheduled, still so young, beautiful, graceful and elegant, as if the years had not left the slightest trace on her body.

Wu Shi'an, who was bowing to greet her, felt his heart tremble when he saw her. If it weren't for the fact that he didn't dare to make a mistake in front of everyone, he would have loved to hold her in his arms and love her freely.

If Magistrate Zhang hadn't kept poking his waist behind him, reminding him not to forget to say a few kind words for him in front of the imperial concubine, he would have been drunk to death by the imperial concubine's smiles.

Concubine Xian looked at Wu Shi'an's gaffe and felt secretly proud of herself. She could tell that he was obsessed with her even before he entered the palace.

There are so many beautiful women in the deep palace compound. Although she is a noble concubine, in His Majesty's eyes, she is already an old and yellow-faced woman. Even if she occasionally comes to the palace, she is just taking a nap, more like a perfunctory formality. .

Although she is scheming and cruel, she is a woman after all and needs the nourishment of a man. She has been lonely in the boudoir for too long.

But in the palace, you need to be careful about your words and deeds. If she dares to have an affair, it will be a capital crime for the Nine Clan. So three years ago, she took a long way to visit her cousin who had always been secretly in love with her. With that The joy of evening.

Afterwards, she actually felt extremely regretful and afraid. After all, if the news of this scandal leaked out, all the things she had planned for many years would be in vain, and the lives of her whole family would be lost.

However, the wonderful taste of love between a man and a woman haunted her like a cat scratching her. Therefore, after finally waiting for the opportunity to return to her hometown to visit relatives every three years, she came to Zeyang County again by accident.

In fact, how could a person with such a masterful eye like her not know what happened in Zeyang County recently, but she didn't take it to heart at all.

Isn't it just the Sun family? His eldest son has been appointed to become the prince. If the Sun family has any brains, they will definitely give him a face.

Before arriving in Zeyang County, her guards had already learned that the Sun family had ceased operations, and the signal of goodwill was very obvious, which made her extremely satisfied.

This is the taste of power. Only when you are in a high position and hold great power can you experience the wonderful feeling of being respected.

Concubine Xian looked at her cousin Wu Shi'an who was still in good shape even though he was already middle-aged. A flush of excitement appeared on her face. She even couldn't wait to be in a room with him alone to fill her three years of emptiness. And lonely.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl can still meet once a year, but I can only satisfy my hunger once every three years. I am even hungrier than the Weaver Girl.

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