On the second day after returning to the White Stone Building, Wu Lai, who had slept all night, appeared early in front of the suspension bridge of the three major workshops. Having returned to Seneca yesterday, he sent Stin, Tieron, Us, and nine other slave coppersmiths here, for there were not only enough houses for these "technicians", but also others, including old Nepton, whose friendliness the twelve slaves could be integrated and accustomed to it in the quickest possible time.

The drawbridge was slowly lowered, and Woolley walked into the paper mill with a smile on his face.

Not long after, in an idle warehouse in the paper mill, Wu Lai sat on a large chair with a smile, and beside him stood a black tile with complete armor and a leather whip, while the twelve "newcomers" stood honestly in three columns according to Wu Lai's assignment.

"Today, I formally welcome you to my family, and I, the citizen of Assyria, and your new master, Woolledin of Seneca, solemnly pledge that you have the right to use your loyalty, your devotion in exchange for freedom.

After the opening remarks, Wu Lai's words changed sharply, and his expression became serious, "Before today, you were all leaders in the coppersmith industry in Easai City, and some of you have created achievements worthy of praise in Esai City, but these are all in the past, and they are not even worth mentioning, because your so-called superb skills and wonderful ingenuity are nothing more than a pile of garbage in my eyes.

The twelve newcomers frowned at the same time, and among them, three of them, Estine and the others.

Wu Lai stood up, and after his eyes swept over everyone's expressions one by one, he suddenly smiled and asked, "Are you not convinced?"

No one said anything, in the slave's law of survival, disobeying the master is a taboo.

"I should be unconvinced, but I don't dare to say it, it's good, I like you who are obedient. Woolley smiled and said, "Now, please listen to my question. "

First question, do you know what bronze is?" "Second question, do you know how to double the melting rate of ore at the same furnace temperature

?" "Third question, do you know what

are the shortcomings of the current general casting technologies such as copper smelting, model making, and pouring?"

Sting, Tielun, and Uss were stunned, and the nine people behind the three were also stunned.

After hesitating for a while and seeing that Wu Lai no longer asked questions and stopped talking, Tie Lun hesitated and raised his hand: "Master, I want to ask a question." "

Just ask. Woolley said.

"I haven't heard of what the master just said, but may I ask you, is that magic? I mean melting ore. Tie Lun asked.

Imagination is good. After Wu Lai finished slandering, he smiled and shook his head: "Although it is not, it is almost the same, because what I just said is all from the revelation given to me by the god Amun, and it only gave me one revelation!" Wu

Lai's serious expression suddenly made the twelve newcomers and Heiwa have a greater awe of him for the first time, and his next words with a great demagogic element immediately made the hearts of the twelve slave craftsmen present fluctuate.

"Don't think that my meeting with you is accidental, I swear, it is the God of Amun who has asked me to lead you out of the darkness and then change the world together. Woolley said.

The master is still a teenager, and he already has the ambition to change the world?! Heiwa was stunned

, for Woolley, it is not difficult to change the world, because in a broad sense, making something or technology that has never been done before can also be called changing the world.

But whether in a broad or narrow sense, Woolley's successive actions are slowly pushing the times.

After squeezing the paper mill and the printing workshop, Wu Lai's armory workshop test site finally got an independent space, it was in the middle of the printing workshop and the paper workshop, if it were not for the fear of fire igniting the two workshops, Wu Lai would not mind him being bigger.

Smelting furnaces and pouring furnaces were soon built in the armory workshop test site with independent walls and gates, and coppersmith tools such as anvils, copper hammers, and copper tongs were also gathered in the shortest possible time, and after all kinds of ore needed to be used were transported into the test site in small batches, Woolley began to give lectures to the three skilled craftsmen and their assistants, which were unprecedented -

"Before we understand bronze, let's first understand what alloy ...... is".

“...... Therefore, bronze is actually a kind of alloy, after adding tin, aluminum, lead, manganese and other metals to brass, red copper, it will obtain better rigidity, toughness, and more wear resistance than a single metal......

"The key to smelting ore is the furnace temperature, and the furnace temperature is determined by the materials used to build the furnace, the shape of the furnace and the fuel ......".

“...... When a certain metal begins to melt in the furnace fire, it means that the furnace temperature at this time has reached the requirements for melting the metal, which sounds nonsense, but this phenomenon can explain a new word, melting point, every metal has a melting point, under the same conditions, the melting point between different metals will definitely not be ......the same

""...... Normally, we would use model making and pouring techniques in casting, but their advantages and disadvantages are just as obvious, such as the end of the ......"

course after forty days, and shortly thereafter, Woolley announced that the Armory Workshop test site had entered a three-month internship phase, which also meant that Woolley could finally give himself a few days off.

Woolley himself felt that it was time to rest, although he had the help of Gauguin and Nepton, but after doing more than he could, it brought more than just physical fatigue.

After a day of lying idle in the White Rock Building, Woolley went to Glyndor Manor the next day, after all, it was the only place in the world where he could reminisce about his family.

Aden, who turned a year old a month ago, was able to call his brother in a milky voice, and Woolley was happy and a little emotional, saying that if his alcoholic father was still alive, he would definitely smile at Aden's shout.

"Aden likes to puff his fingers, be careful not to let his saliva stain your clothes. Tina whispered to the side to remind Woolley, who was teasing Aden in her arms.

"It's fine. Woolley smiled and glanced at Tina.

"You haven't been back in a while. Tina said again.

Woolley nodded, he had always felt a little embarrassed to see Tina after that night.

Lady Leah smiled and said, "Woolley, I heard that you have bought some coppersmiths from Issay City, do you plan to set up a coppersmith workshop in Seneca City as well?"

Woolley did not directly answer Lady Leah's question.

Lady Leah was a little disappointed by Woolley's answer, but she quickly regrouped and took the maid to the kitchen to see how lunch was being prepared while she straightened her sideburns, which was a big deal for her.

After watching Lady Leah's back leave, Woolley lifted the laughing Aden from his arms, and according to his intention, he wanted to play a game of toss with his fat brother, but he didn't think he had miscalculated Eaton's reaction - the little guy kicked his leg so quickly that his little foot kicked Woolley's nose very unceremoniously.

Woolley immediately burst into tears, but it had nothing to do with being moved, but was indeed kicked sore.

"Are you alright?" Tina on the side hurriedly came up.

"It's fine. Woolley replied vaguely with Aden in one hand and his nose in the other.

"Show me. Tina pulled away Woolley's hand covering his nose, looked at her with a distressed expression, and hurriedly took out a handkerchief to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes for him, "Aden is naughty, are you still in pain?" Woolley

shook his head, and after looking at Tina for a moment, he kissed Tina's seductive lips very suddenly but seemingly naturally.

"Hmm......" Tina only had time to let out this inaudible whisper of anticipation and pleasure, and then she felt the tingling, warmth, and exploration of her lips.

Tina's green, clumsy reaction made Woolley very satisfied and proud, but he soon sensed something strange, and when he subconsciously "withdrew" and swept his gaze towards the door, he was greeted by Lady Leah, who was covering her mouth in shock.

Woolley quickly stepped back a bit, and then he saw Aden's round eyes glaring at him curiously.

Tina sat up straight and her cheeks were crimson, and she was very uneasy and twisted her handkerchief.

"Woolley, Tina, you two are actually kissing......" Lady Leah's voice suddenly had a hint of excitement.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, Aden kicked Tina in the chin just now, so she begged me to show her if the kick was red, and it's okay, it's okay. Woolley said unusually calmly after calculating the angle of sight where Lady Leah was standing.

"Huh?" said Lady Leah aptly expressing her surprise and disappointment.

"Yes, Mother, as Woolley said, that's all. Tina, who had her back to Lady Leah, said with a red face.

"Oh, well, I forgot to ask Woolley, do you prefer fried fish or fish broth?" asked Lady Leah.

"Fry it into slices, at least it won't taste too fishy. Woolley replied calmly.

"Oh well. Lady Leah turned away.

Tina was stunned, biting her lip and twisting it on Woolley's leg.

"Woolley, you're a scoundrel. Tina whispered.

"Hee-hee-hee-hee......" Aden suddenly laughed.

After just two days of rest, Wu Lai's vacation ended, because the comprehension ability and practical operation level of Jun Stin and others were beyond his imagination, that is to say, it only took four days for the armory workshop test site to achieve the effect that Wu Lai originally thought would take three months to arrive.

"Wealth is coming. Woolley exclaimed as he looked at the samples sent by the armory.

Gauguin, who was accompanying him, was really curious, and seeing that Woolley was in a good mood, he boldly asked: "Young Master Woolley, what is this?"

"This is ......" Woolley almost blurted out, but immediately came to his senses, and after glaring at Gauguin, he said with some dissatisfaction, "Gauguin, haven't I already confessed, anyone, can't ask." "

Okay, Master Woolley, I see. Gauguin hurriedly said.

"That's pretty much it. Woolley pursed his lips and returned his gaze to the object in his hand.

After looking at it for a long time, Wu Lai reluctantly put it down, closed the lid of the wooden box containing the objects, and after a slight groan, he beckoned Gauguin, who had retreated to the side, to the front: "Gauguin, quietly bring the priest of Pompeii, don't let others notice."

Gauguin respectfully nodded his head, but he was muttering in his heart, what is Master Woolley trying to do?

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