I have a portable farm

Chapter 11 Trouble is coming

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

While Black Wind was drilling in and out of the vegetable field, Zhao Xinyu had already begun to plant the purchased seeds of common medicinal materials such as Astragalus and Bupleurum.

And that night, when Zhao Xinyu entered the space to pick vegetables, he saw that the space had changed again. The area had increased from more than three acres to more than six acres, and the puddles had turned into small puddles. This made him even more excited. He was excited, and he also knew that space would change depending on the species, and the rarer the species, the greater the change in space.

He suddenly remembered that when he and Xu Ning were chatting, Xu Ning mentioned that Cailiang Mountain, which is close to the Xihan Ridge, was once the mountain on which the Xihan Ridge and many villages relied for survival. Many people went into the mountain every day. Hunting and gathering herbs.

With the current economic development, many animals have become protected animals, so people don’t go into the mountains very often. Many young people don’t know what is in Cailiang Mountain.

Now only rare things can cause spatial changes in his own space, and rare species can be purchased in the market at a high price, so Zhao Xinyu has the idea of ​​​​entering the mountains.

But looking at his injured leg, Zhao Xinyu smiled helplessly. Although the ointments and medicines he made were effective in recovering from the injury, his left leg could now be used, and his face was greatly relieved, but But he knew that if he went in now and encountered some large beast, this injured leg would be his life-saving talisman.

In the next few days, whenever he has time, Zhao Xinyu will go into the space to take a look. Herbs and vegetables have emerged, and Zhao Xinyu has also begun to plan to transplant the vegetables and grapes in the space.

"Xinyu, it's a little early to transplant vegetables." Zhao Xinyu couldn't do anything in the yard of more than ten acres, so he had no choice but to find the old village chief Han Tianliang.

"Grandpa Han, I also asked the people at the nursery. They said that the vegetables are new varieties, cold-resistant and drought-resistant. If you plant them early, you can sell them at a good price."

"Xinyu, look, there are not many young people in the village. They are all old people and women. How much do you plan to give people in a day?"

"Grandpa Han, I don't know how much they usually cost."

"Everyone who can go out has gone out, and there is no one who can't go out. If you work odd jobs outside, you can only get 100 a day. The rest in the village can't compare with them. They pay 70 a day. What do you think?"

"Okay, Grandpa Han, just find someone. We'll finish it one day and start tomorrow." After these days, Zhao Xinyu has accumulated more than 70,000 yuan in his hands. He knows in his heart that as long as the vegetables are grown, this money will not be there at all. Next words.

Before going to Tianyi Garden the next day, Zhao Xinyu transplanted the vegetable seedlings in the space and put them in a prepared box. Then he rode to Tianyi Garden.

During this period of time, his vegetable business had already started in Tianyi Garden. Not only the residents of Tianyi Garden, but also the nearby residents would wait for him at the gate of the community early every day, so Zhao Xinyu went over and, within half an hour, A cart of vegetables was completely sold.

These days, some residents in the community also want Zhao Xinyu to deliver them in the evening, and the owners of several nearby restaurants want to buy vegetables at high prices, but Zhao Xinyu refuses them all.

It's not that he doesn't want to have money. Before he got the space, he was afraid of poverty. Of course he wanted to have more money.

But he also knows that big trees attract the wind. After his vegetables became popular in Tianyi Garden, I don’t know how many vendors also want to come to Tianyi Garden. However, the taste of their vegetables means that no matter who comes, the residents Only his vegetables are recognized.

His business can go twice a day like during the Chinese New Year, but he knows that if this happens, the residents of nearby communities will be attracted immediately. How will the vendors at the entrance of those communities look at him? If they do something dirty, If so, there is absolutely no way he can do it.

Zhao Xinyu doesn't deliver many vegetables here, so the vegetable fans in nearby communities and restaurant owners who want to buy his vegetables have also started to think about it. They are all secretly asking about the origin of Zhao Xinyu's vegetables. Someone even followed me secretly.

What made them depressed was that Zhao Xinyu seemed to feel that someone was following them, so he rode a tricycle in circles in the alley to get rid of them.

In fact, this was not Zhao Xinyu's original intention, but he had experienced too much over the years, which made him develop the habit of being cautious. He didn't know that it was because of his caution that many people who wanted to find him were unable to do so. .

After selling vegetables, Zhao Xinyu returned to the purchasing station before daybreak. He parked his car and began to transplant the grapes transplanted from the space under the wall near the smelly ditch.

When he was transplanting grapes, Han Tianliang came over with about ten people, six old people and four middle-aged women. When these people came, they didn't say much at all. They just asked Zhao Xinyu how to grow vegetables, and then started to do it. transplant.

In one day, one-third of the ten-acre yard was planted. This made Zhao Xinyu very excited. When paying for the work, each person was given an extra ten yuan.

After Han Tianliang took the people away, he and Heifeng took a simple bite, turned on the tap water, and then mixed the space water with the tap water to water the vegetable seedlings transplanted today.

When Han Tianliang and the others came over the next day, they saw that none of the seedlings transplanted yesterday had wilted. Not to mention that there was no wilting, the seedlings seemed to be a little longer than those planted yesterday. This was Han Tianliang. At dawn, all farmers were surprised.

"Xinyu, did you use any chemical fertilizer?" Han Tianliang asked with a smile, looking at the traces of watering in the vegetable patch.

Zhao Xinyu chuckled and pointed to the yard, "Grandpa Han, look at the fertilizer in my yard. Don't worry, I won't use any fertilizer on my vegetables. When the vegetables are ready to eat, I will send them to you." ".

"By the way, the contracting procedures for Luohe have been completed. If you are in a hurry today, I will bring it to you tomorrow."

It took Han Tianliang and ten people three and a half days to plant all the vegetables in the courtyard. Zhao Xinyu was also grateful to these people. Everyone was paid according to four days' wages, especially Han Tianliang's. Gave four hundred.

Just when Han Tianliang and the others were about to leave, the large fence raised with wooden sticks collapsed to the ground. A middle-aged man in his thirties walked in through the fence, followed by six or seven young people in flashy clothes behind him. .

Han Tianliang and the ten people who followed him saw the middle-aged man. His face changed at the same time. The middle-aged man was also from Xihanling. His name was Zhao Shiming.

A few years ago, I made a lot of money doing some small projects outside. After I came back, I even contracted the water tower in the village. Because I had money, I made trouble in the village all day long. Most of the people in the village were old, weak, women and children. Over time, they became arrogant and became Westerners. Han Ling's first tyrant, and wherever he is, something will definitely happen.

Now Zhao Xinyu suddenly came here. Everyone expected that Zhao Shiming came here because Zhao Xinyu used tap water to water vegetables in the past few days.

Zhao Shiming glanced at Han Tianliang and laughed, "Uncle Han, you happen to be here, so I can go find you."

Han Tianliang's eyes flickered a few times, "Shiming, what do you want from me?"

Zhao Shiming glanced sideways at Zhao Xinyu and said, "His name seems to be Zhao Xinyu. It was you who settled his household registration in our village and gave him the Luohe River and the wasteland in the Luohe River."

Han Tianliang nodded, "I can indeed handle this matter. The village committee has approved it."

Zhao Shiming smiled coldly, "I don't care whether he is from Xihanling or not, and I don't care if the village gave him the smelly ditch and the wasteland, but he used tap water to water the vegetables. This yard has almost ten Come on, how much do you get from this day?"

Han Tianliang was slightly startled and patted his forehead, "Shiming, Xinyu told me about this several times, but I forgot about it. It's not that there is no water here, so he used tap water to water it. He also said it According to the price of water land in other places, you will be given 10 yuan for watering one acre of land. This yard will be 100 yuan per watering for 10 acres as you mentioned."

"Uncle Han, you have been dealing with farmland all your life. You should know that these vegetables are not the same as crops. Now they use more water than crops. After a while, you will water them every three days. I don't come here often. Who knows how many times he watered it. I also heard that you were kind to him, so let me give you a favor, three thousand yuan a year, paid in one lump sum."

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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