I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Chapter 36 Blitz on the Capital (2)

In the damp and dark dungeon, the cotton wick was soaked in lamp oil and burning quietly, with the tip burnt black.

Erwin Smith, the current leader of the Survey Corps, was imprisoned in a single iron cell.

He took off his Survey Corps uniform and wore a white shirt. His face was bruised and his body was thin.

How long had it been since he was imprisoned in the dungeon?

It seems to be almost a month, and it is difficult to distinguish between day and night in the dungeon, and it is difficult to distinguish the length of time.

During this period, Erwin was interrogated in several ways.

Three months ago, after Erwin learned the secret of the wall from Ian, he immediately organized people to smash open the wall and saw huge toes without skin.

There is no doubt that those are the toes of a giant, but a super giant that is far taller than a normal giant.

If the walls are all made of super giants, how many are there?

Hanji made a simple calculation. Assuming that the distance between the head of each super giant is 16 meters, there would be a total of 430,000 giants hidden within the three walls, which is approximately equal to the current population. Half the quantity.

That day, Erwin was greatly shocked.

He began to investigate the wall and Lord Leith, and more and more secrets were revealed in front of him. Although the government tried its best to bury it, what happened would leave traces.

It seems that every generation of Lord Reis will often travel to and from the royal capital, and many major events are related to Lord Reis.

For example, when there is a natural disaster or there is a rebellion somewhere, the nobles of the royal capital will visit Lord Leith, and then the matter will be resolved.

The King of Walls, if such a figure really existed, Erwin had a question that he wanted to ask anyway.

Why, even though the King of Walls clearly has the power to control all giants and has built three major walls, he has not dealt with the problem of giants outside for a hundred years?

Why does the King of Walls lock humans inside walls and hide the truth?

This aroused Erwin's great curiosity. When he was digging for secrets, he finally attracted the attention of the central government, and then the incident developed like this.

Same as Erwin's father back then.

Erwin's father was killed by the Military Police. Although Erwin was young, he knew the reason for his father's death.

Because my father violated a "taboo".

His father was a teacher, and while his father was teaching history class, he raised his hand and asked a question in class.

"Teacher, how did you come to the conclusion that there are no humans outside the walls?"

His father ended the get out of class without answering his questions, but after returning home, his father told Erwin his thoughts.

“There are many doubts and contradictions in the history books issued by the royal government.”

Erwin was interested in this, but not smart enough to understand why his father didn't talk about it in class. He talked about what his father said with other children in the town.

Then, on the day that the military police came to inquire about the situation, Erwin's father did not come home.

The father suffered an accident far away and was killed by the royal government because of his son's informant.

At this point, a seed was planted in Erwin's heart.

The seeds of "thirst for the truth", the truth about this world, why the government conceals history, the secrets of the giants, he joined the Survey Corps in order to pursue these.

That was a dream he never told anyone else.

In fact, he was a very selfish person who stepped on the corpses of soldiers to get to where he is today.

He asked Hanji to bring Ian to the royal capital just to satisfy his thirst for knowledge.

Of course he knew that Wangdu was in danger, but he really wanted to see the child again and hear the truth about the world from Ian's mouth.

But he doesn't know if he can wait for that day

He failed to fulfill his responsibility as a regimental leader and dragged his partners in the Survey Corps into this muddy water.

The chances of winning were very slim, and the new muskets Hanji described in his letter sounded like fantasy.

Even if it is produced, how effective will it really be?

He had never seen that weapon with his own eyes, so he didn't know how powerful it could be in actual combat.

"Hanji. I'm sorry. I put all the responsibility on you."

He leaned against the wall and looked at the burning wick, his voice weak.

At this moment, rapid footsteps and gunshots were heard outside the dungeon.

It was different from the sound of muskets that Erwin was familiar with. The sound was more crisp and indescribable.


The door of the dungeon was kicked open, and the shadow of the person was reflected on the wall, swaying with the firelight.

Hanji broke into the dungeon with the Wings of Freedom emblazoned on his uniform.

There was joy in her eyes: "I finally found you, Erwin!"

"Hanji." Erwin looked at the familiar face in surprise: "Why...are you here?"

"Because we launched a coup in advance." Han Ji walked down the steps, penetrated the iron lock with the AK-47 in his hand, and opened the cell door: "We have rescued all the investigators in the camp, and we are coming to the dungeon now. Help me here."

Hanji took out the keys he found and tried them on Erwin's handcuffs.

"Is this the new weapon?" Erwin stared at the unique gun hanging on Hanji's waist.

"That's right." Hanji found the right key, opened the handcuffs with a click, and helped Erwin up: "Its name is AK-47. How about it? Do you have the strength to walk?"

"No problem" Erwin swallowed: "Hanji, you said you rescued all the investigators. How did you do it?"

"You will also have such an expression, Erwin." Hanji laughed loudly: "Go outside first. You will understand after you go there."

Hanji helped Erwin walk out. They crossed the steps. Erwin saw the trembling jailer squatting in the corner. There were traces of gunfire around him. Soldiers from the Survey Corps greeted him.

When he walked out of the narrow opening and the refreshing wind blew on his face, he suddenly understood how Hanji got here.

In the darkness, firelight flickered, and scattered sparks floated into the night sky, like butterflies born in the flames. The soldiers' hair and clothes danced in the wind, and everyone held the same new weapons as Hanji in their hands.

Those Central Military Police who were responsible for guarding the dungeon and were directly affiliated with the First Military Police Regiment were squatting in the corners of the wall like defeated dogs. It could be seen from their frightened faces that they had completely lost their will to fight.

"Captain Erwin, you are well." Ian stood at the front of the team and smiled.

Erwin stared blankly at the child's face, feeling as if he was dreaming.

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