Only those who have actually been to the Boulder Square can feel the shock it brings, and this shock is incomparable to the distant view, although the view from afar will also make people feel that it is breathtaking.

The moment he walked into Boulder Plaza, one word popped into Woolley's mind – spectacular.

Yes, it is magnificent, even if we do not consider the huge statue in the middle of the square, which is nearly two hundred and sixty cubits high, forming a circle with the statue radiating in eight directions in each direction, is the main area of the square, which is about 450,000 square meters according to the unit of area that Woolley used to habit. This figure sounds like it is only twice the area of the White Stone Building, but in fact it is not the case, and nearly seven of the area occupied by the White Stone Building is grassy slopes and woodlands, and the shape is very uneven, which is like this.

Around this circle, there is a circle of stands made of huge stones, this circle of stands has a total of seven layers, the lowest inner ring of the first layer is 30 meters from the field, the highest outer ring of the seventh layer reaches 70 cubits, these huge stones are obviously the product of local materials, the combination of stones and stones, you can clearly see the mortar mixed with chalk and lime powder - This is the building adhesive used by the Assyrians, and of course, the mortar has been so hard that it has been mixed with stone after hundreds of years of wind and rain.

There are four entrances to the square, each of which is wide enough to accommodate five soldiers walking side by side, but the south entrance is for the nobles, and if the commoners want to enter the arena, they can only take the east and west entrances, and as for the north entrance, it is for gladiators to enter.

By the time Woolley entered, there were more than 20,000 spectators in the stands, and from this point of view, Menia City's expectations for the farewell match were not very high, after all, the killing atmosphere of the farewell match was not as strong as the official gladiatorial match.

Escorted by twenty well-armored guards, he was followed by Yi Jiang, and Wu Lai clearly felt the status of the military personnel—although he was only a lieutenant general, Yi Jiang was the last to enter, and before him, all the officials of Menia City from the consul down had already taken their seats.

Yi Jiang can wear a polished light armor today, under the sunshine, the copper plate engraved with decorative patterns on the light armor shines, setting off the arrogance on Yi Jiang's face is particularly distinct.

The so-called VIP seats are set up on the second floor of the south stand, which is divided into small areas that can accommodate more than a dozen people at the same time by a series of thick wooden boards, and the upper end of the thick wooden boards that are more than one person high is horizontally fixed at both ends of the log poles, and these round wooden poles with the thickness of the arms are covered with yellow linen due to oil immersion, and the function of these linen is nothing more than to shade the sun or rain.

The distance between the VIP seats and the venue is enough for the people in the VIP seats to clearly see the flying broken arms and blood flowers, and at the same time to ensure the safety of the people inside - in the entire south stand, in addition to the nobles and officials sitting in the VIP seats, only the soldiers and guard slaves who serve as guards around the VIP seats are left, of course, they each have their own belongings, so they rarely talk to each other.

Wu Lai was invited to sit on the left side of Yi Jiang, and in addition to Yi Jiang's two deputies and one auxiliary officer, they were joined by four Menian nobles who were obviously close friends of Yi Jiang. At first, they were very curious about Wu Lai's appearance, but when Yi Jiang seriously introduced the relationship between the "God-given Harness" and Wu Lai, their expressions suddenly became exciting, and then, they talked enthusiastically with Wu Lai.

Woolly smiled politely, answered questions politely, and nodded politely, but in his heart he hoped that the gladiatorial match would begin immediately, because perhaps only in this way could these chattering nobles be silenced, and the women they brought with them, who did not know whether they were wives and concubines or lovers, could stop observing themselves.

After a short while, Woolley got his wish - and with the sound of a loud trumpet, the gladiatorial match began.

Amid the cheers of the spectators in the stands, two carriages drove into the field from the north entrance, and after each circumnavigating the field, the two carriages stopped side by side in front of the stand of the Archon of Menia, and the four gladiators jumped out of the carriage and gave a one-knee salute in the direction of the Archon.

With a smile on his face, the consul raised his right hand and waved, and the stands once again burst into a stormy cheer.

The four gladiators quickly turned around and ran to the middle of the field—a pile of blades and shields had already been placed next to the foundation stone of the statue.

"Why don't they wear armor?" Woolley couldn't help but ask an auxiliary officer sitting to his left.

"Oh, they don't. The adjutant's gaze was fixed on the four rushing gladiators, "That will affect their speed, and whoever grabs the weapon first will have a slight advantage." "

I see. Woolley bowed slightly, and in his sight, a gladiator running at the front was already very close to the statue......

The game ended quickly, so fast that Woolley felt a little regretful, or a little unfinished, but it was also easy to understand, firstly, it was not a life-and-death match, and secondly, in this match, two gladiators chose to join forces, and after they defeated the other two gladiators together, one of the two "won" the defeat with a beautiful feint, giving up the final victory to his allies- Judging from their post-war hugs, Woolley believed that they were very good friends, and had already planned for this outcome.

Woolley used his applause to show his respect and appreciation for the pair of friends.

The second gladiator battle began, this time between four gladiators, the battle lasted nearly twice as long as the first, and there was a slight accident - a bronze axe that one of the gladiators struggled to fly flew a short distance and slashed the back of the neck of another gladiator, and when the gladiator fell, his blood splattered into a large cloud of blood mist, and his head was broken at a terrifying angle.

Such a scene made the people in the stands instantly excited, and as the crowd scrambled to cheer, Woolley frowned and pursed his lips.

The third match was a two-man match between two female gladiators, which received even more exaggerated cheers than the previous two, because the two female gladiators knew how to whet the audience's appetite and fought with fancy action. Enchanting, it seems that you come and go mercilessly and seem dangerous, but in fact it is not like that, especially at the end of the battle, the two female gladiators tacitly knocked the blades in their hands and finished the game with a dazzling scuffle, and in the end, the small clothes on their bodies turned into strips of cloth that could not cover their bodies, unscrupulously showing their seductive bodies that were no longer young but still tight.

"Draw, draw, draw!" shouted thunderously from the stands.

Woolley clapped softly, a smile on his lips, and he knew that this was exactly what the two female gladiators were looking forward to.

As the shout of "draw" rang out in the air, the chief judge walked between the two female gladiators with a smile and placed an olive headband on their heads, representing the victor.

Cheers, applause, roaring again. The two female gladiators jumped up happily, and immediately embraced, kissing each other unscrupulously in full view.

When he saw this scene, Woolley was suddenly a little dazed.

A word popped up in his mind.

"Woolleygreenor, do you like these two? If you do, I can buy them and give them to you. Yi Jiang said with a smile.

Wu Lai hurriedly shook his head, he couldn't quite accept the existence of such a person around him.

"The fourth game will be the best one. Yi Jiang introduced with great interest, "Ten people in the melee, among these ten people, there is the fourth ranked epee fighter 'Vulture' in Assyria five years ago, he is the biggest attraction today, but he may not be able to win, because according to convention, other gladiators usually join forces to defeat him first, but it will never be easy to defeat 'Vulture', although he is already forty years old." "

Ranked fourth five years ago, has he fallen in the rankings in the past five years?" asked Woolley curiously.

"The Vulture's last fight was five years ago, and since then, he has been a teacher at a gladiator school and has never competed again, and today, his last fight in five years. Yi Jiang handed a glass of wine to Wu Lai.

"Thank you. Woolley took the glass, "According to what you said, this fight is definitely worth looking forward to." In

a few moments, three carriages drove into the arena carrying ten gladiators from the Fourth War.

"That's the 'vulture'. Yi Jiang smiled and pointed to the last carriage, which carried only one gladiator.

As the carriage drove in, Woolley saw the appearance of this "vulture" clearly, with a bald head, a thin face, and a short beard on the chin, which could be regarded as a clear eyebrow, far from what Woolley had imagined beforehand, tall and tall, with well-proportioned but not exaggerated muscles in his arms, and a hideous scar on his left shoulder and left waist, he looked like a gladiator who was known for his skill and speed.

"He's got a lot of character. Woolley smiled and lowered his glass.

Ten gladiators jumped out of the carriage and saluted, and the consul stood up as usual, waved his hand, and signaled the start of the game.

There was thunder in the stands.

Ten gladiators turned around at the same time and ran towards the statue, and Woolley noticed that the vulture was not scurrying like the other gladiators, but jogging with its head down.

Has he not yet adapted to the rhythm of the game? Or has he already won the game? Wu Lai frowned and thought, judging from the situation of the previous games, the first to get the weapon naturally took the lead, but there are also examples of latecomers directly seizing the weapon and successfully counterattacking.

When the vultures were still some distance away from the statue, the scuffle had already begun.

The shouts and shouts, the clashing of blades, the screams, shouts, and cheers of the spectators transformed the Boulder Square into a noisy world ......

Woolley involuntarily stood up, for the vulture began to run faster and faster.

The vulture quickly approached the two gladiators in the battle, jumped up, and landed his left elbow heavily on the head of the gladiator who was facing away from him, and as soon as his body fell, he slid forward again, and raised his right arm while splashing up a cloud of dust, and swept away a hammer that had been hit by the gap, turned around, and with a fierce swing of his backarm, the second gladiator fell to the ground with a painful face.

The vulture took two quick steps, leaped up again, and struck a gladiator in the back of the head with his right foot, and a moment before he hit the ground, his newly retracted right knee slammed forward, knocking the gladiator sideways. At this moment, a heavy sword slashed diagonally, and the vulture's body snapped backwards, kicking out his left leg while avoiding the blade, and when he turned over and jumped, there was already an extra heavy sword ...... in his right hand

The vulture's figure turned sharply, and the heavy sword in his hand was thrown out sharply, and the hilt of the sword struck the big man ...... who was fighting with a female gladiator

The vulture's body was short and twisted, and it brushed past the cross-attack of the two blades, and with a hook of its toes, a copper hammer that fell to the ground at some point bounced ......

In just a few moments, the vulture knocked out seven gladiators, while another female gladiator ended the fight with a beautiful spinning kick.

The vulture flipped over and picked up a bronze sword and lunged at the female gladiator.

The female gladiator took a quick step back, and the bronze sword in her right hand leaned back, ready to slash.

The vulture jumped four elbows in front of the female gladiator, and the female gladiator swung her sword and slashed, but the vulture leaned to avoid it, and the bronze sword sank and stabbed the female gladiator's waist ......

Almost all the audience held their breath and waited for the next moment of shouting, because everyone could see that the vulture had won.

In a hurry, the female gladiator twisted her waist to dodge, but the vulture's bronze sword immediately drew a small arc and chased the stab.

The female gladiator swung her sword in desperation, knowing full well that her sword would never reach its destination before the vulture's tip.

Blood splattered ......

There was an uproar in the audience, because it was not the female gladiator who was injured, but the vulture.

The female gladiator looked suspicious, and the spectators in the stands couldn't see the final action clearly, but as a person concerned, she knew very well what had just happened - the tip of the vulture's sword only lightly hit her lower abdomen, and then, the vulture withdrew her sword, threw her sword, and met her helpless slash with her right shoulder.

The vulture sat down slowly, his left hand clutching his right shoulder, but blood was still spilling from his fingers, and he smiled comfortably at the female gladiator's face.

"Puya. The vulture called the female gladiator's name, "If you can see your sister Naya in the future, please tell her that the vulture owes her a favor and will pay it back with today's one."

The female gladiator Puya looked at the vulture in a daze, and waited until the carriage of the main arbitrator drove to his side, and then nodded vigorously: "I will definitely do it, and you must take care too, vulture."

"We must fight for freedom. There was a hint of pathos in the vulture's eyes.

Puya bit her lip and stayed on the vulture's face for a long time, until her right arm was raised by the main arbitrator to signal victory.

As Puya accepted the cheers of the audience, the vulture stood up covering her wounds and silently walked towards the ranks of the losers.

"I like this guy, excuse me, can I buy him?" Woolley asked, pointing to the vulture's figure.

Yi Jiang was stunned and replied: "Of course, but it's not very easy, he is a loser, so he still needs to find his current master first, in short, it's very troublesome."

"If I can buy him, not only will I pay for him. Wu Lai smiled and said, "Besides, I still owe you a personal favor, how about it?"

Yi Jiang laughed and nodded.

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