Chapter 414 They are all defeated

"Just 6 training matches every day?"

"Yes, 6 games." The factory director marked it on the calendar specifically for registration of training games.


They are about to fly to the Great Cold Kingdom with the RNG team and the IG team, preparing to participate in the training camp officially organized by the LPL.

Training games will naturally be played by then.

But the reason for making appointments so early is to be able to make appointments with as many strong teams as possible.

There is such a sentence in "Confucius' Family Classics·Six Books":

"Living with good people is like entering a house of orchids, and you will not smell their fragrance for a long time; living with evil people is like entering a house of abalones, and you will not smell their smell for a long time."

Playing against strong teams, I can maintain my feel.

However, if too many weak teams are invited, EDG will be affected by the training games and become a rotten shrimp.

"The six training matches were over in almost two hours."

Abu said: "There is plenty of time to practice as a hero."

The day before leaving for the World Championship, the busy Mr. Bu also took time to go to the club's conference room and listen to the EDG coaching staff and competition training team hold a discussion meeting about the last local version before the World Championship.

The training match is not the same as the game. It will not end until the opponent's crystal explodes.

Generally speaking,

When one party has a big disadvantage, both parties will choose to exit the game after communicating on the public screen.

Therefore, the duration of training matches is basically maintained at around 15 minutes.

Of course, if it's a quick one, it might end in two or three minutes, and if it's a slow one, it might not last until forty minutes.

Among all LPL clubs, EDG takes training matches the most seriously.

This did not just start this season, or last season, but it is a good habit formed by the EDG club at the beginning of its establishment.

Since there are many clubs in the LPL that are too lax in discipline, many clubs with strength and ambition prefer to schedule training matches with EDG.

The reason is also very simple. They don't want to pause suddenly in the middle of the game and wait for the opponent's player to finish smoking before continuing.

In addition, the most important reason is that the single-line capabilities of EDG's three lines may not be the strongest in LPL, but their overall strength is the best.

When playing a training match against EDG, as long as you choose a hero who can withstand pressure on the road, the duration of the training match can often last more than 15 minutes.

Great results!

Therefore, many teams in the LCK division also like to schedule training matches with EDG.

Two teams, SKT and AFs, particularly like it.

However, due to last season's failure in the World Championship, SKT did not receive as many endorsements as in previous championship seasons. In addition, Faker and Bang's prices are too high, and the club does not have the money to sign good top jungle players.

After all, except for the League of Legends division, SKT's other game divisions are losing money.

You can’t spend all the club’s budget all at once just for League of Legends, right?

And this directly led to SKT being unable to enter the World Championship this season.

"Compared with version 8.18, the changes in version 8.19 are very small."

"This is relatively lucky."

After Mr. Bu nodded, the person in charge of the training team also began to describe the key points of the version summarized by Jiang Zhun, the factory director and others:

"Last year's version of the Global Championship had 23 changes."

“This year’s World Championship version has fewer changes compared to last year.”

"However, due to the timing of version release, our time to adapt to the version will actually be shorter."

The person in charge of the training team first compared the number of changes and release times between the S8 and S7 World Championship versions.

"The two heroes of Nuoshou Sword Princess have been strengthened, and then the prince's passive time has been reduced. From these changes, it seems that Riot wants to make more warrior heroes appear in the top lane."

"For example, the amount of healing that Sword Princess passively triggers is increased, which can increase her online blood exchange and endurance."

"The reduction in the cooldown of the Prince's passive also allows it to undergo more aggressive replacements. Of course, we personally prefer this change because the Prince played too few times in last year's version of the World Championship."

"So there's no need to practice, right?" Mala Xiangguo hated the formal words of the competition team.

Faced with his question, the person in charge of the training team said: "It's not that you don't need to practice, it just means that you don't need to spend too much time training this hero."

"Because in the current version, whether heroes such as Sword Demon or Crab are on the road, or in terms of jungle hero selection, carnivorous junglers such as Spider Mantis are much stronger than the prince."

"By the way, when it comes to top lane heroes, we have to mention the rare and torturous changes in this version."

The person in charge began to introduce in detail.

Before the update, Landry's Torment increased spell power by 80 points, which was reduced to 75 points in the World Championship version.

However, the damage of the equipment passive [Torture] has been increased.

DoT damage against moving undamaged targets: 1% max health/s 1.5% max health/s

DoT damage against targets with impaired movement: 2% max health/s 2.5% max health/s

“Isn’t it just that you don’t want the jungler and top lane to choose their meat?”


"This year's World Championship finally allowed the top half to enter a competitive rhythm. I feel that this change is actually beneficial to our team."

Mr. Bu didn't know if the coach was addicted. He hadn't attended the team's internal meeting for a long time and directly jumped in and said:

"I believe that as long as we can quickly explore the version, it will definitely be no problem to reach the top four in the World Championship."

"Of course it doesn't mean reaching the semi-finals is success."

"Our ultimate goal is to win the world championship and achieve EDG's defense of the League of Legends title."

"The reason why I say we can reach the semi-finals is because the hero changes in the top laner and jungle positions have made our already relatively strong top jungler more capable of carrying the game!"

"Tomorrow we will leave for the Great Cold Kingdom. I have seen the training schedule and all the teams from the four major regions have appointments."

"As long as it's good, it'll be fine."

"Also, even if there is a problem in the training match, don't worry. The training match is a training match, and the field is the field."

"Everyone basically has no days off this year. After playing so many games, our mentality should be well tempered."

"I won't say more, just come on!"

Mr. Bu took the opportunity to pour another bowl of chicken soup, and then motioned to the members of the training team to continue.

"The trend of Riot's changes to the top laner is actually to improve the status of the carry top laner and enhance the confrontation ability of the output top laner. It will attack the dominance of the tank top laner from the side."

"Actually, since the intercontinental competition, the emergence of heroes like Mondono represents that the ecology of carry top laners who have been dominating the field since the rune revamp in the season has been subverted again."

"This change is actually a huge blow to some top lane heroes who can only play tanks."

"If you only choose heroes like Sion, Ornn, Big Bug Shen, then you have to bear the threat of being blown up by the opponent in the counter position!"

Listening to the training team analyzing the ecological environment of the top laner, the EDG players looked at each other one after another, and then they all smiled.

There is joy in it.

There is also sympathy for his old rival RNG team.

Yan Junze's Qinggangying and other light warrior heroes are good to play.

But compared to the top top laners, his light warriors are a bit lacking.

Therefore, there is no need to think about it. In the World Championship version, if he does not develop any newly enhanced top lane output heroes like Sword Princess, then the rng team will definitely suffer.

Maybe they won't show any disadvantage when facing weak teams.

But once you face a competitive team, the surprises in the game will increase exponentially.

"Xiangguo, I won't say much else about the jungle position. You try to train Yanque as soon as possible."

"There's nothing else like how to fight."

The factory director looked at Mala Xiangguo's happy state and poured a basin of cold water on him.

Rock bird hunting.

This new jungle hero selection has appeared since the Mage Jungle Blade was revamped after the mid-season. It has been three or four months so far.

But the spicy hotpot is never good.

This also leads to the fact that once Hae Sung Min chooses a warrior-type hero in the middle, the magic output in the team often needs to be compensated by using unconventional AD in the bottom lane.

Of course, Jiang Zhun also has some skills as a mage top laner.

But in the current version, it is obvious that those lightly armored warriors who have been enhanced or heavily armed warriors such as Nuoshou Crab are more powerful!

It would be a fool to leave the version of heroes alone and not choose them.


"My rock bird clears the jungle very quickly."

"It's just that lifting is a bit difficult."

Mala Xiang Guo muttered a few words.

"Diligence can make up for weakness."

"If you can't practice well, you have to practice more."

"It doesn't mean that if you practice to that level, you will definitely be able to show the level of MVP operation when you show it in the game."

"You just have to be able to play the role of this hero."

The factory director was also a little helpless.

He also had a deep hero pool for the jungle position during the game.

But there are always a few heroes who are not very good at playing.

He understands the difficulties of spicy hotpot.

After all, the hero Yanque was originally designed to play in the middle. Before the revamp of the Mage Jungle Blade, almost no one could have imagined that he could run rampant in the jungle.

Mala Xiangguo has basically never come into contact with this hero before.

Although he has been practicing for several months, compared to Rock Bird, heroes such as Troll King and Pig Girl Kha'Zix have also performed quite well in recent versions.

And because EDG has Jiang Zhun, the opponent will not leave the ban position to Mala Xiangguo immediately.

Therefore, the spicy hotpot's rock bird is not very good, and this shortcoming has never been exposed to the public's vision.

Only a few teams that have played training games with EDG know about the plague of his rock bird.

But those teams have now begun to take a long vacation.

"The selection of jungle heroes in the World Championship should show a trend of a hundred schools of thought contending and a hundred flowers blooming."

"Like the popular Qinggang Shadow, Pig Girl, Wine Barrel Troll, these heroes should be able to be selected."

"The less popular ones like Xin Zhao, Scorpion, and Qian Jue can also play."

"But their appearance should be accompanied by a team-based system."

"This is both a challenge and an opportunity for junglers and teams, especially junglers with more aggressive playing styles."

In version 8.18, map-controlling junglers, carnivorous junglers, and tanky junglers all have relatively good winning and appearance rates.

The only thing that isn't common is functional jungle.

In fact, in any World Championship, the appearance rate of functional junglers is not high.

This is actually intentional by Riot.

Because after the World Championship enters the main game, junglers are usually involved in the kills.

If the functional jungler is too strong in the version, the game will most likely fall into the dilemma of having no one to fight in the early stages of the game.

This is extremely fatal for an e-sports event that requires spectatorship.

In the first two seasons, League of Legends has already been complained about as the Bladder League.

This season, through extensive adjustments to hero attributes, rune recasting, and frequent version updates, Riot Games finally managed to control the average game duration to about half an hour.

He absolutely does not want the average game duration to exceed 35 minutes in the World Championship.

Therefore, some functional jungle styles similar to the Blazing Censer, Bird Shield and Emerald God in the S7 mid-season have been weakened.

"There are so many heroes to choose from, but actually this face doesn't mean you have to practice it." Mala Xiangguo muttered.

But he's smart.

Didn't let the factory director hear it.

Because according to the next process, it should be the change of the medium unit.

Sure enough, the next second the game news team began to introduce the mid laner of the World Championship version.

"Um, there's not much to say about the mid laner."

"It's almost the same as the summer split."

"Which heroes are the best in the playoffs and those in the World Championship."

"Of course, when you are ranking, you should pay attention to whether there are any mid lane heroes that suddenly become popular."

The training team quickly skipped the mid lane position and gave a detailed description of the bottom lane.

Because the version released since the S8 Summer Split is too chaotic, the training team talked about it for a long time.

Mr. Bu also took the opportunity to answer a phone call and never saw his person again.

Ming Kai, who was familiar with him, knew that this guy couldn't stand and ran away.

"As for the opponents, our main focus is on the KT, RNG and FNC teams."

“In addition to the North American region, there is one for each of the other three major regions.

Needless to say, RNG, EDG's old rival, was just crushed in the summer finals.

"KT top laner Semb is an old friend and everyone should be familiar with him."

"It's worth noting that their substitute Kinggen went to Worlds."

"He only appeared once in the regular season."

"So there is no particularly clear information about this player's strength on the field."

"And the FNC team is familiar to everyone."

Old friends again!

Listening to these familiar names, many members of EDG couldn't help but smile.

Because the teams listed as threats to EDG by the competition training team were all defeated by them this season.

RNG lost to EDG in both spring and summer finals.

FNC was defeated by EDG 3-0 at MSI and won the championship trophy.

As for KT, they also suffered sanctions from EDG in the Asian competition.

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