I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Chapter 37 Blitz on the Capital (3)

Late at night, the streets of the royal capital were silent.

The civilians were expelled back to their homes, and the gendarmes gathered in rows with muskets in hand to guard various important gateways and streets.

Sane Bites, the commander of the Central Military Police Regiment, led the team to guard the only way to the royal government.

There are stone-carved buildings on both sides. The exquisite reliefs are graceful and graceful under the firelight, with different expressions. The road is paved with marble tiles, and purple hydrangeas are planted on the side of the road. It is very open and atmospheric.

After all, it is the most luxurious street in the royal capital. The nobles worked hard to decorate this street with splendor and splendor for their own style and dignity. The government hall at the end of the road, the arch ribs and supporting stone pillars were even more painstakingly designed. However, solemn statues of gods give people a sense of majesty and holiness that cannot be offended.

But Sane had no intention of admiring these beautiful master carvings. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he swallowed and stared at the empty street corner ahead.

In front of him, there were gendarmes lined up. The gendarmes were armed with muskets. There were two rows in total. The first row squatted and the back row stood at attention. They all neatly held the latest muskets and pointed their muzzles at the corner. The end.

"Don't panic! The enemies are just rebels from the training corps! Their three-dimensional mobile devices have been confiscated, and they are just targets in front of our muskets!"

Sane spoke loudly, as if that could hide his inner uneasiness.

He is responsible for the last line of defense. In front of him, there are several teams responsible for defense, and there is also a group of people patrolling the streets of the royal capital, looking for the movements of the rebels.

Logically speaking, Sane does not need to worry. The royal capital has 2,000 military police and 3,000 garrison troops, a total of 5,000 troops.

The number of survey soldiers is only 500.

Although I don’t know how those guys got through the Wall of Sheena and escaped from the guarding military police, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for 500 people to fight against 5,000 people.

That's a tenfold difference. If ten people surround one person and each one spits, that person should kneel on the ground and admit defeat.

The gap in numbers is no joke. As a senior Central Gendarmerie, Sane has dealt with various "incidents" and knows what so-called battles are all about.

According to his expectation, all the rebels in the Survey Corps should have been arrested by now, and the other teams should have sent messages long ago to lift their guard.

But Sane never waited for the news of victory.

This made him somewhat uneasy. Being on this prosperous street gave him an invisible pressure.

I always feel like it's a little too quiet

What are the other teams doing?

Are you doing a good job?

He shook his leather boots restlessly, trying to take out a cigarette to smoke.

But suddenly, his pupils contracted.

There appeared at the corner a man, only one man, dressed in the uniform of a gendarme.

It's not an enemy. Sane knows him. That person is a messenger and is running towards here.

Did the military police win?

Or have you discovered the location of the rebels and come here to ask for support?

Yes, they must be here to ask for support. Judging from the face of the messenger, he seems to be very nervous. They are really useless. They clearly have the advantage in numbers and equipment, but they actually let the rebels come here.

You shouldn't be asking for forgiveness for letting those rebels escape.

Sure enough, after living in the royal capital for too long, people become dull?

Sane saw that his friend relaxed a little, but the messenger suddenly shouted from a distance. It was difficult to describe his expression. His nose and eyes were squeezed together, and tears and snot flowed out.

He knelt on the ground as if he had collapsed, crying and shouting: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it."


"If you want to live, drop your weapons."

He spoke words that made no sense, as if he were crazy.

Sane and the gendarmes simply couldn't understand what he was doing, why he was crying or yelling, but they were only attracted to him for a moment.

Then what awaited was a heavy rain of bullets.

Dozens of people rolled out from the street corner, each with strange weapons in their hands.

Sane was suddenly stunned. That dwarf could not be mistaken. He was Levi, who was known as the strongest human being!


Almost at the same time, Sane and Levi gave the order to fire at almost the same time.

The gunpowder exploded, and the projectile was shot from the muzzle of the flintlock gun, flying in mid-air like a spinning ball.

After all, Sane and the military police were a little slow.

No. When sparks erupted from the metal nozzle of the strange weapon, everyone realized that it was not their muskets that were a beat slower, but the enemy's muskets, which were too fast.

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

Intensive gunfire rang out, and the gendarme's muskets hit the walls and the ground. They were too anxious. The accuracy of the muskets at this distance was very poor, and they lost the opportunity to preemptively strike. If they wanted to shoot again, they needed to reload the gunpowder and projectiles. .

The AK-47 is different, the black and gold metal barrel roars crazily.

The bullets poured out crazily, and although the aim was not high, there was no chance for anyone to breathe.

In the hail of bullets, flowers of blood bloomed one after another, and the military police fell one by one, with no time to change their ammunition.

"Your commander has been killed. Anyone who drops his weapon and surrenders will not be killed!" Levi shouted to persuade him to surrender.

The morale of the military police collapsed in just a few seconds. They finally understood why the courier had such an expression, because the courier was a survivor of hell.

Those who were still alive were afraid of death. They threw down their muskets and knelt on the ground like the messenger. They hugged their heads in the sound of gunfire and closed their eyes. Only the smell of gunpowder in the air and the sweet smell of blood filled their noses.

The gunfire stopped, and Levi pointed the muzzle of his AK-47 at those people.

"Put your hands up, then stand up and go to the wall!" Levi ordered.

No one dared to disobey him. In front of the gun, everyone was equal. They lined up in a row beside the wall, their hands were tied behind their backs, and they became prisoners of war.

Levi looked at the captured military police and then at the AK in his hand, with an indescribable look in his eyes.


"Yes, Captain, do you have any orders?"

"Go and inform Erwin and that brat that the road to the royal government has been opened."

"Yes, I'll go now."

Levi stepped on the flintlock musket and looked at the tall building in front of him.

"Leave ten people here to support the rear troops. The rest, follow me in and find all the nobles."


The investigators responded in unison.

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