"I love this feeling to death. Woolly smiled and said in his heart.

Only a strange person like him would imagine himself as a peerless master at such a moment, such as Xiao Li's flying knife, such as Ximen blowing snow.

But at least one thing is the same, there is a momentum that thousands of people have been looking forward to.

Wu Lai has always felt that when fighting, momentum is very important, and good momentum can generally be played to the level, if the momentum is frustrated, maybe even 70% of the combat power is missing.

That's why Woolley admires the vultures - the vultures are good at fighting and put them aside, and they are like a god of war when they fight.

Of course, not everyone will think that Wu Lai is full of momentum at this moment, on the contrary, when the onlookers saw Wu Lai, they all made up a sense of helplessness and panic.

"God, how did he provoke Khufu?" someone asked.

"Look, Woolleglindo is so pitiful, he doesn't even have anyone willing to help him. Someone else said so.

"Alas......" is more, just a sigh, with a little sympathy, and a little excitement.

Naturally, I was excited, and challenges were allowed in the academy, so it was not uncommon to fight, but it was really unprecedented for hundreds of people to "challenge" one.


Rini and David had moved to another window because the view was better.

"David, try this, Woolley's masterpiece. Riney handed David a monocular, and he picked up the other, looking at it.

"It's amazing. Dawei praised while looking at it, "I also booked one, but I heard that it will take at least half a month to get it."

Rini frowned, "What is Woolley doing, how can he still be alone?"


Woolley stopped only ten paces from Khufu, and then, with a twist of the wooden sword and a force on his wrist, the tip of the sword poked into the grass at his side, and stood there.

"Woolly Grindor, you are so guts!" said Hu Fu raised his voice with a grim smile, his gaze slowly swept over the circle of people, and suddenly raised his arms ......

"I'm Khufu Duncan!" Khufu almost shouted, "I'm here today, and I've come to Woolly Green, because this guy has humiliated my friend, and humiliating my friend is humiliating me! Now, I'll give you a choice! If you're willing to be friends with me Khufu, raise your right arm like me! Or, stand with Woolley Green, and let me settle it together!".

As soon as Khufu's words fell, people began to raise their hands, and then, more and more, many people even stood on tiptoe and shook their arms desperately, trying to get Khufu's attention.

Of course, there were some people who didn't mention it, such as Eddie Shoman's group, and a few people who were already in a relationship with Khufu, but they still watched Khufu's gaze very cautiously, because they all knew that this thing was moody, and it was not ordinary difficult.

Khufu's vanity was naturally most satisfied, and of course, he didn't see exactly who lifted and who didn't, but it didn't matter, what mattered, he saw Woolley's frustration and uneasiness.

If Woolley knew that he was seen like this by Khufu at this moment, he would have protested—how could I be frustrated and uneasy? I was just a sneer on my lips!

But Khufu's move made Woolley look up to him, this guy's trick was not bad, and he isolated Woolley as soon as he came up, and if he was to do it for anyone else, it would be at its lowest point.

Everyone looked at Woolley with a sense of sympathy, and of course, there were not a few who gloated.

"Very good! I'm satisfied!" Khufu laughed and pointed his whip at Woolley, "Woolly Grindo!

Woolley handed Khufu a scornful smile, "If you don't believe me, you can ask." "

Hmph! Let's speak with facts! What do you think is yours, anyway, no one dares to stand with you now!" Khufu frowned, although he was ridiculous and incompetent, he was not stupid, and naturally knew that what Wu Lay said was true.

"Wait!" Gruul's voice came from the crowd, "I'm standing with Woolley!"

With that, Gruul shook his head with a wry smile, squeezed out of the circle, and walked quickly to Woolley's side.

"Stupid, didn't you say that you shouldn't come out to show up, it's my private matter. Wu Lai couldn't help but sigh angrily.

"No way. Gruul shrugged his shoulders with a smile, "I know it's a bit stupid, but I have to stand with you, who made me friends?"

Before Woolly could answer, a crisp and beautiful voice came from the circle: "And us."

Everyone was surprised, and couldn't help but look at the place where the voice came from, only to see the beautiful and moving Nightblade Dance calmly holding Helen's arm, and both walked out of the circle of people and came to Woolley's side.

"I'll go, you three really love to act in this kind of emotional drama. Woolley laughed, "Don't you know that peerless masters are all lonely and sad

?" The three of them were stunned, and said in their hearts, what is this Woolley trying to express?"

"Okay! You three, just wait to bear the wrath of my Khufu Duncan!" Khufu frowned, and shouted angrily, the appearance of Gruul, Helen, and Nightblade Dance was undoubtedly a provocation to Khufu.

"It's not three! it's four!" a bell-like voice came from the circle, and everyone followed the voice, only to see that the tower-like Otto had already walked quickly towards Woolley.

"Cousin Odo?" Khufu was not angry this time, but his face was full of disbelief, Odo's Lytius family and the Duncan family have been friends for generations, and the marriage has been done several times.

"I'm sorry, I'm late, I'm just practicing those loose hands you taught me, and I'm fascinated. Otto said to Woolley with a big smile.

"He's your cousin? Woolley replied with a smile.

"With such a cousin, do you think I can be embarrassed to mention it?" Odoha laughed, said in a low voice, it was nothing to stand up and support Woolley, because he knew that Khufu would not dare to do anything to him, but if Khufu heard this sentence just now, with this guy's ruffian character, he would definitely talk about this in the families on both sides.

"Otto!" Khufu glanced at Otto and asked dissatisfiedly, "What are you here to make a fuss about?"

"You don't have to worry about this. With a wave of his hand, Khufu looked at Woolley, "Woolley, do you want to use Odorilius as your shield?"

"No!" Woolley replied simply, "My business, I will take care of it myself, you can use any tricks." "

Happy!" Khufu became even more impatient when he heard the chatter on the side, "Woolley, don't talk about it, whether you knew my identity or not when you offended me before, you are a kind of person.

Woolley smiled slightly, and at the same time, the corners of Riney's mouth also smiled.

"David, what do you think of this situation. Rini asked.

"Father, I dare not judge. Da Wei replied with a smile, although it seemed that the Wu Lai people were at a disadvantage, but Da Wei knew that it was a matter of time before he broke the game, but it was a little difficult to judge how to break it, because no one knew what bad tricks Khufu would make.

"So, I'm willing to give you a chance. Khufu grinned, "Woolley, you just get down on one knee in front of my horse, confess your mistake to me, and apologize to my friends, and I promise you, you will return home safe and sound." The

whispering suddenly resumed, some people felt that Khufu was too understatement, and some people thought that Khufu was completely humiliating, but no matter how they thought, everyone was waiting for Woolley's choice in guesswork.

"You step aside and give me a chance to be vain. Woolly smiled and said to Gruul and the others, and then pushed them to the side of the circle of people with coaxing and persuasion, and then slowly walked back to the front of Khufu's horse ten steps.

"I know you're afraid of me!" Woolley pointed at Hutfu with a smile, "But I didn't expect you to be so afraid?" Woolley's

voice was very loud, and as soon as the words fell, the crowd of onlookers burst into flames.

"He's crazy. Someone said.

"He's really out of his words. Someone else said.

Khufu was furious, Wu Lai was blatantly slandering him, and as soon as his anger grew, Khufu stopped talking nonsense with Wu Lai, and waved his horsewhip: "Surround him!"

With a shout, sixty-four honor guards ran quickly, and surrounded Wu Lai in the phalanx in the blink of an eye.

"Father, they actually used the Capture Shield Array against Woolleglindor. Dawei put down the binoculars, most of the honor guards were tall, and their helmets were decorated with red ostrich feathers.

"This Khufu is so vicious, I thought he was just bringing to show off his might. Lini suddenly scolded angrily, "I didn't expect to use the honor guard armor to set up this prisoner capture shield array, it's too bad, Wu Lai is afraid that he doesn't know this."

Dawei was stunned, but even if he figured it out, colliding with the honor guard armor was equivalent to colliding with Kui Huo, and according to the law, he had to be punished according to the law for trespassing in the military camp to make trouble.

Riney's worries were unwarranted, and as soon as Woolley was surrounded, Otto had loudly alerted him.

"Khufu, is that all you can do?" Woolley frowned, reached out and grabbed the wooden sword that had been poked at the grass in his hand.

Khufu laughed and said, "My cousin Odo is right, as long as you push them, they will all rush into the barracks, and when the time comes, you will wait to be judged by the legion."

Woolley's eyes swept sharply, and he saw that the sixty-four honor guards had sealed all sides tightly, and there was not even a single gap, and they were still approaching, perhaps to give Khufu time to speak, so the speed of the approach was not fast.

"Khufu, you're disgrace to the Duncan family by doing this!" Otto huffed and rushed to the Khufu horse.

"Hmph, my dear cousin Odo, put away your unrealistic set of justice, in this world, whoever is strong can stand at the pinnacle, you don't care what method I use against him! I want him to know today, and let everyone see what is the power of power!" Khufu shouted angrily, and raised his horsewhip, "Surround him! Let him have no place to stand! If he dares to resist, kill him on the spot!"

As soon as the words fell, the exclamations and exclamations around him, The discussion suddenly became a ......

Somewhere in front of the window, Ibbe glanced at Hu Ban and asked, "Don't you think that Khufu is a bit excessive?"

Hu Ban sighed and nodded: "This kid is such a ruffian, a waste of money, and clean up these inferior methods." "

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