Marvel's strongest godfather

Chapter 065 Hell’S Kitchen (Third Update)

More than an hour later, Jessica had arrived in the most chaotic neighborhood in Manhattan. The name of this neighborhood is disgusting and fearful to many people even mentioning it-'Hell's Kitchen'!

Different from the already chaotic Bronx, Manhattan is a wealthy area and is the most prosperous area in New York.

But there is such a cancer in this rich area. Its level of chaos is even worse than that of the most chaotic Bronx area. It has always been a lawless place. Anyone with a certain social status People don’t even come here.

This cancer is ‘Hell’s Kitchen’!

"Why are you here? Strange." Richard, who was following Jessica from a distance, was slightly surprised.

In the future, 'Hell's Kitchen' is indeed the area where Jessica is most active. She also formed the [Defenders Alliance] with 'Daredevil', 'Iron Fist', and 'Luke Cage' to fight against the villains of 'Hell's Kitchen' They are engaged in a long struggle.

Including the 'Five Fingers' who were killed by Richard not long ago, they will also become Jessica's mortal enemies in the future.

However, judging from Jessica's age and the appearance of her so-called sister Patricia, she should have just gained ability not long ago, and her family should have just encountered misfortune.

Patricia was probably the original child of the family that adopted her, so she called herself her sister.

At this time, Jessica probably had nothing to do with "Hell's Kitchen", and she had not yet earned the title of "Female Knight" on her own. Why did she suddenly come here?

Richard shook his head and decided not to guess. He would know the answer soon anyway.

"Speaking of which, am I going home now?" Richard suddenly remembered something.

If I remember correctly, this 'Hell's Kitchen'... seems to be the territory of his cheap dad, right?

The power of the [Kingpin Gang] has now radiated throughout North America, but its headquarters has always been in ‘Hell’s Kitchen’, which is also the place where the Kingpin emerged!

It was by establishing a firm foothold in "Hell's Kitchen" and turning it into their own back garden that the [Kingpin Gang] could rapidly expand until they became the number one gang in North America!

No matter what villain he is, he is not worthy to be compared with the Kingpin in Hell's Kitchen. He is the uncrowned king here!

Even the [Defenders Alliance] formed by this little girl Jessica in the future will have Kingpin as their biggest enemy!

Therefore, for Richard, coming to 'Hell's Kitchen' is indeed like going home. Even if he does not have any ability, he can still walk sideways in 'Hell's Kitchen', and no one will be stupid enough to provoke him here. The crown prince of the [Kingpin Gang]!

"that is……"

Just when Richard's thoughts were divergent, Jessica, who was shrouded in his lust for knowledge, changed again.

A guy who shouldn't have appeared in Hell's Kitchen at this time also appeared within the scope of his sight. After seeing this guy, Richard finally understood why Jessica came here.

"Is the world line deviating...or is my arrival triggering a butterfly effect?" Richard pondered and thought.

But, no matter what the reason is, the appearance of this guy is definitely a good thing for Richard who wants to conquer Jessica.

"This time, it's time to let the executioners and the others move around -" Richard smiled slightly, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Jessica, who changed her clothes and disguised herself as a boy, came to 'Hell's Kitchen' alone, quickly arrived at an old community, and skillfully entered an apartment.

"Jesse, is that you?" a weak voice said.

"It's me, Uncle Pork, don't worry, I'm here to take you away this time..." Jessica took off the scarf that covered half of her face, revealing her true face.

The Uncle Pork in her mouth was a scrawny middle-aged man huddled in the corner of this apartment, wrapped in a shabby blanket.

After confirming that the person coming was indeed Jessica, the thin middle-aged man first breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled bitterly and said: "You really shouldn't have dragged yourself into this muddy water, Jesse... My life has been ruined. But you still have a long life."

"I will never abandon you, Uncle Pork. Please don't say such words again in the future!" Jessica said seriously.

"No, you don't understand..." The thin middle-aged man wanted to say something, but maybe because he was a little excited, he didn't know which part of his body was pulled, causing him to take a breath of pain. He forced himself to hold back the second half of his sentence.

"Stop talking, Uncle Pork, I have brought enough money, I can take you away this time!"

"Oh? Really?" A slightly smiling, magnetic male voice came from the back of the apartment.

Immediately afterwards, a man with lavender skin and a suit that was completely incompatible with this dilapidated apartment was seen walking out of the room. He gave off a gentle and elegant feeling.

The moment she saw the man, Jessica first showed a look of fear.

But she quickly plucked up the courage and said to the man in a ferocious manner: "I have brought the money you want. Now can you ask Uncle Poker to leave with me?" As she said that, she took a wad of money out of her pocket. He took it out and placed it on the table next to him.

"Really? Did you save enough money so quickly? Could it be stolen?" the man asked with a smile.

"I won't do that kind of thing. I earned this by working three part-time jobs during the holidays!" When the man said that it was stolen money, Jessica couldn't bear it anymore and said angrily.

"I see, I misunderstood you." The man smiled, not angry because of Jessica's attitude, but continued, "However, this little money is not enough to take him away..."


Jessica clenched her fists suddenly excitedly, and her eyes turned red.

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