King of Special Effects

Chapter 227 , I won't let you go!

As it moves towards the west, the mountain village becomes a bit colder, the four seasons are not obvious, and the huge temperature difference between day and night is the environmental characteristic of this place.

Ling Lan was wearing a gray windbreaker, standing at the intersection and couldn't help wrapping up some clothes: "Xin'er, hurry up, the sun is about to set."

Yi Xin responded and came out of the public toilet at the entrance of the village.

"It's not far away, and I'll be right back."

Ling Lan took out her mobile phone and took a picture of the setting sun: "Let's go!"

On the side of the road 100 meters outside the village entrance, Xiao Huangmao was waiting so hard that he almost fell asleep. At this time, he didn't know who farted a loud fart, which made the already stuffy car even more full of a smell. smell.

The man with the earrings scolded, and hurriedly opened the car window: "Can you be a little bit civic-minded?

"Brother Ding, we have all come to block people at the entrance of the village, and we are talking about public morality."

"Shh, brother Ding, look at those two women, isn't that Yi Yang's wife?"

How could the stud man not know that this woman in the windbreaker recorded the video a few days ago, so he had to apologize to the old village chief in front of so many people. It's nothing to say a word, but it's a face question.

"Brother Ding, if Yi Yang doesn't come out, we can beat his wife."

"Don't fall to the bottom, hit a woman? It's not good for this reputation to spread."

"Even if you don't fight, you can just scare them both."

Several people chattered and each had their own opinions. The man with the earrings lit a cigarette, took a few puffs, then pushed the door and got out of the car.

"It's not impossible to threaten these two women and let them call Yi Yang to come out!"

"Yes, go!"

They put on hats and masks, took out some steel pipes from the trunk, followed Ling Lan and Yi Xin up the road.


Yi Yanggang closed the laptop and went to exercise in the yard.

Now several actors have been roughly determined, and we have to wait until next year to talk to them in detail.

Zhang Yi can be said to have read the script for a day, and just responded to Yi Yang, expressing his willingness to act, and Yi Yang is actually very happy to be able to cooperate with him. He can be said to be one of the few actors that Yi Yang likes .

Zhang Daqiang has not responded yet, he is probably thinking about something, Yi Yang is not in a hurry, there is plenty of time to wait now.

"Son, where did Ah Lan and the younger sister go, they are about to eat." Mother Yi came out of the kitchen wearing an apron: "Call them and call them back."

Yi Yang nodded and took out the phone, only to see the screen light up, showing Ling Lan's number.

Yi Yang answered: "Hey, where are you, come back to eat quickly!"

Ling Lan was taken aback for a moment: "Old Yi, hurry up and call the police..."

The sound was cut off, but the phone was not hung up but some miscellaneous voices could be heard.

Yi Yang was in a hurry and ran out of the courtyard directly.

After the hand holding the phone went numb, the map on the screen of the phone started automatically, showing the location of Ling Lan's phone.

"Yangzi, why are you going!" Yi Anqi came down from the side of the road carrying a bowl of pickled vegetables.

Yi Yang didn't have time to talk to him now, and ran quickly in the direction he was supposed to be without answering a word.

The distance was one kilometer, and it was basically uphill. It took Yi Yang less than four minutes. From a distance, he saw Yi Xin fell to the ground, and Ling Lan was hugging her.

"I'll go!" Seeing this scene, Yi Yang picked up a fence post on the side of the road and rushed up.

The four men with stud earrings watched Yi Yang come up, raised the steel pipe and stood in front of Ling Lan and the two of them.

"I have been waiting for you for a day, and finally came, don't blame..."

Before the man with the earrings finished speaking, Yi Yang threw a fence stake as thick as a small wrist on him.

At this time, Yi Yang didn't want to listen to such nonsense, since he wanted to do it, then don't bother, just do it.

Before the man with the earrings could react, Yi Yang was already close, grabbing his collar and throwing him directly over his shoulder.

This series of movements was so neat that the other three didn't react.

Yi Yang stood up slowly holding the fence posts on the ground: "Damn it, did you play this trick with me, and ran to the entrance of our village to find fault with you, you are not too young and bold."

These people seemed to be a little older than the earrings. These three had dyed yellow hair, and they were seventeen or eighteen-year-old delinquent boys.

Yi Yang directly stepped on the studded man who was lying on the ground and was thrown badly, and pointed at the three little yellow hairs: "You don't learn well at a young age, and you still learn how to mess around with others. What age is it now, who still plays with that? Tricks, money, money is the last word, why don't you guys try to find ways to make money when you have this time."

"Let me tell you, move my family. I will play with you to the end today. Tomorrow will be New Year's Eve. Go in!"

Yi Yang is the director, and his ruthless half-truths soon scared the three boys.

"Who hit my sister?" After seeing the deterrent effect, Yi Yang continued to ask.

The few people were silent, Yi Yang stomped on the person's foot even harder, and the man with the earrings babbled and yelled in pain: "I asked you who hit it?"

The three of them went straight to the man with earrings on the ground.

Yi Yang looked at him, and couldn't help pushing harder: "I'll show you a clear path, but if you don't go, you're going to hit a dead end. You want to be popular even if you're so brainless? Dream on!"

The man with the stud earrings struggled and got excited: "You have the ability to wake me up, we two will fight each other!"

Yi Yang chuckled: "I'm not capable, so I won't let you get up."

At this time, Yi Anqi led a dozen or so cousins ​​from the village to run towards here with hoes, brooms and other things, and immediately surrounded them.

"Yangzi, what's going on?"

"This kid, I said a few words to him that day, and he was upset and came to trouble me. Brother Anqi, look at them and call the police to arrest them."

After Yi Yang finished speaking, he hurriedly went to see Yi Xin. Her ankle was bruised and swollen.

Judging from Yi Xin's tears and cold sweat, it can be seen that she is in pain.

Yi Yang checked her ankle and asked Ling Lan, "What's going on?"

"That kid kicked and snatched my mobile phone, and Xiner also helped me grab it from him. In the end, he kicked Xiner, and Xiner was kicked back and tripped over a rock. That's it."

Yi Xin cried silently: "Brother, is my foot broken? It hurts so much!"

"It's not broken, it should be broken."

Yi Anqi came over to take a look, and seeing Yi Xin in such pain, he went straight over and kicked the man with the earrings who had just stood up again, riding on him and slapping his face.

Yi Anqi was much more ruthless than Yi Yang.

The village head asked for an inquiry, and brought the village doctor to show Yi Xin's feet. Everyone in the village heard about it, and the whole village came out to surround the scene.

The three little yellow hairs were already trembling with fright at the scene.

The village doctor straightened Yi Xin's foot, the pain was so painful that she couldn't cry out, but she just grabbed Ling Lan's hand tightly and hugged her.

After a while of drumming, this sympathy slowly eased.

Yi Yang stood up, took out his mobile phone, and thought to himself: "Monitor all the communication methods of these four people."

The "Book of Changes" software on the mobile phone started automatically, and after a few seconds, it indicated that the surveillance was successful.


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