Although I told other players that the phantom god would not be far ahead of others, it was also to appease the hearts of the people.

Gong Baixue is very aware of the preciousness of the supreme treasure chest!

In the past three years, this thing has only appeared three times!

This life actually appeared the next day, and it also brought a significantly better suffix, giving her an unprecedented illusion that the players in the previous life were weak chickens.

She didn't know what Phantom God got. The only thing that was certain was that after he digested the items in the treasure chest, his combat power would be far beyond that of ordinary people.

It's really hard for other players to catch up!


She saw a headline on a forum that surprised her.

[The Zhao family's army in the Yangguan Forest besieged and killed the phantom god, and it is about to succeed! ]

"The siege of the phantom god is almost successful?"

Gong Baixue frowned slightly, and doubts flashed in her green pupils. The snow-white slender prime pointed in.

The post described in detail how they surrounded the Mirage, how they organized the attack, and what the final result was.

The lines are full of confidence in Zhao Jiajun and disdain for the phantom gods.

There are three photos attached, which fully prove what they say.

The first photo is a moment when a player wearing a funny mask is using a big sword to meet the sharp claws of a green wolf, and the trees and red leaves around him are densely filled with arrows and iron feather bird steel. wing.

Two or three meters away from the player, there were still a few hurricane wolves baring their teeth, ready to go, as if they would pounce the moment this photo was taken.

There are many wounds on the masked player's body. Obviously, the battle has been going on for a while, and the situation is serious.

The center of the second photo is also the player, who has more wounds than the previous one.

At this moment, he was wielding a large orange half-moon-shaped sword energy with his somewhat broken sword, and five or six hurricane wolves were in front of him. Behind him, there are two wolves that are pounced in the air.

It seemed that he could not escape the attack of the two wolves behind him.

The last photo is of the player resting with his back against a big tree. His great sword is tattered, his body is densely wounded, and some dried blood can be seen even on the nearby leaves.

The excited faces of other players can be seen in the distance on the screen.

The whole photo is full of hero's end vibes.

The article concludes by saying:

[In addition to the above results, the hero of all this, our great leader Zhao Tianjie has already known the talent of the Illusory God, and it is very likely that he is the same as Alura of the Northern Beast Kingdom.

However, our leaders are generous and generous, and we do not have a slaying attitude towards the phantom gods.

If he is willing to donate treasure chest income and system rewards, we can consider letting him go.

If Phantom God sees this post, please reply in the comment area, let us see your sincerity. ]

"Heh." Gong Baixue sneered, "It seems that Zhao Jiajun wants to do things absolutely."

Even though Infinite Battlefield has just arrived for two days, everyone knows that everyone's talents are their own privacy, and exposing other people's talents at will is an act of offending people to death.

Looking at these photos back and forth, Gong Baixue was deeply puzzled.

"Isn't the phantom god in the supreme treasure box that can immediately increase his strength? So what did he get?"

Her eyes wandered, and several possibilities emerged in her mind.

Occupation rings, treasure designs, precious materials, potions with special functions, props...

"Wait! It may also be a legendary occupation book!"

Thinking of this possibility, Gong Baixue's pupils suddenly enlarged, and layers of fine sweat ooze out of her cheeks.

But soon, she shook her head and comforted herself, "No no no, this possibility is impossible,

It shouldn't happen at this time, this prop should not appear at this time! "

She paced back and forth in the room anxiously.

"But what if, what if he really gets it?"

Since this outrageous guy can even open the Supreme Treasure Chest, why can't he get the Legendary Profession Book?

On the contrary, there is a high probability!

Gong Baixue felt uneasy in her heart. She dared not imagine how invincible she would be in the next period of time when she got the legendary profession!

"Damn it, can't you just stop?"

She sat back on the bed slightly tired, and continued to swipe down on the forum interface to read other people's comments.

[Unparalleled God of War: Let me just say, the Magic God is not strong, but the players in the warm wind grassland are just garbage. ]

Good guy, I saw the map cannon at first glance, and then looked at the reply to him, and sure enough, they all scolded him.

This is meaningless, she continued to look down.

[Steel Forest: Illusory God is about to disappear, hey.. He is the first pioneer of the era, and he has left a strong legacy in the history of the new era. Even if he can't make a comeback in the future, it will be worth it. ]

[Parallel Goldfish: No good, it keeps pressing on our heads, as if he is the protagonist, so annoying! ]

[Yanyanhuo: I suggest everyone to be more cautious. It will be bad if they are stacked by his temporary state. I am in the center of the Sunshine Forest now, and I still have a lot of time to arrive. I will rush there now. ]

[Bad Beast Bass: Yes, make sure to seal the phantom gods first, I have only arrived for 3 hours yesterday, and there are still 9 hours left, which is enough for me to rush past. ]

[The Lion King Harmon: You are not trying to steal people's heads...]


Most people think that the phantom god will be sealed away this time, and fewer people think that the phantom god may escape with the help of shopping mall props.

No one thinks he can fight back. After all, if he has this ability, why would he fight like this?

Looking at these comments, Gong Baixue shook his head slightly, the player of the previous life also had this virtue.

She clicked on her follow interface, and there was only one name on it.

Phantom God!

At this time, the name was bleak.

"...Is it the return of the king or the end of the hero?"

She turned her head to look out the window at the rapidly receding scenery, and whispered softly.


At noon, with the end of a press conference in Shenxia Shangdu, three pieces of news quickly swept across the land of Shenxia.

1. Shenxia established the Shenxia Security Strategy Bureau, referred to as the Shenzhan Bureau. Responsible for supervising the behavior of all players in Shenxia, ​​and all illegal players will be arrested.

2. The Military Department will set up stations in major cities in China and send personnel on duty to stabilize social order.

3. The player's website will be launched soon, and all players of Shenxia will be required to register for battle cards.

The third part is described in detail on the Shenxia official website:

[On June 15th, the player website will be officially launched. At that time, all Shenxia players must register and log in with their ID cards within 24 hours, and take a high-definition photo of themselves and the battle card to upload to the system.

After that, every Monday, the battle card will be re-photographed to update the battle card information. ]

As soon as the three news came out, there was an uproar on the Internet.

In fact, many people had expected these measures in their hearts, but they were still a little scared when they were actually implemented.

"Is it necessary to be so strict?" Someone asked.

He obviously didn't know that because of these news, many gangs who secretly plotted dark operations chose to delay their actions, and some gangs without leaders were directly disbanded.

In a dark room in Shangdu, an impatient voice sounded.

"What to do? Is the plan still being implemented?"

The sound echoed in the empty room, and before it dissipated, there was an unquestionable voice.

"Pause the plan!"


In a hidden canyon somewhere in Shenchuan, an old man with white hair who is over a hundred years old and full of energy stood on the edge of the cliff, stroking his beard, and said lightly: "Wait a minute..."

And behind him, there were hundreds of people kneeling respectfully.

"Yes! Follow the Immortal Master's instructions!"

The loud and uniform sound reverberated in and out of the valley, scaring away thousands of beasts and birds.


At a roadside stall in Mohai, three young people were drinking beer and eating barbecue.

"Oh, what are you doing like this, the days are getting harder and harder."

"Why don't you speed up, buddy?"

The other two shook the wine bottles, looking like they were drunk, but their eyes were very clear.


One person lay directly on the table and murmured: "The gun hit... the early bird."


Another person fell down and said indistinctly, "The early risers...the birds...the worms eat..."


The third person who seemed to be clear also fell to the ground and replied to the second person: "The bugs that get up early are eaten by birds, and they are eaten by birds."

The boss not far away saw this scene, shook his head with a smile, and a few failed players came here to get drunk and worry.

Every time he sees this situation, he will be proud of himself, because he is a high-level player, and his status will be higher and higher in the future.

The gap between these losers and him will get bigger and bigger.

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