Woolley still miscalculated the time it would take to write the book—not six months, but eight months......

For eight months, Woolley has had a fulfilling day –

waking up early in the morning, exercising and practicing martial arts, and then starting the day.

He no longer needs to participate in the rubbing work, presided over by Helen, and Woolley is only responsible for proofreading and typesetting, and checking the printing effect, but because the engraving slave is very effective, and these things are not cumbersome, so Woolley will spend a lot of time every day to recall and sort out some information - materials that will help him in the future, because Woolley feels that he will inevitably participate in the war in the future, and maybe it will be a large-scale war, if this is the case, the bronze weapons currently produced by the Baishilou Armory Workshop are a little insufficient.

In addition to these things, Woolley has to deal with Lori's harassment every day - she seems to only want to harass Woolley and Helen when he is at the same time, and when such a scene is not there, she can be quiet like a sleeping little beast ......

During these eight months, Rini did not urge Woolley once, because every once in a while, Woolley would invite him to sit in the Green Building, and then bring him the newly completed manuscripts to show him, and in general, Rini was very satisfied with Woolley's performance.

Today was the last time Riney had reviewed the manuscript -

"How many sets are you going to print, Woolley?" asked Riney after reading the last batch of manuscripts.

Woolley frowned, pretending to be seriously calculating, and only after a while did he give an answer: "Vice Dean Rini, according to the budget paid by the college, I can only print five sets, of course, my plan is six, because I think that as the leader of the whole project, Vice Dean Rini is definitely qualified to have one."

Rini smiled approvingly, "Oh, Woolledrindo, you are indeed a divine being, not only with superior wisdom, but also with insight into the world.

"This is all taught by Vice Dean Rini, without your trust and trust, where would Woolley have these achievements. "Woolley doesn't mind being humble once in a while.

"I have to tell you one thing in advance, although you have all worked hard, when the work is finally completed, it will not matter to you, and besides, everyone has to keep this secret, do you understand the meaning?" reminded Rini that although the clay tablets were stored in the Academy, the Academy did not have full permission.

The reason for this, at best, is that the clay tablets are precious historical wealth, to be honest, the temple, the Senate, and the Supreme Council of Nobles are the places where these materials are finally decided, and if you go a little deeper, the Supreme Council of Nobles has the greatest say in this matter, because the Assyrian Civic College is the descendant of the Supreme Council of Nobles, although on the surface the three giants have supervisory jurisdiction over the Civic College, but in fact, the temple and the Senate generally do not interfere in the affairs of the college.

The Council of the Supreme Nobles would not bestow this ultimate honor on one or a few special students—the Academy had always known that.

"Of course I can understand, don't worry, this is the second time you've reminded us. Woolley replied with a smile that when he first entered the project, Rini called everyone to make a special explanation.

"Don't worry, I'll get you some tangible benefits, definitely more enticing than gold. Rini said, this sentence he is really sincere, although his direction is military, but after completing this great event, the Supreme Council of Nobles will never be stingy with praise.

"Thank you, Vice Dean Riney. "Woolley doesn't want to be polite," I have a suggestion that we might as well name this set of books The Complete Book of Assyria. "

The Complete Book of Assyria?" Rini pronounced the name twice, bowing his head

slightly, "This name is good, but it doesn't seem to be comprehensive, Woolley, the clay tablets are all historical materials, if it is named 'Quanshu'......" Woolley smiled slightly and said: "Vice President Rini, of course it is not comprehensive, but have you ever thought that this "Assyrian Encyclopedia" does not only include the historical materials on the clay tablets, the present and the future, can be added to it, and over time, the "Assyrian Encyclopedia" There will be more and more content, more and more, Vice Dean Riney, what do you think?" Riney

pondered for a moment, pointing a little weaker at Woolley's nose: "Woolley Greendo, you are such an insatiable fellow. "

Oh, Vice Dean Riney, you know, I've been chasing to be as rich and glorious as you, so you've got to give me a chance. Woolley said with a smile.

"I will do my best to help you, but Woolley, you are still young, too obsessed with accumulating wealth, it will be easy to fall astray, in the Assyrian territory, although wealth is important, it is definitely not a panacea. Riney said very seriously.

Woolley nodded, what Rini said was not wrong at all, he was also reminding Woolley.

"I'll give you a suggestion, after arranging the things at hand, calm down and go back to the academy, attend more classes, make more friends, and of course, don't be afraid to make enemies, because the enemies of your enemies will often take the initiative to get closer to you and become your friends, so don't try to be friends with everyone. Riney said.

"It's all up to you. After Woolley finished speaking, he bowed down very seriously, "Woolley thanked Vice Dean Rini for his teachings, and sincerely hoped that there would be more opportunities to learn from Vice Dean Rini in the future."

"It's a bit hard for me to watch. Lini laughed, "By the way, the academy will be closed in a few days this year, and next year, you will receive a special education in finance, in other words, for the whole year of next year, you will be under the direct management of Vice Dean Huban." "

Why?" Woolley almost didn't jump.

"Because you, Woolleglinde, have shown a superhuman talent for finances. Lini glanced at Woolley, "This is the result of the comprehensive evaluation of the college, and the purpose is to maximize the strengths of each student."

"Can I request a transfer back to you?" Woolley asked.

"Of course not. Lini laughed and got up, "Don't just think about ease, learning more is only good and not bad." "


After more than ten days of intense work in the printing room and binding room in the forecourt of the Green Building, the "Complete Book of Assyria" was released—

the 70,000 clay tablets on nearly 1,000 wooden shelves, the 70,000 clay tablets covering almost all the religious inscriptions, literary works, scientific documents, historical stories, and legal documents of the ancient Assyrian period, finally became books with the fragrance of ink.

They were divided into five volumes, with a total word count of more than 11 million and more than 2,600 patterns and inscriptions, and dozens of copies in each volume, so much so that each set of books required two large special wooden boxes to hold them.

On the day of the handover, when the two large carriages loaded with twelve large wooden boxes slowly drove into the academy, Rini, who had been waiting for a long time, almost burst into tears of excitement.

"Six sets, I've shipped them all. Woolley said to Riney.

"Good, good. Rini patted the wooden box, then patted it again.

"Then I'll go first, tired all night, you should understand. Woolley said with a smile.

"Then go back and rest. "I've informed 'them' and may be able to give you a clear answer tomorrow." "

Thank you, Vice Dean Riney, then I'll take my leave. When Woolley turned around, he suddenly felt very relaxed and comfortable—naturally it should be like this, think about it, he has been working hard for more than eight months in a row, and once he is done, he can see a feeling of relaxation and happiness on a cloudy day.

In fact, Woolley printed seven copies of the Assyrian Encyclopedia, six of which were given to Rini for his collection and collection, and one for Helen, who was as eager to learn as Woolley's top students.

"The old rule tonight, kiss one to start telling a story. Woolley shook his head with a smile, this month his development with Helen has finally reached a new level, from holding hands to kissing with restraint, which undoubtedly makes Woolley very happy.

The next day, escorted by the three vice-presidents of the Assyrian Academy, five copies of the Encyclopedia slowly "sailed" into the residence of the Assyrian Council of the Supreme Nobles, where more than half of the members of the Council of the Supreme Nobles were waiting with great anticipation, for it was definitely a proud moment.

Of course, it is worth being proud that the civilization inheritance of the four major territories of the mainland continues, but Assyria has taken the lead in making a big stride from clay tablets to books - but Woolley thinks that this is not a big deal at all, because there is no other Woolley Glindo in the other three territories.

When Rini uncovered the felt that covered the wooden box, cheers erupted in ...... station

Rini's body trembled, and he involuntarily raised his right arm: "Long live Assyria!" "Long

live! Long live!" More and more nobles shouted, and more and more nobles were moved to tears......

At the same time, Woolley was "coquettish" in Helen's room: "Helen, that kiss just now doesn't count, they only kissed half of the mouth, how can this work?"

"Woolley, you're getting worse and worse." Helen blushed and said, "Didn't you say you had something to do, why did you bother me again?"

"I miss you ......" As soon as Woolley spoke, there was a knock on the door.

"Woolley, Woolley, are you in there?" was Lori's voice, but she must have asked knowingly, otherwise why was it Helen's door that was knocked, and not Woolley's?


In the evening, the whereabouts of the five copies of the Encyclopedia were finally finalized by the Council of the Supreme Nobles—the

Senate kept one set of ......

The temple preserves a set of ......

The Civic College maintains a set of ......

The remaining two sets were kept in the open hall of the station for admiration, and the other was hidden ...... the dark room

The academy received a special reward of 500,000 gold coins, half of which will be used to reward the participants of this work, but Wu Lai and the others will naturally not be counted as participants.

Incidentally, some of Rini's suggestions and proposals were also adopted, because in the eyes of the Supreme Council of Nobles, these were small things.

At the end of the discussion, Rini submitted the most important written proposal, which was actually a proposal written by Woolley, which contained two main contents, one was how to make each city-state in the Assyrian territory have a set of Assyria, and the other was how to make the Assyrian book more ......

contentShortly after dark, Rini, who refused to have dinner with the nobles on the pretext of being unwell, appeared in the dining room of the Green Building.

"Well, Woolley, your cook is really good, and the taste of this shabu-shabu is getting better and better. Rini munched and praised, "I'd rather come to you every day and eat fish."

"Vice Dean Riney, don't you just eat, what's going on?" asked Woolley, holding his cheeks, he had had dinner early in the morning.

"What are you doing in a hurry? I just handed over your written proposal, and I don't know what the result will be, so don't rush to buy that little house. Lini spat out a fish bone, glanced at it, and continued, "I got you a good thing, do you want to know what it is?"

Rini smiled and said word by word, "The Assyrian Council of the Supreme Nobles is 'special attendee'."

"What do you mean? I didn't understand. Woolley asked.

"That is, they have the qualifications to participate in the meeting of the highest nobles, but they can only sit as observers, and they cannot propose or vote. Riney replied.

"What's the use of that? You might as well give out some bonuses. Woolly pretended to say, in fact, he was already in a state of excitement.

"Why is it useless? That's a high honor, although it's just an auditor, but you're only able to sit in at such a young age, and those of them will be interested in you, think about it, the connections ......" Rini didn't know that Woolley was pretending, and almost didn't knock a spoon over.

"Oh, well. Woolley continued to pretend, "Isn't there anything else?"

Rini was stunned: "Woolley, Woolley Greendo, do you want to go to heaven?"

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