"Your Highness, I have already set up the activation device of the Universal Rubik's Cube. When the time comes, you only need to activate it, and the energy fluctuations it emits will attract the ether particles in the body.

Under such temptation, the ether particles will eventually leave Jane's body and move closer to the Cosmic Cube.

What you have to do is to use this container to seal the ether particles after they appear to prevent them from being lodged in Hui Jian's body. "

Outside Frigga's bedroom, Mark was telling her in detail the operation process of the entire treatment plan and instructing her on some essential key steps.

After that, everything could only be completed by Frigga herself. Mark could only answer the questions she raised through the Sound Philosopher's Stone, and there was no way to help her.

Frigga also carefully recorded the key points described by Mark one by one, and would repeat and check them to make sure they were correct before entering the palace and starting to treat Jane.

At this time, Jane was wearing an Asgard-style white dress. Frigga had cast sleep magic on her and was lying quietly on the bed.

Frigga came to the bedside and gently stroked Jane's face, "Poor child, you and Saul obviously love each other so much, but the relationship between you will eventually be blocked by time.

But I still want to bless you and thank you for teaching Sol what love is and how to love. I will definitely let you return to normal safely. "

After saying that, Frigga stood up and walked to the divine device where the Cosmic Cube was placed. She mobilized the magic power in her body and activated the device.


In an instant, the Cosmic Cube radiated bursts of bright light, dyeing the room with a blue halo.

Feeling the energy fluctuations erupted from the Universal Rubik's Cube, the ether particles in Jane's body seemed to be ready to move. Jane's entire body actually floated completely under its influence.

Seeing this scene, Frigga was immediately reassured. The reaction of the etheric particles proved that there was nothing wrong with the plan planned by Thor's genius friend from Midgard. She now needed to wait for the etheric particles. After leaving Jane's body and sealing it, everything will be done.

But at this moment, a loud noise resounded in the Divine Realm, causing such strong vibrations that even Frigga, whose bedroom was located in the center of the Divine Realm, felt the shaking from the ground.

As if aware that something was unusual, Frigga quickly contacted Thor through the Philosopher's Stone and said, "Thor, what happened in the God's Domain?"

"Mother, an enemy has invaded the divine domain with a large fleet. I am now trapped by the intruder. Please protect yourself and Jane. I will deal with the enemy immediately and drive over!"

Chapter 180

Work overtime, even later, let’s continue tomorrow!


"Magneto, find the commanding heights, I need a broad overall perspective!"


Magneto spun around at Mark's feet, then rushed out of the room and headed towards Asgard's palace, the commanding heights of Asgard.

The moment the loud noise reached his ears, Mark knew what exactly happened. The dark elves who had been sleeping for thousands of years had invaded Asgard and started fighting against it again.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Mark immediately sent Magneto to the commanding heights of God's Domain to obtain the broadest view and the most comprehensive information.

Soon, the image information obtained by Magneto through the holographic lens and optical lens was transmitted to Mark's eyes through the wireless communication network established between him and the nanorobots in Mark's body.

At this time, there is a huge space battleship mothership on the periphery of Asgard's airspace. At the same time, there are at least hundreds of micro-warships trying to invade the central palace of God's Domain through the layers of defense network of God's Domain.

These miniature battleships are shaped like a dagger. They are small in size and flexible in movement. They are also equipped with powerful energy weapons. Even though Asgard's defense network is as powerful as 753, it will lose if it is defended for a long time, and it will still be broken through by the enemy in large numbers. , getting closer and closer to the fairy palace.

Seeing that the enemy is approaching fiercely, the situation on our side is not good. In order to protect the core of the divine realm, the Asgard where God King Odin resides, Heimdall decisively opened the energy shield of the Asgard, trying to keep out all enemies.

After the energy protection shield is turned on, the effect is really good. It quickly closed up, shrouding this fairy palace in protection. After all enemy warships hit the protective shield, there is no other possibility except explosion and crash.

As for the remaining ones who luckily changed directions in time, or passed before the energy shield closed, because they were small in number, they were quickly eliminated by Asgard's defense force.

Mark is very greedy for Asgard's energy shield technology. Although he can also use the electric energy generated by the Ark Reactor to realize the function of an energy shield, its energy density, size, and defensive effect cannot be compared with Asgard, the artifact that protects the country.

The key to the power of this protective shield is that it is activated using equipment manufactured by Rune Technology, and its energy comes from the nearly endless dark energy in the universe. The high-speed absorption and supply of energy ensures that the protective shield can maintain high-density energy for a long time to withstand powerful impacts.

But the strongest defenses are often broken down from within, and the same goes for Asgard's energy shield. The protective shield had just risen to its highest point and was about to be completely closed when it suddenly lost power and began to fade away.

Mark knew that this was the work of the cursed warriors sent by the dark elves into Asgard. He destroyed the control core of the energy shield, making the entire defensive measure completely lose its effectiveness.

At this time, a battleship saw the right opportunity and directly broke through all the defenses, crashed through the wall of the central palace, and entered the center of the divine domain.

"If I remember correctly, Malekith, the leader of the dark elves, is in that battleship. Now I can't avoid it. I must quickly go to the palace of Queen Frigga.

Jane's treatment is already halfway through, and it certainly cannot be stopped. If Malekith breaks in at this time, maybe things will develop in the worst direction. Both Jane and Frigga will die in his hands, and the ether particles will also die. recaptured by it (ajad).

Thor will definitely be hit hard by that time, and he may never recover from it. And after Malekith obtains the ether particles, the difficulty of dealing with him will definitely rise to a higher level. By then, it will not only be Asgar who will be threatened. Virtue.

After all, the purpose of the dark elves is to return the entire universe to darkness, which would undoubtedly be a catastrophe for the earth, where almost all the energy needed in life comes from the sun. "

Thinking of this, Mark didn't dare to delay. He had to prevent Malekith from obtaining the ether particles, otherwise the earth would fall into a huge crisis, and it was unknown whether Thor would be able to prevent this crisis by then. .

When the superconducting magnetic levitation module is activated, under the action of the special force field, Mark's own gravity is relatively offset, and he floats in mid-air with a slight jump.

Then we saw the appearance of the nanorobots in Mark's body, which were spliced ​​and combined to form a set of energy thrusters.

Buzz - whoosh!

Then there was only a sound of wind, and the Mark had disappeared, heading towards Frigga's palace.

At this time, Frigga, who was in her bedroom, was sweating profusely while controlling the Cosmic Cube. Because of the unexpected incident in the divine domain, Frigga felt a hint of danger.

In order to ensure that the treatment was successful, she had to speed up and remove the ether particles from Jane's body as soon as possible. For this reason, she did not hesitate to use up the magic power stored in her body to intensify the stimulation of the Cosmic Cube, hoping to increase the attraction between the Cosmic Cube and the ether particles.

And her approach was indeed successful. Although her own magic power was about to be exhausted, but seeing that the ether particles in Jian's body had emerged, and she was about to escape completely, Frigga did not dare to take it lightly.

Because a small mistake at this time may cause all the efforts in this entire process to be in vain. And when the magic power in her body is exhausted, she will not be able to treat Jian Jinxiang again in a short time.

He stared closely at the ether particles that were about to leave Jane's body, while he was distracted from controlling the activation device of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. He also stretched out his left hand and picked up the container used to seal the ether particles. Success was just around the corner...

Chapter 181

Frigga steadily picked up the sealing container, approached the ether particle that had been completely separated from Jane's body, and then put it directly into the container before it could be sensed, completing the seal.

"Huh -" Seeing that the matter was settled, Frigga let out a long sigh of relief. After gently putting down the container with the ether particles sealed, she raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

Looking at Jane, who was still lying on the bed and hadn't woken up yet, her face had returned to a little rosy compared to before. It was estimated that in a few days, through her own recovery ability, she would be able to eliminate the negative impact caused by the ether particles. Completely eliminated.

But just when she felt relieved, before Frigga could take a deep breath and recover her magic power, the door to the palace was forcibly opened.

boom--! The huge door was directly blown to pieces, and what appeared in front of Frigga was a masked warrior who was taller and stronger than Thor. Next to him was a thin man with a pale face. man.

"Back off, monster! This way I can still spare your lives -"

Frigga reacted very quickly. After sensing that the other party was coming with bad intentions, she immediately put the container containing the ether particles into her pocket.

And because the magic power in her body had been exhausted when she separated the ether particles for Jane, she could only pull out the dagger at her waist, hoping to intimidate the two people in front of her.

"I am very lucky, woman -" But Frigga's threat had no effect on Malekith. As the leader of the dark elves who once dominated the battlefield and forced other countries in the nine realms to unite to fight, How could he be afraid of the threat of a weak woman in front of him?

"Who are you? Why did you break into my bedroom?"

Seeing that the enemy not only showed no intention of retreating, but instead narrowed the distance between him and herself even more arrogantly, Frigga did not panic at all.

She held the dagger firmly with her arms and moved with her feet. While protecting Jane behind her, she also ensured that the enemy was always in front of her, preventing her from being attacked from both sides.

At the same time, Frigga also tried to get more information about the enemy through words. Frigga really had no relevant impression of the opponent she faced.

The appearance of these two people is different from that of any race in the nine kingdoms, and there is even a huge gap between their appearances.

But Frigga still got some useful information. Judging from their pointed ears, their race must be a branch of the elves.

"I am Malekith, the leader of the dark elves. I came here to get back something that belongs to me. Now you'd better give me back what you just put away, witch-!"

Frigga's little thoughts could not be hidden from Malekith, who had gone through a long time, but he did not shy away from it. Now that the dark elf is back in the world, sooner or later he will announce his return to the world. , so it doesn’t matter even if I tell Frigga my name now.

"Don't even think about it!" Frigga knew the dangers of ether particles very clearly. There was no way she would hand such a dangerous weapon into the hands of a dangerous person who might threaten the safety of the Nine Realms.

Knowing that there was no room for relaxation between them, Frigga gave her final answer and decided to strike first. She raised her dagger high and rushed directly in front of Malekith.


The sharp sword light shone on Malekith's face, and the strong wind caused by the blade tearing through the air made people's cheeks hurt. This sudden and extraordinary swift sword almost cut through Malekith's face. chest.

However, relying on his years of experience on the battlefield and his keen sense of danger, Malekith still narrowly avoided this almost fatal sword.

Malekith, who had dodged Frigga's blow, quickly stepped back. At the same time, he looked at the woman who had brought him a death threat with lingering fear. His eyes were no longer full of contempt but full of fear.

Although Malekith retreated, Frigga could not give him a chance to breathe. She was now facing two fierce enemies. Once the opponent found an opportunity to join forces to attack her, she would almost be There is no chance of a comeback.

Frigga followed up with several strides. At the same time, she kept moving the sword in her hand, slashing and stabbing one after another. Malekith could only barely parry, but he still suffered some damage. There were several injuries on his arms and body. The deep sword marks showed Frigga's outstanding strength.

It should be said that she is worthy of being a king's woman. She is capable of caring for her husband and raising children, and is capable of riding horses and fighting. She can become a goddess convinced and respected by the entire Asgard. Apart from her strong personality charm, she has no real material to do it. Not to this extent.

However, after another swing of the sword failed, Frigga's attack came to an abrupt end. Although she forced Malekith into a very embarrassing situation, in the process of retreating one after another, the two opponents had merged together. If she continued to follow, she would face the danger of being surrounded by the enemy from both sides. Not only will your own life be in danger, but the ether particles will also be taken away by the enemy, and an even greater crisis will inevitably arise.

Seeing that Frigga did not continue to attack, Malekith would not let her go easily. At this time, his side has the upper hand, and he must resolve the battle as soon as possible and take away the ether particles. Otherwise, once Odin or other Asgardian soldiers arrive, his plan may fall short and he will lose the chance to recapture the ether particles.

After observing the confrontation just now, Malekith has also discovered that Frigga has been intentionally or unintentionally standing between the two of them and the woman on the bed in the palace, obviously to protect the comfort of the other party. Have some scruples.

In this case, of course, we must make good use of this weakness. He looked at the Cursed Warrior beside him and motioned in Jane's direction. The Cursed Warrior immediately understood what he meant, nodded to him, then bypassed Frigga and headed straight for Jane's position.

Malekith, on the other hand, continued to entangle with Frigga, leaving her no time to distract herself.

"Stop!" Sure enough, after Malekith and the two took action, Frigga immediately looked confused and wanted to stop the cursed warrior from approaching Jane.

But how could Malekith let her get her wish? He risked injury and entangled Frigga, making it impossible for her to leave.

Seeing that the cursed warrior was approaching Jane, Frigga was very anxious, but she had no way to stop him. But at this moment, as if by some strange combination of circumstances, a flaw suddenly appeared in Malekith's attack.

Frigga, who was eager in her heart, was not willing to miss this good opportunity. She immediately swiped her sword horizontally to widen the distance between herself and Malekith, and then rushed behind the Cursed Warrior with a single step, trying to stop him from attacking Jane. .

But the moment she came to the cursed warrior, the hand that was originally going to reach out to Jane suddenly turned into a fist and turned to attack Frigga's abdomen.

0··········Please give me flowers0···

boom--! Frigga, who had no time to resist, was directly knocked away by the punch. She hit the wall of the palace and was able to stop herself.

Pfft——, Frigga couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood due to the damage caused by this punch. The right hand that was originally holding the sword hilt became trembling now, and her whole body was very depressed.

It turns out that the flaw that Malekith revealed just now was a trap deliberately set to lure Frigga into being fooled. The target of the cursed warriors was Frigga from the beginning, not Jane Foster.

After Frigga completely fell into their plan, the Cursed Warrior immediately changed the target of their attack, and that was how they delivered the heavy punch just now.

Looking at Frigga who could only rely on the wall for support, Malekith showed a sneer on his face, "It's my turn now, obediently hand over the ether particles in your body, and I can still spare your life." ; Otherwise, I can only get what I want from your corpse with my own hands——!"

"I still say the same thing - don't even think about it!"

Frigga knew that even if she risked her life today, she could not hand over the ether particles to the other party for the safety of the Nine Realms.

....... .. .. .. ..

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