I’m the Owner of the Breeding House In the World of Elves

Chapter 1581 Natural Sparrow and Kirby Brothers

In the picture, a palm-sized natural bird disappeared into the warehouse instantly with a Kirby and a bunch of energy cubes.

"It's teleportation!" Miss Junsha exclaimed: No wonder they couldn't find any clues.

Yuga thought thoughtfully: "Is it the natural bird that uses teleportation? A natural bird has the ability to leave with a Kirby beast and so many energy cubes. Its ability is very strong!"

Miss Junsha heard this and said, "That's true."

Using teleportation consumes a huge amount of mental energy. Generally, most adult elves with super powers cannot use it multiple times in a row, let alone a small natural bird, let alone one that carries so many "burdens". .

While the few people were talking, the picture in the projection changed again. A huge tree filled the projected picture, and then the projection suddenly disappeared.

When the projection disappeared, Bingbo Pig also opened its eyes.

"Did you see the tree that appeared at the end? Does anyone know that tree?" Yuga asked.

"This..." Miss Junsha lowered her head and thought hard, but she couldn't remember where there was such a big tree in Shuangye Town.

At this time, a police officer suddenly shouted: "I know where the tree is!"

So everyone's eyes turned to him unanimously.

Probably realizing that his voice was too loud, the police officer scratched his head in embarrassment and then said:

"When I first became a trainer, I once went on an adventure to the nearby Wandering Forest. It seemed that there was such a big tree in the center of the Wandering Forest.

The big tree was in the center of the forest. I was...hehe...a little weak at that time, so I didn't get close there! "

The Lost Forest is near Shuangye Town, but it is still some distance away from Shuangye Town.

"The Lost Forest?" Ms. Junsha muttered softly, "So that's where it is... So the natural birds and Kirby beasts that stole the energy cubes are the elves in the Lost Forest?"

"Most likely," the police officer agreed.

"Anyway, let's go take a look first. This is the only clue after all." Miss Junsha said.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Ah Xun suddenly raised his hand and said, "I'm going too, I'm going to help too!" How come there are so few interesting things like this for him!

"Okay then." Miss Junsha hesitated for a moment and then agreed.

The Lost Forest is the most dangerous adventure place in the vicinity, and it is always safer to have an extra helper.

Miss Junsha already knew that Ah Xun was the son of Mr. Shuanglang and that he was very capable. Bringing him along would be like bringing a powerful helper, so she agreed.

"Mr. Qingshui, won't you come with us?" Ah Xun asked at this time.

Yujia shook his head: "I won't go, let's wait for your good news." It's enough for Miss Junsha to be here, there is no need for him to go with her.

"Okay then." Ah Zun was a little disappointed when he heard this, but he quickly put that disappointment behind him, "I will definitely be able to catch the thief and help everyone bring the energy cube back!"

After saying that, he looked at Alice and Yu Longqing and said, "Are you two going?"

Yu Longqing shook his head without hesitation, and Alice was a little eager to give it a try, but seeing that neither Yujia nor Yu Longqing was going, she thought about it and rejected Ah Shun's invitation.

Soon everyone divided into two groups. Yujia, Alice and Yulongqing returned to Aunt Caizi's house, while Ah Xun accompanied Miss Junsha and several police officers to the Lost Forest.

After returning home, Alice happily talked to Aunt Caizi about today's experience and when she talked about the theft of the energy cube, she sighed:

"I don't know if Ah Xun and Miss Junsha can bring the energy cube back."

Aunt Caizi heard this and said: "Did they go to the Lost Forest? It's quite difficult for ordinary trainers to deal with there. I've taken risks there before."

"Hey, will Ah Xun and Miss Junsha be okay?" Alice asked worriedly.

Aunt Caizi thought for a moment: "It should be fine. Isn't Ah Xun the son of Mr. Shuanglang? I heard that he is quite capable."

Living together in Shuangye Town, Aunt Caizi, as a top coordination trainer, of course knew the famous Mr. Julang.

"That's good." After hearing this, Alice felt relieved, put aside Ah Zun's matter, and then pestered Aunt Caizi, "Aunt Caizi, tell me the story of your previous adventures."

On the other side, Miss Junsha and Ah Xun successfully arrived at the Lost Forest and passed through the outer reaches of the forest to the giant tree. Although they encountered some obstacles from wild elves on the way, it had little impact on them.

In general, adventure places in the human world, except for some special places, such as Tokiwa Forest, Chenghua Forest, and Tianguan Mountain, most have limited dangers.

It was quiet around the giant tree, because this was Kirby's territory, so there were very few wild elves here to run wild.

"Look, there's a tree hole there!" A police officer suddenly pointed at the roots of the giant tree and whispered.

"Maybe there's a guy who steals energy cubes living there!" Ah Zun said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a swaying little Kirby walking out of the tree hole. It held out its fat belly and patted it as it walked. The flesh on its belly trembled when it was patted. Very cute.

"It's Kirby!" a police officer exclaimed in a low voice.

"Is this little Kirby the child of the Kirby that stole the energy cube?" Ah Shun guessed.

Miss Junsha shook her head and said: "I don't know, but the possibility is very high. Maybe catching it can lead to the Kirby beast."

Ah Zhen's eyes lit up after hearing this: "What a great idea, leave this matter to me!"

Miss Junsha agreed.

So Ah Shun quietly followed behind the little Kirby.

The little Kirby walked and played, seemingly unprepared for its surroundings. Sometimes it pulled a piece of grass, sometimes it picked a leaf, but it just wandered around.

Ah Zun saw the little Kirby gradually leaving the range of the giant tree, so he decided to take action. He suddenly jumped out of the grass and walked towards the little Kirby with a strange smile.

"Hey hey hey... little guy, come with me."

The little Kirby was startled by the sudden appearance of Ah Yun. After being quiet for a few seconds, he suddenly grinned and started crying.


The sound was like a demonic sound that penetrated his ears, and Ah Zhen subconsciously covered his ears.

The Kirby beast in the tree hole is sleeping soundly, with a very peaceful expression.

But the next second it suddenly sat up: I heard my brother crying, where is my brother?

The natural bird that was lying on Kirby's belly was directly thrown away by it, and fell to the ground with a thud, making it dizzy.

It flew up unsteadily and looked around. The little Kirby was indeed not there. The next second it disappeared from the place with the Kirby.

Ah Zun, who was preparing to capture the little Kirby, didn't realize that there was a Kirby and a natural bird behind him.

Seeing his brother appear, the little Kirby immediately stopped crying. Ah Shun thought it was his kind attitude that influenced the little Kirby.

"Good boy, let's go together."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kirbymon's thick arms hugged him from behind.


Ah Zhen's mind was lost for a moment.




The police officer who was staring at the tree hole suddenly said: "Did you hear anything?"


Miss Junsha was about to speak when a Kirby, a little Kirby and a natural bird suddenly appeared at the door of the tree hole, and the Kirby was carrying a person on its shoulders.


Who else is it if it’s not Ah Xun?

In this way, Ah Shun was carried into the tree hole by Kirby.

"What...what should I do? Ah Xun has been taken away." A police officer said dumbfounded.

"What else can I do? Of course I need to hurry up and save people."

Yujia and the others waited at home for news about Miss Junsha until dark, but the news did come, but what they were waiting for was the news that Ah Shun had been arrested and Miss Junsha was asking for help.

Yujia thought that with Ah Xun's strength, there would be no problem, but he never expected that he would overturn the car and become a prisoner.

Ah Xun was arrested. Miss Junsha originally wanted to ask Mr. Julang for help, but unfortunately Mr. Julang was not in Shuangye Town, so she had to turn to Yujia for help.

It was because they underestimated the strength of the Kirby beast. When she went to rescue Ah Shun, she fought with him, but she couldn't defeat him at all. Not only did she fail to rescue Ah Shun, but she was almost caught as well.

After hearing Miss Junsha explain the situation, Yujia sighed helplessly and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

In the tree hole.

Ah Shun was tied up with a strong tree vine by Kirby Beast and was thrown casually in a corner of the tree hole, while Kirby Beast was chatting with the natural bird without knowing what to say.

"Should we move? If you catch this person, other humans will come to your door sooner or later." The natural bird persuaded Kirby, which hated humans very much.

But Kirby looked unconcerned, waved its giant palm casually, and then lay lazily on a bed made of leaves, not forgetting to yawn.

"Oh~~~Don't worry, don't worry, what are you afraid of when humans come? I'll catch them all and let them pick fruits for me!"

Before stealing energy cubes, what Kirby hated most was to go to the forest to pick fruits. It was his dream to lie comfortably at home and have the fruits automatically delivered to his mouth.

Hearing this, Ziranque was very angry and stepped hard on Kirby's belly several times, but its strength was not enough to tickle Kirby.

Yujia entered the Wandering Forest with Miss Junsha early the next morning, because when Miss Junsha came to ask for help yesterday, it was already getting late, and it was not convenient to go to the Wandering Forest.

In the early morning, Kirby was sleeping soundly in the tree hole, but Natural Bird was not there. It was so angry with Kirby that it ran away from home yesterday.

The sleeping Kirby suddenly smelled a very attractive fragrance, and it got up and walked out in confusion.

This is not only true for Kirbymon, the little Kirbymon behaves exactly the same as its older brother.

Seeing the Kirby brothers coming out, Yuga said to Miss Junsha: "Miss Junsha, leave these two elves to me. You go and have a look in the tree hole."


After Miss Junsha responded, she walked around the two Kirby beasts and sneaked into the cave quietly.

Yuga held Tiantian in his hand and tried his best to guide the two Kirby beasts who were not yet awake to the open space next to the tree hole.

After Miss Junsha entered the tree hole, she saw the messy energy cubes that had been dismantled at a glance, and thought to herself: How much wasted!

"Miss Junsha?" At this time, Ah Xun in the corner finally saw hope of getting out of trouble, "Miss Junsha, you finally came to save me, woohoo~"

After being frightened all night, Ah Zun had two big dark circles on his eyes. The moment he saw Miss Junsha, he finally couldn't help crying.

Yujia outside also had a rough idea of ​​the strength of this Kirby beast, its green aptitude, and its quasi-king level. No wonder he could easily catch Ah Shun, and beat Miss Junsha and run away.

Among the wild elves near human towns, the quasi-king level is indeed enough to dominate.

Looking at the two silly Kirby beasts, Yuga thought they were cute, so he couldn't help but tease the brothers.

At this time, Kirbymon finally woke up completely and was very angry when he saw that humans were teasing him. However, when he saw the sweetness in Yuga's hand, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Because the little Kirby is so innocent, he has no sense of defense at all. He drools directly and stares at the sweetness in Yuga's hand. If his brother hadn't pulled him, he would have followed Yuga directly. Jia left.

Kirbymon couldn't resist the temptation and finally pounced on Yuga "ferociously".

Yuga summoned Gengar and spun the Kirby brothers around, and soon the two brothers collapsed to the ground.

When the natural bird came back, what it saw was the scene of Yuga teasing the Kirbymon brothers. Without saying anything, it just used teleportation and ran away.

It's human!

Seeing humans, Natural Birds can always think of those bad memories from the past.

Of course Yuga discovered the natural bird, but the natural bird escaped so decisively that he didn't even have time to take action.

Teleporting out of the range of the giant tree, the natural bird flew and flew, deciding to leave the Lost Forest and find another way out, but as it flew, its speed slowed down.

Finally, it turned its head and flew towards the giant tree.

The Kirby brothers have been dependent on each other for so long, there is no way they don't have any feelings for each other.

Flying, the natural bird's thoughts drifted away.

It was a rainy night, and it was Kirby who picked up the scarred dog back home and healed its injuries.

Later, it settled down in the Lost Forest, and later it relied on the Kirby brothers and found shelter in the forest.

Yuga took out the elf ball and was about to take the Kirby brothers in, when the natural bird appeared again. Its goal was very clear, and it used teleportation to take the Kirby brothers to escape.

"Five Dynasties Rivers, Mountains and Winds"

However, it overestimated itself. Yujia let it run away the first time, how could it be possible to let it run away a second time.

The natural bird flew to the Kirby brothers and was about to use teleportation when a pair of dark eyes suddenly appeared in the sky. A red light suddenly shot out from the eyes and attached to its body. The natural bird found that it could not move. Moved.

A Gengar looked at it with a half-smile.

Those black eyes in the sky are Gengar's skill - black gaze.

With the natural bird's eyes about to burst, Yuga put the Kirby brothers into the Poké Ball.

Probably due to the excessive stimulation, Tianque rolled her eyes and fainted.

∑(′△`)? !

Yuga: Am I that scary?

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