I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Chapter 33 Lightning Operation

"The royal capital is inside the Wall of Sheena." Ian unfolded the map: "If we want to reach the royal capital, we must cross the wall. From the time I was born to now, I have never crossed the wall from the city gate. What does Captain Hanji have? Is there any way?"

On this map, the location of the inner gate is marked.

There are four gates in the Wall of Xina, and each gate has two checkpoints. If you want to enter the Wall of Xina from the Wall of Rose, you must pass through one of these four gates.

The management of the wall is very strict. Now that the Survey Corps is under control, passing through the wall is not an easy task.

"Just take the Stohet area." Hanji pointed to a bulge on the wall.

Each wall has four protruding areas called special zones, which are said to be used as bait areas.

The doors connected to each other between the walls are all in the Special Zone, so if you want to enter the Sheena Wall, you must first enter the Special Zone through the door, and then enter the Special Zone from the Special Zone. These are the so-called two levels.

"This special zone was originally managed by the Survey Corps. Erwin and the others are doing nothing in the Royal Capital these days. Someone in the Stoheid Special Zone will help us pass through the first gate. After that, we must guard the city wall. The military police defeated them, and with our firepower, this should be a simple matter."

"Then let's do it." Ian nodded.

Ian and Hanji talked all night about the next strategic direction. Petra and Elder brought over the surviving military police. The will of the military police was broken by the assault rifle. It was easy to get words from them. Understand the situation in the royal capital.

About 30 officers, including Erwin, were imprisoned in the dungeon of the royal capital.

They were all high-ranking members of the Survey Corps, and the rest included the 400 survey soldiers on standby in the royal capital. They were strictly guarded by the military police in the camp, with their weapons and horses confiscated, and their outings and movements restricted.

The government's purpose is to execute all the leading officers and staff. As for the ordinary soldiers, it intends to reintegrate them and assign them to different corps, or arrange new commanders for them.

After all, the cost of training a qualified soldier is very high.

It usually takes three years of training. During this period, the government is responsible for the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the training soldiers. After graduation, the regular soldiers must be equipped with three-dimensional mobile devices and receive financial subsidies.

After accounting for living expenses and equipment expenses, each soldier costs fifty gold coins from the beginning of training to graduation, which is approximately equivalent to 25 fat pigs.

The time cost of training cannot be simply measured in money.

Wall Maria had only been broken open by the Super Titan and the Armored Titan for a few months. Even the nobles who were full of food and wine all day long knew how stupid it was to kill a large number of soldiers at this time.

The government and the nobility both want to retain the existing military strength and only execute those officers with strange thoughts for crimes of betrayal of humanity or crimes of rebellion.

In order to maintain military morale, it was necessary to collect enough evidence and use military referee methods to execute Erwin, Levi and others in public. This group of military police were sent out to collect evidence for this purpose.

The central government gave them a month to bring evidence and witnesses back before the autumn harvest, and gave them the right to mobilize local corps.

But the captain was overconfident and believed that mobilizing local regiments would alert the enemy. After roughly estimating the number of people in the camp in the forest, he decided to launch a surprise attack.

The result was naturally a disastrous defeat in front of the AK-47, which couldn't be more miserable.

No matter how shrewd the central government is, they would never have imagined that in just over a month, Ian and the Survey Corps would have created weapons that were beyond the times. This was a dimensionality reduction strike.

From the mouths of these surviving military police, Ian and Hanji learned where Erwin and Levi were being held, and where the investigators were being guarded.

The plan was formulated like this. After entering the Wall of Sheena, they immediately went to the dungeon and the survey camp, used a lightning offensive to rescue the friendly parties, and then distributed assault rifles and bullets to them, relying on crushing firepower. , went to the place where senior government officials and nobles were, and held the senior officials hostage.

The rest of the matter is much simpler. The garrison regiment has passed the air in advance, and Erwin should be able to convince Commander Pixis to join the camp here, while the military police regiment will rely on force to suppress it.

Then there is propaganda to the public, the secrets of the wall and the giant are revealed, and what the government and the military police have done to hide the truth over the years is fully unearthed and printed in newspapers.

In order to keep the wall secret, the government has killed many innocent people over the past hundred years. They abused their power, and the people were more or less aware of it in private.

After gaining public opinion, he promoted Histria to power as the legitimate heir to the throne, and then launched a series of policies to benefit the people to prepare for the next autumn harvest, the harvest of food, and new utensils for people's livelihood.

As long as it makes people's lives better, the coup will succeed naturally.

Of course, the premise is that the plan can be executed smoothly.

The most important factor for the success of this plan is one word, fast!

The sooner the better!

It’s best to solve everything before anyone can react!

This is the first time that the AK-47 has been exposed to the public. People outside cannot imagine how powerful this continuous assault rifle is. Hanji has personally experienced the power of the AK-47. of shock.

Although their numbers were small, overall, they were at a huge disadvantage in terms of terrain and combat power, but as long as they could make good use of the newly developed weapon, Hanji even had a feeling that they would definitely win.

"Then it's decided." Han Ji let out a long breath: "Finally no need to be sneaky anymore. Tomorrow I will call the rest of the corps to gather at the factory. They will bring horses. If everything goes well, we will meet tomorrow night. It’s time to set off for the Stockhead District.”

"How long does it take to get from here to Stohit District by horseback?" Ian asked again.

"It takes about half a day. It takes about half a day to enter the Wall of Sheena and to reach the royal capital," Hanji said.

"Schedule the operation for tomorrow night, Captain Hanji. Although we have AK-47, our numbers and terrain disadvantages are too great. We must catch them by surprise." Ian said: "For horses, two people can do it. If we take a horse, we can reach the royal capital before dawn!"

"Isn't it too risky?" Petra interjected: "We haven't had time to contact the regiment commander yet?"

"I'm not sure this is the best course of action. The Royal Capital didn't expect that we would fight back so quickly." Hanji pushed up his glasses: "Let's do it tomorrow night. The only things we need to bring are guns and bullets. , we don’t need other supplies!”

"This battle is a real lightning battle!"

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