Instant Kill

Vol 5 Chapter 2: Sword Symbol (Part 2)

Since getting Wu Qing's runes, Guo Xie's energy has been put on it. There are more than 70 sets of rune books, covering almost all the knowledge of Xifumen about the beast curse master. Unfortunately, there are no books for making beast runes, and most are books on how to control the beast runes. Guo Twelve was greatly inspired by it.

During this period, Zhu Dachang came a few times, and he now knows that this kid is not a spellcaster at all, but a spellcaster. Like him, he is a backbone professional. So he admired very much and willingly armored the child.

The time of three days was too tight, and he grimaced and asked for an extension. Guo Twelve knew there was ten days to stay, so he generously delayed the time by a few days. It was not until the eighth day that Zhu Dachang sent all the created soft rune armor. In addition to leaving one set, Guo Twelve gave away everything else.

Guo XII is very satisfied with the soft rune made by Zhu Dachang. He put on the soft rune. This soft rune armor includes a breastplate, a pair of leggings, a pair of black high waist soft rune boots, a pair of arm guards, a pair of wrist guards, and a soft rune cap.

Zhu Dachang asked nervously: "Twelve, are you still satisfied? I used the best materials to make this set of soft runes."

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "These sets of soft runes have been made. Your armor skills should also be improved a lot."

Zhu Dachang said with joy: "Yeah, this opportunity is really rare, hehe."

Guo Twelve pondered for a moment, took out a fist-sized crystal bottle, and said, "I know, you have lost a lot of money and materials for making these soft rune armor. This is a bottle of rune blood, you can keep it ... … I gave it to you. "

Zhu Dachang was surprised and said: "The blood of Rune Beast? This is a good thing!"

Guo XII took a closer look and said, "Oh, I got it wrong ... Forget it, I gave it to you."

Zhu Dachang was amazed and asked, "What?"

Guo Twelve said: "This is a bottle of mutant rune blood, huh, it is the blood of the earth dragon. Although it is a little less, it is relatively rare material."

Zhu Dachang couldn't believe it, he held the small crystal bottle tightly, just like holding his own child. He stuttered and asked: "Change ... Change ... Mutation ... Rune ... Rune Beast? Also ... or the most rare ... The most rare blood of the earth dragon? You, you did n’t coax me ... "

Guo Twelve said, "Why am I coaxing you? I gave you the blood purified by the Great Rune Master at the scene, which was purified with sixteen characters ..."

Zhu Dachang's face has changed. He is an expert. Of course he understands how rare this is. The value of this bottle of blood is inestimable. The earth dragon rune beast itself is very rare, the rarest is the variant earth dragon rune beast, that is a rune beast that is difficult to hunt, and all the things on it are superb materials, of which blood is the best One of the materials.

He held the crystal bottle in his hands and held it in front of his eyes to take a closer look.

Bright red blood, no trace of impurities, and a little golden light shining in the blood, that is the essence of blood. Such a small bottle of blood, he estimated that it was about half a catty. Don't look at this little blood, the value cannot be calculated. Because it never appears in the market, even if you ca n’t afford it, you ca n’t buy it. Not only did he lose money, but he also made a lot of money.

Zhu Dachang carefully collected this extremely precious bottle of earth dragon blood, and I was a little incomprehensible in his heart. Why did Guo Twelve give himself this bottle of blood? He couldn't help but ask: "Twelve, why are you giving me this bottle of blood?"

Guo XII said angrily: "I got it wrong! I'm sorry to get it back ... that's it ..."

Zhu Dachang almost didn't faint. He was surprised and asked, "Thank you, you won't take it back, right?"

Guo was so angry that he almost kicked him and said, "I'll say it, let's talk about it ... I'll take it back!"

Zhu Dachang was so scared that he immediately covered his mouth and dared not say a word. Luo Zhan couldn't help but laughed out loud. Guo Twelve touched his head annoyedly and smiled bitterly: "Uncle Luo, don't laugh anymore ..." He said to Zhu Dachang again: "Be a friend, I am very satisfied with the soft rune you made. I made it for you. "

Zhu Dachang was relieved. The child was like a little ancestor, a little devil, and his words and deeds were unexpected. He even said: "No problem, no problem ... Zhu Dachang is always at your service as long as you need it."

Guo Twelve looked at him strangely, and said, "This said, the pig's intestine is always ready to serve? It's messy." He said: "Okay, something will happen in the future ... how can I find you?"

Zhu Dachang said: "This is a beacon. You can notify me as long as you give it to any person in the Zhu's business." After he finished speaking, he voluntarily quit and his face was full of happy smiles.

Luo Zhan asked: "Twelve, are you really wrong? Or intentionally?"

Guo Twelve smiled and smiled: "Uncle Luo, no matter intentionally or unintentionally, has no meaning anymore." He asked: "Soft Rune fits right?"

Luo Zhan said with satisfaction: "Very good rune! I am very satisfied, the defense ability is improved by at least 50% ... He is an amazing rune."

Guo Twelve smiled, turned around, and came to the courtyard. I saw Huo Bao and Hong Shi playing against each other. The swords were playing lively. Chen Bing and Chen Hong were watching. Guo Twelve came to the two and smiled and asked, "Who are the two of them?"

Chen Bing said: "The leopard is fast and the stone has good physical strength. Hehe, the two men are about the same strength."

Guo XII asked again: "How are you better than the two of them?"

Chen Bing said calmly: "Incomparable."

Guo Twelve smiled slightly. He knew what Chen Bing meant. The division of labor was different, and the direction of the main attack was different. He said: "Everyone has to prepare something, especially food and dried meat. We need to prepare more. We will set off in two days. The patriarch of the Qin clan will see us off tomorrow night. "

Huo Bao and Hong Shi stopped immediately, and the two came happily. Huo Bao asked: "What's so delicious?"

Guo Twelve couldn't help but laugh: "Leopard, enough for you to eat ... You guys, when they heard something to eat, even the practice stopped."

Huo Bao smiled happily and said, "Of course, many people in my hometown are not full, hehe, it is very important to be able to eat enough. In addition to the children we can eat, other adults, Even my dad often ca n’t eat enough. ”

Guo Twelve didn't believe it a little: "Your father is the mayor and can't eat enough?"

Huo Bao shook his head and said: "In winter, when the snow is over, no family can eat enough. If the snow period is too long, he must adjust his hands to hunt in the mountains. Twelve, you know ... , Almost all beasts encountered, there are more dead people, if you are lucky, you may be able to hunt some beasts, but they are all for life, if you are unlucky, if you do n’t hit the prey, it ’s true Someone will starve to death. "

"So, we learned from childhood, when we can eat, we must be full ..."

Among the four people, only Huo Bao suffered from childhood, and the other three were born in professional families, and basically did not suffer. Guo Twelve was born in a hard life in his previous life, so he understood what he said and said, "Well, tomorrow night, you can let go and eat!"

Huo Lei said honestly: "Yes! I must eat more."

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "Don't eat and hold on."

Hong Shi suddenly said: "Those who don't need money eat deliciously!"

Chen Hong chuckled and laughed on the side. Guo XII asked: "Xiaohong, what are you laughing at?" She said: "Leopard and stone are both rice bins."

Guo twelve laughed, in fact, he felt that he was also a rice bucket. He is now nine years old and eats the amount of a meal, which is equivalent to the amount of two days a person eats in the previous life, and Huo Lei and others are better than themselves, because they are potential samurai apprentices and need a lot of food to supplement their physical strength.


On the evening of the next day, Guo XII took four companions, as well as Luo Zhan, Xiao Feng, and Yan Ge, along with Master Luo Jie, Qi Fufu, Qi Nanshan, and Qin Han, the elders of the Qin family. .

Guikefang is very simple. In Guo XII's impression, there is no exquisite place in this world. In addition to all kinds of symbols, it is exquisite to the extreme, other food, clothing and housing are very simple and rough.

Guo Twelve also got used to it, and he followed the master into it. Qin Zhuo greeted him from the inside and greeted him a few words, then they were transferred to the throne. Guo Twelve was sitting next to him by the master, because he was young and nobody paid attention.

There are many guests, one by one, and the big long table is gradually filled with people.

A pot of white water boiled meat comes up, followed by a basket of noodles, a pot of hot soup. Guo twelve lamented, it is the same old. He smiled and shook his head bitterly. He took out three shallow basins made of copper, took out the soy sauce and spicy sauce he made, prepared them in the shallow basin, took out a few garlic heads, crushed them and threw them in front of the master and Qi Nanshan. Each put a shallow basin ~ ~ said: "Master, Grandpa Nanshan, eat it with dip ... it's delicious."

Luo Jie knew that his little apprentice had countless weird ideas. He nodded no strangely and asked, "Is this made by yourself?"

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "It is really tired of eating boiled meat in white water. It is unpleasant and tastes uncomfortable."

Qi Nanshan said: "Your child is very strange, and he came out of an ordinary family, and he hasn't eaten Fu Shi. How can he make so many strange things, just like the pot that was burnt last time in the secret realm? Spare ribs, alas, I still ca n’t forget that taste, it ’s so beautiful. ”

People here only use chopsticks when they eat fu food. Usually they only use knives and wooden spoons to eat meat and soup.

Guo Twelve directly grabbed the boiled meat in white water, then cut it into small pieces with a knife, put it into the seasoning, and slowly ate it with a knife and fork. With the seasoning, the meat becomes very delicious.

Luo Jie and Qi Nanshan carelessly fork the meat, dipped in a little sauce, bite down, and his face suddenly changed. Once again, the two of them could not help but looked at each other, and they both showed a smile, which is really great. The two elderly people did not speak, and ate their heads.

Qin Han was seated across Luo Jie, and he looked at them curiously. Guo Twelve saw it and felt a little embarrassed in his heart. He made another one and handed it to Qin Han, whispering, "Brother, eat it."

At this time, a group of people came in from outside the door, and the person headed saw Guo Twelve at a glance. He couldn't help but slow down, and his eyes showed consternation. He thought: "Why is he here?"

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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