The super vortex that stirred up the entire blood sea is gradually obliterating the sealing formation.

Xueyin, or the Lord Yinsha who has the memory of Lord Xuesha, tried his best to suppress his excitement and wait for the time to break the seal.

"Luo Sha, you would never have imagined that in the end, I, Yin Sha, would be the one to accomplish great things!

Heck, it's all thanks to your aggressiveness back then, if not for that, Xue Bra would not have banned each other and formed an alliance with me! "

The seal was about to be broken, and Xueyin seemed to have seen the scene where he devoured Rakshasa and achieved the supreme demon body.

While excited, he couldn't help revealing the reason why he can now occupy Xuesha's physical body.

It turned out that in ancient times, among the three palace lords, Luo Sha was the strongest, he acted extremely domineering, and he didn't want to devour Xue Sha and Yin Sha all the time.

In order to protect themselves, the two had to join hands to fight against each other, and there was no trust between the two, so they adopted the method of strict prohibition that one of them died and the other had to be buried with him, and barely established cooperation. relation.

Apparently, Yin Sha had manipulated the restriction so that it could directly appear in Xue Bra's body with half of its true essence after self-explosion.

Because Yin Bra discarded the part controlled by the ban in the self-destruct, and Xue Bra still had his ban in his body.

Therefore, after paying a price, Yin Sha, who is not one in strength, successfully occupied the magpie's nest, devoured Xue Sha's primordial spirit, and became today's Xue Yin.

However, due to the lack of yin energy in the blood sea, the blood yin primordial spirit has not recovered from his injuries, but the large formation used to seal the blood brake cannot completely imprison him, allowing him to release some power.

Suddenly, the excited Xueyin's face changed abruptly, and he shouted loudly with an angry look:

"Dare to destroy my formation, really brave!

Where is the blood servant? ! "

"Master, please order."

The hoarse voices of the two blood-armored skeletons sounded in the blood-yin primordial spirit.

"Go, kill the monk who destroyed the formation, and arrest the soul in front of the king!"

Xue Yin ordered through gritted teeth.

He was furious and startled at the moment, the big formation in the sea of ​​blood was his painstaking work, just now he felt that the big formation was shaken by someone, if he left it alone, the other party might really spoil the good opportunity he had been waiting for for tens of thousands of years.

"Obey, master."

The two blood armor skeletons replied at the same time.

The connection between the two blood servants and the blood sea is very deep, and they can maintain the operation of the formation without staying in the eyes of the formation all the time.

At this time, it is the best person to deal with the accident.

Thousands of miles away, a column of blood suddenly exploded on the surface of the turbulent blood sea, and Han Li's figure appeared.

As soon as he flew into the air, a blue light flew in the distance, and it was Luo Hong who came.

"Junior Brother Han, how is the arrangement going?"

Just as Luo Hong stopped, she hurriedly asked.

"Junior brother has disrupted the formation according to the arrangement of senior brother. Presumably the mansion has already sensed it. If he really has subordinates, he should send them immediately!"

Han Li replied seriously.

Even though it was a critical moment, he still couldn't help but marvel at Senior Brother Luo's method of formation.

Ordinary monks usually break the formation with strength and cleverness. A monk who knows the way of formation may break the formation with one hand, but Brother Luo's method can be said to be a whimsical idea, which escapes common sense.

Brother Luo just let himself use the same material as the Great Formation at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Blood, and simply added two formation patterns, which made the Great Formation of the Blood Sea in a large area not function well.

Han Li was also well versed in the way of the formation, so he could see that although he had simply changed the formation, it caused the originally smooth blood energy in the formation to clash with each other.

This method is really wonderful!

If Luo Hong knew what Old Devil Han was thinking at this moment, he would definitely say the word "short circuit" in a loud voice.

"Everything is ready, just wait for the fish to take the bait!

Hope they don't come too late! "

Luo Hong's gaze was fixed, her expression solemn and authentic.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes or hear it with his own ears, after discovering that there was a huge magic circle operating at the bottom of the sea of ​​blood, and there was a tendency to gather the power of the entire sea of ​​blood, Luo Hong immediately understood:

This is sealed here, I don't know if it is the mansion of Xuesha who wanted to break the seal and made a movement.

"Senior brother, take care, brother, go meet up with Miss Yuan and the others first!"

After Han Li hastily cupped his hands, he turned into a ray of light and fled away, leaving only Luo Hong in place.

"Hehe, those who can do more work, I am the only one who can afford the bait."

Luo Hong smiled wryly and let out her consciousness, ready to fight.

By the way, let's review the plan made by myself and others.

The large formation used to break the seal is naturally impossible to be left by Gu Xiu.

Obviously, the government lord who is sealed here has a considerable ability to intervene in the outside world. The most likely situation is that he can control the evil things in the sea of ​​blood.

But this also proves in reverse that the formation of the Sealing Mansion Lord is intact.

Therefore, the best way to deal with the Fujun is undoubtedly to use the Buddhist forbidden method of the sealed place.

When urging the Buddhist forbidden method, it is most forbidden to have external interference, otherwise it is very easy to waste all previous efforts.

In this way, someone must act as a bait to temporarily lure and hold back the evil thing controlled by Lord Blood Sea.

Therefore, Luo Hong divided the crowd into two teams, with himself acting as the bait, and Laomo Han and Yuan Yao guarding Yanjing, and went to activate the Buddhist forbidden method.

Using the "short circuit" method can only cause local chaos in the large formation. The effect looks terrible, but it can't really shake the large formation, but it has a full scare effect.

Luo Hong believed that the noise she made would definitely attract a huge reaction from Lord Blood Sea, and he successfully played the role of bait.

After waiting for about half an hour, two tyrannical auras broke into Luo Hong's range of consciousness. He immediately narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered to himself:


I saw that two blood rays flew rapidly from the sky, and after entering the attack range, there was no nonsense, and two blood shadow slashes were directly launched.

Sensing the sharpness of the blood-colored blade, Luo Hong didn't have the slightest thought of blocking it head-on. She used the Five Elements Escape to escape for tens of feet, and easily avoided the blood-colored blade's slash.

"Teleportation supernatural power!"

"Let's fight and kill!"

After a brief exchange, one of the skeletons stopped in mid-air, and began to say strange spells from its mouth.

Another blood-armored skeleton used the blood escape technique to bully Luo Hong, as if trying to hold him back.

Luo Hong had no intention of running away, so she swung her palms and sacrificed the Zhenhai Pearl, and shot it out with a surge of mana.

The blood-armored skeleton pinched the magic formula with one hand, and a large shield that was as long as his body was condensed out of the blood light, and the other grabbed it out of thin air, as if holding Luo Hong's heart, and squeezed it hard!

Immediately, Luo Hong felt a suffocation in her chest, but she was not hurt.

Obviously, the Blood Armored Skeleton underestimated Luo Hong's physical strength, and the secret technique of the blood path could not have much effect on it.

At this time, Zhenhaizhu had already flown to the blood shield, and when the two touched, the face of the blood armor skeleton suddenly showed shock.

It was as if a mountain was pressing down on it, and as soon as it touched the blood shield, it shattered inch by inch, and was smashed through by the Zhenhai Pearl.

The next moment, Zhenhaizhu stuck to the chest of the blood armored skeleton.

With a crisp "click", Zhenhaizhu directly smashed through the blood armor skeleton's breastbone and rushed into his body.

In this round of fighting, the Blood Armored Skeleton was really careless. If he responded with all his strength, it would only take a little effort to block Zhenhaizhu.

But he judged from his breath that Zhenhai Zhu was Luo Hong's natal magic weapon, and Luo Hong's cultivation was only in the early Yuanying stage, so he took it for granted that Luo Hong's natal magic weapon was not powerful.

Therefore, the Blood Armored Skeleton just squeezed a blood shield with supernatural powers, and used most of its power to perform the blood path secret technique.

If that's the case, the blood armored skeleton is just ugly, and this injury is nothing to him who has an unavoidable body.

But then he made a second mistake!

Originally, with Zhenhaizhu's remaining momentum, he would definitely be able to smash through him, but the blood armor skeleton actually used a secret technique, which greatly strengthened the flesh and blood in the chest and abdomen, and stopped Zhenhaizhu in the body.

Immediately, blood surged all over his body, intending to defile Zhenhai Pearl with the secret method of blood path.

This time there was no need for Luo Hong to force him, the Black Crow True Flame hidden in Zhenhai Pearl rushed out angrily, showing great power.

With a "boom", like a wooden stake covered in kerosene, the blood-armored skeleton was wrapped in raging spiritual flames in an instant.


Amidst the terrifying screams, the blood armored skeleton quickly pinched out a formula, and then a bloody lightning bolt fell from the blood cloud above his head.

Just as Luo Hong was about to teleport to dodge, she realized that the blood-colored lightning was not coming at her, but at the blood-armored skeleton.

Only after realizing this, he was surprised to see that the Black Crow True Flame on the surface of the blood-armored skeleton was suppressed, and it only lasted for a while before retracting into the body.

Such a powerful Leifa is actually higher than Heiwu Zhenyan's spiritual level!

I seem to have some impression of Lei, but I can't remember it for a while.

Luo Hong was very distressed and secretly startled.

At this time, the blood armored skeleton took advantage of the bloody lightning to help, and with a "poof", it forced the Zhenhai Pearl out of its body.

With a palm of her hand, Luo Hong took Zhenhaizhu back.

Among them, Black Crow True Flame, immediately conveyed fear to Luo Hong.

The one who can make Heiwu Zhenyan like this should only be the supernatural powers of the spirit world, and the blood-red thunder method is cast through blood clouds. Could it be Tiangang blood thunder? !

Luo Hong's heart shuddered, and he looked at the opponent in front of him squarely like never before.

I don't know, the blood armored skeletons are even more frightened. This Tiangang blood thunder is not their own supernatural power, but borrowed the power of blood yin, which cannot be used again in a short time.

This person's supernatural powers can withstand the master's divine thunder, so don't be careless!

Thinking this way, the Blood Armored Skeleton no longer attacked fiercely, and began to procrastinate seriously.

Tiangang Xuelei's reputation is too strong, and Luo Hong didn't dare to push him too much until he found out the reality of the blood armor skeleton.

As for the blood-armored skeleton that had been chanting mantras, obviously intending to display some kind of supernatural power, Luo Hong naturally noticed it long ago.

However, he is confident that with his own arrangements, no matter what means the opponent uses, they will not be able to threaten him.

Therefore, Luo Hong was not in a hurry to interrupt the blood armored skeleton.

Of course, this is also because, once he makes such a move, another blood armored skeleton will desperately stop it.

Although the two sides were jealous of each other, they did not stop. Within a few breaths, the fierce collision between the blood path secret technique and the black flame technique dyed the sky black and red.

Surprisingly, the Blood Armored Skeleton, whose cultivation base was much higher in the confrontation, fell to the disadvantage.

Although the Immortal Body is constantly repairing his injuries, it is at the cost of consuming essence and blood.

Normally, with the blood armored skeleton backed by the sea of ​​blood, there would be an endless supply of blood essence, so there was no need to worry about it at all.

But now the power of the blood sea is being pulled by the big formation to help the blood Yin break the seal, but he can't mobilize it a little bit.

Therefore, after a short fight, the breath of the blood armor skeleton suddenly weakened.

Fortunately, at this moment, his companion finished casting the spell.

Amidst the rumbling explosions, countless blood-colored water jets soared into the sky, and it was the Blood Sea Immortal Formation.

Luo Hong immediately felt the feeling of blocked blood circulation, and her face turned red.

The blood-armored skeleton "Jie Jie", who had been fighting Luo Hong, smiled, and stretched out his right arm, stretching and growing rapidly in the process.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Hong's vision was blocked by a huge bone hand about ten feet long.

Without thinking too much, Luo Hong also threw out his right fist, and had a solid confrontation with that huge bone hand.

Judging from the size, the huge bone hand seemed to be able to pinch Luo Hong to death as long as it was squeezed hard.

The result of the confrontation was Luo Hong's overwhelming victory!

With a loud noise, Luo Hong was like a divine sword, not only shattering the huge bone arm, but also splitting the arm bone of the blood-armored skeleton like a bamboo.

If it wasn't for the Blood Armored Skeleton's taking advantage of his magical powers, Luo Hong would have almost blown his entire arm off!

Just about to pursue, Luo Hong suddenly felt the energy and blood in her body, and because of the explosion just now, it became more restless, and her body froze involuntarily.

"Jie Jie, even if you have the ability to reach the sky, if you fall into this blood sea refining fairy formation, you will only have your physical body collapsed, and you will end up like this!"

The blood armored skeleton retreated tens of feet, mockingly.

"Hehe, it's an interesting formation, but it's a pity that the timing is wrong, otherwise I have to study it carefully."

Luo Hong sighed with regret on his face, pinched the magic formula in his hand, and the water column that formed the blood sea alchemy immediately shook violently.

"You set up a formation here? This is a trap!"

The Blood Armored Skeleton, which had cast the magical powers of the formation, roared in shock.

"I just found out now, it's too late!"

The corners of Luo Hong's mouth curled up slightly, and with a reminder from his spiritual sense, he shouted:


I saw that the five-color aura came from all directions, and when it formed a five-color mask, the blood water column suddenly collapsed and fell back into the sea of ​​blood.

This formation is exactly the Five Elements Reversal Formation, but it is not the one that Luo Hong hastily arranged, but a large forbidden formation that can exert 120% of its power after he has arranged in advance.

As a formation master, how could he not use the formation as a bait!

However, Luo Hong didn't expect that she would happen to have a classic break through the formation by coincidence.

The upside-down five-element formation is an illusion formation. This kind of large formation has the most intense mobilization of aura, and it is most suitable for breaking the formation with the formation.

After disturbing the aura environment and breaking the blood sea alchemy formation, the upside-down five-element formation began to show its power.

The eyes of the two blood-armored skeletons blurred, and they suddenly came to a small valley full of singing birds and fragrant flowers!

"What a powerful illusion!"

"Break through the formation quickly, we must rush back to the master!"

I have an inexplicable toothache today and a buzzing pain in my head, which was relieved at night. If it hurts again tomorrow, I will have it pulled out.

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