"Your Excellency High Priest, I must refuse. "It is undeniable that the title of disciple is very tempting, but in fact, it is also a shackle that represents peace, and after wearing it, my goal in this life is only to make money, I don't want that, I want to gallop on the field, and I want to be a hero who can be recited by the Assyrians for generations, that is the meaning of the existence of a nobleman." "

Woolley, I admire your ambition, but this reward is the highest honor that the temple can give, and believe me, if we don't fight for this, the temple will give me a small sum of money at most, and according to the rule, it will not exceed a thousand gold coins. Mikoyan reminded, "I can't stay in Seneca City forever, but Dorjee is different, his family has lived in Seneca for hundreds of years and will continue to live."

Woolley shook his head firmly: " I believe that the future of His Excellency the High Priest is bright, and I also believe that His Excellency the High Priest will not forget me Woolledin when he is glorified in the future, and it is for this reason that I chose to ask you for refuge in the first place, and it is precisely because of this that I chose not to use this title of disciple, Your Excellency the High Priest, the influence of the Assyrian temple is shrinking day by day, and the pressure that the Council of Nobles can exert on the Senate is also increasing, and Seneca City is also gone, but in other large city-states, the powerful nobles are self-respecting, constantly eroding, Divide the interests that should have belonged to the temple, and constantly do things that challenge the bottom line of the temple, but has the temple made any counterattack for this? No, the temple is retreating, the noble council is pressing forward step by step, and the temple is retreating step by step, why is this happening? The reason is very simple, these nobles do not feel the glory bestowed by the god Amun, in their eyes, there are only jewels, gold coins, real estate, fields, slaves, they feel that material things can make them more happy.

"But I don't think so, I believe in the gods devoutly, because without them I wouldn't be here. Woolley stared into Mikoyan's eyes, "Your Excellency the High Priest, the temple can only stand at the top of Assyria forever under the maintenance of nobles who have the same heart as me, and I, I need to climb step by step, grab wealth, armor, and position, and dominate the side, so that I can fight for the glory of the god Amun when the temple needs me!"

Mikoyan's eyes were full of incredulity, "Tell me, who raised you, is it your father?"

Woolley stood up from his chair, "Yes the god Amun, Your Excellency the High Priest, whether you believe it or not, I am absolutely sure that I, like you, am the messenger of the god Amun to Assyria, and figuratively speaking, if the priest is rain and dew, then I, Woolley Grindo, am the whip of the god Amun." "

Whip? How can I say I'm a whip?" Woolley was stunned for a moment with a serious face, and quickly added: "Whip of thunder and fire to punish heresy and disrespect."

Mikoyan was stunned, in addition to surprise, there was some admiration and a hint of vague fear in Woolley today.

Woolley turned away with a cold expression, but he placed a small stack of papers on his chair: "Your Excellency High Priest, if I had not been appointed by the god Amun, with my wisdom, the great nobles of the Assyrian realm would have vied with each other.

Michael frowned, picked up the small stack of papers on the chair, and slowly spread it out, and in a moment, he was stunned again.

"Is he really ......," Mikoyan muttered to himself.

The next day, Seneca City broke a big news - last night, the high priest Mikoyan led the twelve priests in the temple to the consul's mansion where the banquet was being held, and rebuked Anmin Guan Dorjee in front of the consul and many nobles who were involved in the banquet, and warned that no one was allowed to interfere in all the affairs of the temple.

"This Mikoyan is not bad. When he heard the news from Gauguin's mouth, Woolley pursed his lips and said.

Gauguin was stunned, and said in his heart that Young Master Woolley actually dared to call the name of the high priest, this, this is too bold, right?"

Woolley commanded as he wiped his sweat with a towel.

"Okay, Master Woolley. Gauguin replied as he muttered in his heart, "What is the young master preparing for the wine not long after breakfast?"

After a while, Gauguin understood.

The arrival of the high priest of the temple shocked the slaves in the White Stone Tower, and their admiration and fear for their master Wu Lai were also raised again, but if they knew what their master was talking to the high priest, it was estimated that this kind of admiration and fear could jump forward.

Of course, they had no way of knowing, because no third person was present when Woolly and Mikoyan met.

"Wu Lai, for your sake, I have rebuked Dorjee in public, and I promise you that as long as I am still in Seneca, he will never dare to come near you again. Mikoyan said with a smile.

"Your Excellency, High Priest, you are not helping me out, but adding fuel to the fire. Woolley sighed and shook his head, and said, "Originally, there was still a slight possibility of friendship between me and him, but you stirred it up like this, and it was all gone."

"Say these things in front of others. Mikoyan laughed and took out from his bosom the small stack of papers that Woolley had thrown on his chair yesterday, "What I want to know is, how did you do it." "

Secret. Woolley leaned back and sat in a more relaxed position, "It's a thousand times more efficient than hand-copying." "

Really?" said Mikoyan in ecstasy.

"Of course it's true. Woolley rolled his eyes, "It's just that the cost is a little expensive, a complete canon has nearly a thousand sentences, more than 10,000 words, so

if you calculate it......" Woolley pretended to calculate in his heart, where could Mikoyan hold it: "Approximately?"

"Scrap the paper, four silver coins." Woolley replied.

"How can this be considered expensive?" Mikoyan couldn't help but stand up

, "Say, can you really do it?" "Of course you can, how much difference can there be between one and one?" Woolley asked rhetorically.

"Great, great, Woolley, you are indeed the darling of the god Amun. Mikoyan excitedly patted Woolley on the shoulder.

"Do you know how much I've paid for this? I don't even bother to tell you. Woolley pouted and said, "This is purely for your sake, but I must warn you that if you make money from this, the god Amun will be displeased."

"The Codex is not allowed to be sold, so even if I wanted to, I couldn't make it. Mikoyan smiled and frowned, "Wait, this technology will definitely arouse the interest

of the temple, if, if ......" "Don't if, I have a way for you to enjoy this fruit exclusively, of course, after you have eaten and drunk enough, I will have to earn a little." Woolley said with a smile.

Michael raised his eyebrows and frowned, pondered for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face: "Woolley, Woolley, you are a profiteer, do you know

?" "Shame on you, my High Priest, think about it, soon, you will be the fastest High Priest in Assyria, by the way, this will not make you leave Seneca City early, right?" Woolley asked.

"The High Priest has a term, and even if I don't re-elect, I'll have to stay here for at least four more years. Mikoyan replied.

"You've been here for two terms, haven't you?"

"There is no higher position, and it is better to be re-elected naturally. Mikoyan smiled slightly and said, "Say, what do you need me to do?"

"You just need to pay on time, the raw materials needed to make the canon are too expensive, musk, borneol, ......" Woolley counted his fingers.

"I've heard all of this, and your housekeeper bought it all over the city a few days ago, but I didn't expect it to be used for this. Mikoyan replied.

"What else should I do with it?" Woolley asked, then continued, "Your Excellency High Priest, I am helping you in this matter with manpower and material resources, so there can be no interference, and besides, the cost of one copy is set at five silver coins, so that I can earn seven or eight for every hundred copies I make, and you know, I still have a lot of slaves."

"No problem. Mikoyan smiled and nodded.

"Please accept my respects, for your understanding and tolerance. Woolley stood up and offered Mikoyan a glass of wine, "I, Woolley Grindo, am willing to share the honor and disgrace with His Excellency the High Priest.

Mikoyan smiled slightly and took the wine glass: "There are rumors outside, saying that we are old friends, and there are even some evil and dirty statements, but in my mind, we are standing on the same platform, there is no difference between high and low." "

The fact that you can say this proves that you are not only clever in your head, but also very conscious. Thinking so, Woolley gently touched his glass with Mikoyan: "It's an honor."

"The price of each copy should be increased by one silver coin, and I can apply to the temple for this subsidy, as if I gave you a little caution." Mikoyan said earnestly before pouring his glass of wine.

"Thank you. The smile on Woolley's face was even stronger, "I promise that my glory will be half as yours."

Mikoyan burst out laughing.

While Woolley and Mikoyan were drinking in the White Rock Building, Lady Leah was so nervous that she was about to cry because of the uninvited guests at Glyndor Manor.

The people who came were the tax collectors, all sixteen of the tax collectors in Seneca.

The leader, named Bo Hui, Dorjee's second housekeeper, is responsible for Dorjee's diet and daily life and some "after-entertainment programs".

Obviously, Dorjee wants to save face in this way - since I can't and shouldn't disturb you Wu Lai, then I will disturb your backyard and relatives, block you, make you nauseous, and upset you. All your workshops and all your temples must be sheltered by Glyndor Manor, right?"

Lady Leah was terrified, for she could see who was standing behind these tax collectors, and she could guess what they were trying to achieve.

After trying her best to maintain her reserved and dignified appearance, Lady Leah barely squeezed out a smile and asked Bo Hui, "Steward Bo Fu, may I ask ......

" "Don't ask, you will know right away." Bo Wei smiled coldly, waved his hand lightly, and a tax collector walked quickly from behind him to Lady Leah, opened a notebook, and read it aloud.

"In the 122nd year of the Julian calendar, the wheat harvest of the Glindor estate was 6,215 quintals, and Leah, the lord of the manor, deliberately deceived and falsely claimed that the harvest was poor, and a total of 125 silver coins were not paid, and according to the terms of the code, a fine of ten times was imposed, and the ...... was paid within three days."

In the 122nd year of the Julian calendar, the corn harvest of the Glindo estate was 1,402 quintals, and the lord of the estate, Leah, deliberately deceived and falsely claimed that the harvest was poor, and owed a total of 59 silver coins, and in accordance with the provisions of the code, he was fined ten times the amount and paid within three days......

"" In the 122nd year of the Julian calendar, the grape harvest of the Glyndor estate, in addition to the part of the wine that was reserved for winemaking, the lord of the manor, Leah, sold a total of 2,000 silver coins, and according to the custom, he had to pay a transaction tax of 120 silver coins, and the lord of the manor, Leah, deliberately deceived this transaction to avoid paying taxes, and according to the terms of the code, in addition to the confiscation of the income, was fined three times, and the ...... was paid within three days

"" According to the investigation, between the 119th and 22nd years of the Julian calendar, the two shops in the Glindo estate owed a total of 1,977 silver coins in transaction tax, and according to the provisions of the code, a fine of ten times was imposed, and the ...... was paid within three days

" "How is this possible?" Lady Leah barely finished speaking, and her body suddenly went limp.

"Oh no, Madame has fainted!" the maid who was quick to hold her arms hurriedly shouted.

Bo Wei snorted contemptuously from his nostrils and turned his face to the side: "Keep reading." "

Yes, Steward Bowen. The tax collector smiled slightly, and read aloud again, "In the one hundred and twenty-second year of the Julian calendar, the ...... of the Glyndor Manor."

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