When he saw Woolley

coming with a smile on his face, Galileo was so excited that he almost didn't cry, if there was no Woolley, where would he have the happy life he has now.

"Priest Galileo, we meet again. Woolley said with a smile.

"Citizen Woolley, I've been looking forward to your arrival for a long time. Galileo said.

"Aren't you busy? There seem to be a lot of people today. Woolley glanced in the direction of the fountain, where a crowd of people were praying around the fountain.

"It's still early, and there will be more people coming in a while. Galileo looked back and said with a smile, "Maybe there will be less rain."

Woolley nodded, and while accompanying Galileo to a secluded place, he asked, "The temple won't interfere, right?" "

No, your idea will work, now we only need to hand over fifty gold coins a month, and then take care of the repair here, and then bear the monthly flower expenses of the temple, which is less than a hundred gold coins." Galileo replied.

"Do the priests have any objections?" asked Woolley, of course, the ones who were "exiled" here with Galileo.

Galileo shook his head: "I don't have any opinion at all, just according to what you said, we count and register the silver coins caught every day, and then seal them, calculate them according to the current situation, remove all expenses, and it is estimated that there will be nearly 100 gold coins left this month, and we have also discussed it, each person will only receive two gold coins per month for their families, and the rest will be invested ......in your business."

"No, Priest Galileo, it's not my business, it's your family's business. Woolley corrected with a smile, "Besides, the Vess Fountain has more income than I expected, so we'll have to revise the plan as we go, otherwise, the Vess Fountain will soon be targeted by the rest of the temple, and we can't let it happen until we achieve our ultimate goal."

Galileo was stunned and nodded subconsciously.

"We must make the accounts accurate and clear, and we must not allow people with ulterior motives to take advantage of the loopholes, so that the blessings of Amun God will be slandered and slandered. Woolley continued, "You need to make it clear to the other priests that the purpose of the people is not to make money, but to make the happiness of their families and to show their devotion to the god Amun."

"Well, as you said last time, we are showing the glory of God Amun by our actions, which are not to be slandered or slandered. Galileo nodded, "Don't worry, we will firmly guard the central square and will not let people with ulterior motives take it away."

"I'm sure you can do it. Woolley smiled, "The god Amun will appreciate your integrity, bravery and wisdom, and will be considerate of your short-term use of the income from the Fountain of Ves, and I think that when the ultimate goal is achieved, all the hard work and effort will be rewarded in the best way." "

First of all, I have to thank you, citizen of Woolley, it is you who have given you such an opportunity, with your ability, you don't need us at all, but you still ......" Galileo suddenly choked up.

"Oh, no, Priest Galileo, your agitation puts me to shame. Wu Lai quickly changed the topic, "By the way, I just looked at it, the exterior wall of the house has been painted, how is the inside renovated?"

Galileo replied, "I haven't had time to open the big windows on the wall that you drew on your drawings, but do you really do that?" "

Of course, I need a house like that." Woolley replied that he and Galileo were talking about the small stone building facing the street to the left of the entrance to the square, which was used by the priests of the central square for rest, and was short and cramped, and had been piled up with many tools before that, and was in disrepair and not very suitable for habitation.

Two days later, Galileo walked into the side palace of the temple, carrying in his arms a ledger and two bags of gold coins, which had been remade exactly as Woolley had requested, accurately and clearly, and the two bags of gold coins were fifty coins, one was handed over to the temple, and the other was privately handed over to a certain red-clothed priest.

Galileo didn't stay in the side palace for long, and when he walked out of the temple, there was a faint smile on his face, and the whole person looked extremely relaxed.

At the same time, Wu Lai appeared at the gate of the academy with a smile, and as soon as Klee, who was waiting outside the door, saw him walk out, he greeted him with a smile on his face, and Mo Li, who was originally talking to Klee, consciously stepped aside.

"How's it going at home?" asked Woolley.

"Everything is fine, all the workshops are in order, please rest assured, young master. Leee replied and continued, "Lady Leah, Miss Tina, Teacher Siban, Gauguin the housekeeper...... Let me bring it to the young master, this is a letter from Lady Leah and Miss Tina and Teacher Siban.

After receiving the stack of letters from Klee, Woolley nodded and asked, "Is Seneca garrisoned?" "

The day I left the city, it was the time when the garrison entered the city, but it seems that only half of the troops were stationed first, so there were not many people, and the weapons and shields were all brand new, and there were not many baggage. Klee described as much as he could.

"Got it. Since he had met him while leaving the city, it was impossible for Klee to know too much, and after confirming this, Woolley tucked the letter into his bosom and asked, "Did you bring what I want?"

Klee hurriedly took out a small ledger and handed it to Wu Lai, "The items and manpower that the young master asked for have been brought, and the gold coins were originally intended to be only five thousand according to the young master's request, but Mr. Xiban, Mrs. Leah, and Gauguin's butler were worried that the young master would not have enough, so they asked me to bring three thousand more, and now they are parked in the courtyard of the hotel where Janus is, and Marlon has brought six slave guards to watch together, and Janus is also helping to watch." "

Got it. Woolley nodded and waved his hand, "Go, take me over, by the way, it's been hard all the way, and at lunchtime, I have to treat you well." "

Thank you, young master. Klee hurriedly thanked him, and added at the end, "Actually, that's what we should do." "

Klee, you're getting more and more like Gauguin. Woolley laughed and strode to the carriage that Klee had come from.

After a short time, Woolley saw a group of people waiting for him from Seneca, and to his surprise, El was there.

As if to see Woolley's surprise, El explained in a low voice after greeting: "Master, it was Teacher Siban and Steward Hippo who arranged for me to come, and they are worried that Ernus will not take good care of you. "

The academy is not a white stone building. Woolley smiled slightly, and then continued, "But it's okay to come, just in time to help."

El was overjoyed and nodded happily.

After inspecting the goods brought by Klee and his party from Seneca, Woolley led Klee to the central square, firstly, to introduce Klee and Galileo, and secondly, to tell Klee some of his thoughts.

"Klee, I'm going to use this little building to open a shop like no other. Woolley smiled and patted Klee on the shoulder, "I'm optimistic about you, I'm going to leave you here to take care of this shop for me, what do you think?"

After hearing this, Klee was first happy, and then hesitated.

Woolley naturally knew what Klee was hesitating, and immediately said: "Take your two sons here, let them be apprentices or something, if they can learn half of your abilities, I will open another shop for them in this Assyrian city, and if you feel the need, your wife and daughter can also take them together." "

Great, Young Master Woolley, I won't tell you, I was still thinking just now, if I stayed in Assyria, my two sons would ......" Klee said, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he quickly turned his face sideways and wiped the corners of his eyes, "Thank you, Young Master Woolley, thank you, Young Master Woolley." Woolley

nodded and asked, "Who do you think is suitable to take over your job?"

Klee was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head: "Young Master Woolley, I can't give you any advice on this. Since becoming Woolley's butler, Klee has spent most of his time on the road trafficking goods, and naturally lacks knowledge of other people.

"Then let Gauguin and Foss share the burden first, you have already made the way for them anyway. "Do you know why I didn't hire someone in Assyria

?" "Why?" asked Klee hurriedly.

"Because I only trust a few of you. Woolley smiled and patted Klee on the shoulder.

Before nightfall, Woolley returned to the academy, and as soon as he entered the residence, he saw Guru sitting on the steps with a pretended disgruntled face.

"What's wrong, who bullied?" asked Woolley casually.

"By a guy named Woolly Greendo. Guru pursed his lips and said, "I gave you a lecture in the afternoon, and finally, he asked me to tell you that he would be waiting for you in the Literature and Art Building at noon tomorrow."

"Wait for me, or in the Art Building?" Woolley was stunned, "Gruul, are you sure it's Vice Dean Rini and not some beautiful girl?" "Wooley, if it's a girl,

I won't tell you." Guru laughed and replied.

At noon the next day, when Klee and the others were busy making preparations, Woolley walked into the literary building with some trepidation.

The building was unusually quiet, and when Woolley pushed the door and walked in, he saw Lini sitting in front of a floor-to-ceiling window.

"Is it Woolledondor?" asked Riney, his gaze still resting on the parchment in his hand, the words on which were so dense and scribbled that he struggled to read.

"It's me, Vice Dean Rini, Guru said, you're looking for me?" Woolley replied as he walked slowly towards Rini.

"Sit down. Rini didn't look up, but pointed to an empty chair across from him with his left hand, "I'll get down to business with you after I've read this little paragraph."

"Oh, okay. Woolley sat down in his chair and casually glanced at the wooden shelves around him. Guru told Woolley that there are nearly 1,000 wooden shelves here, and each wooden shelf is neatly stacked with many text clay tablets, and the clay tablets in the whole building add up to more than 70,000 pieces, covering religious inscriptions, literary works, scientific documents, historical records and legal documents in the ancient Assyrian period, and it is said that the nearest clay tablet is the product of more than 600 years ago. According to Woolley, the house is full of antiques.

Woolley frowned slightly, the smell of castor oil in the air made him a little uncomfortable - applying castor oil to the tablets was a common way to protect them in the Assyrian realm, and it was just as important as adding a wooden frame to the tablets.

After sitting for a while, Rini let go of the parchment roll in his hand, rubbed his forehead and said, "Woolledrindo, have you been here before?"

Woolley replied that he didn't think of the building as a treasure trove, that the things on the clay tablets were not important to him, and that there was a strong smell of castor oil, which was not very friendly to the human body, and that he would not want to go here if it were not for the fact that the freshmen had to visit it "with reverence" when they entered the school.

"You should come often. "This will teach you about the origin of the Assyrians, and even the origin of this world, and you will learn a lot of other things that will help you in the future." "

It's better not to come often. Woolley muttered in his heart, but nodded with a smile on his face.

Rini was very satisfied with Woolley's attitude, and the tiredness on his face was a little lighter: "During this time, your comprehension is amazing, I am very satisfied with your performance, but there are still some small flaws in some aspects, but these will be discussed later, now I have a small question for you, do you think, is it good or bad for the academy to save the text clay tablets in this way?"

After muttering for a while, Woolley shook his head: "Vice Dean Rini, I really can't say this. The reason for this answer, one is that he is a little unsure of what Rini means, and the other is that there is nothing to find fault with the current preservation method, although it is called a clay plate, it is actually fired, and although the degree of solidity is not too good to catch up with the good quality of pottery, but there is no problem in preserving it like this.

"Woolly Green, do you dare not say? or do you not want to say it?" Rini looked at Woolley's eyes sharp and determined.

"Well, Vice Dean Rini, I don't like to beat around the bush, and I'm not sure what you want me to answer. Woolley smiled and met Rini's gaze, "So, if you think it's important, you might as well speak up."

Rini's brows furrowed for a moment, and then he relaxed: "Okay, then I'll just say it, I need you to make a little contribution to the academy, to be precise, to turn all the clay tablets here into books, and then, the academy can find a quiet cave where these great and ancient clay tablets can stay there forever, then it will be much safer." "

I'm curious, why does Vice Dean Riney have such an idea? Isn't it nice to put them here?" Woolley asked curiously, but he couldn't help but scold in his heart, good guy, you actually calculated on my head, turned all the clay tablets here into books, didn't wake up, you.

"I'm not the only one who has this idea, the academy has been working on this work since a few years ago, the first method was to copy it on parchment, but there were several drawbacks, such as fading of the dye, errors and omissions in the transcription, etc., and these clay tablets were only allowed to be touched by citizens, so there has been no major progress. Rini sighed and continued, "These tablets are the roots and inheritance of Assyria, and there is no room for error, so I am looking for you." "

Why me?" Woolley frowned.

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