I Am Not a Savage

Chapter 38: Enjoy the fruits of my labor

   Chapter 38 Enjoying the Fruits of My Labor

   After half a month, Yunchuan returned to the island again.

   Like when he left, Taohua Island is still rich and peaceful.

   If the war factor is not taken into consideration, both the people here and the scenery here can be called a paradise.

   The Xanadu is actually derogatory to the world, and any place here can be called the Peach Blossom Land.

   The only problem is that the environment is too good, but not friendly to people.

   The three elephants went to the bamboo forest on the river bank. Now they can enjoy the bamboo forest to their fullest, and no one will chase them away.

   In fifteen days, the new crops in the fields have sprouted again, the plains are lush, and the peaches on the peach trees have begun to mature.

   Yunchuan picked a peach from a small tree and ate it. The taste was very faint, similar to the taste of gnawed wood, and there was not much sweetness.

   put the leftover peaches into the mouth of the bison, it liked it very much.

   Yunchuan focused all his attention on the huge old peach tree, hoping that the fruit it bears would be satisfying.

   I walked all the way and ate peaches on the roadside trees. Soon, Yunchuan discovered that the closer the peach tree was to the old peach tree, the more delicious the fruit.

   Because it is the result of natural reproduction, all peach trees grow around old peach trees, and obviously there are more on the east and west sides, and less on the north and south sides.

  It is estimated that this is the result of wind.

   Picked a peach from a five-hundred-year-old peach tree, Yunchuan finally smelled the fragrance of the long-lost peach.

   Take a bite, although it is a bit sour, but it can already be eaten as a fruit.

The little elephant stretched its nose and tried hard to pluck a peach from the tree and put it into its mouth. It was obvious that this thing was too suitable for its appetite, so it stopped under that tree and kept picking peaches to eat, occasionally One will also be reserved for the bison. As for the little wolf, he is still willing to run with Yunchuan because he has no interest in fruit.

   Under the shade of the old peach tree, a layer of peaches fell, and no one came to pick them up.

   Yunchuan was very pleased with this scene, because he had told Abu when he left that no one was allowed to approach the old peach tree when he was away.

   It seems that this ban has been implemented well.

   People need restraint and education. This process is not much different from animal training, and even more difficult.

   There is discipline, and obedient people are good people. This is why Xuanyuan always keeps talking about the word "obedient".

   Yunchuan had to admit that Xuanyuan's request was right. Stupid and ignorant people shouldn't think about it. Thinking should be given to smart people, such as Xuanyuan who seems to have no selfish intentions.

   If it is given to a smart person like Yunchuan, the consequences will be extremely serious.

   Only in primitive society can a very pure person like Xuanyuan be cultivated. As for the world of Yunchuan, there is no soil for cultivating unselfishness.

   This is not to say that Xuanyuan himself is better than Yunchuan, it is all because these two people are the products of two different levels of development.

   Xuanyuan, as a top figure of this era, has an idea in his heart, he will persevere in pursuing it, and he will appear pure.

   Yunchuan is different. His level of social development is thousands of years better than Xuanyuan’s society. The history is too long, the strategy is too deep, and the experience is too much, so he can't get up purely.

   In fact, simple is the most durable. This can be seen from the development of tools. The most primitive tools must be the simplest and most durable. (Taken from a brief history of tool development.

   people, the same is true.

   The peaches on the old peach tree are as sweet as honey...

   Not many people can taste it.

   Abu can eat, Kuafu and his son can eat, bison can eat, baby elephant can eat, coyote occasionally gnaws one, and the rest are not qualified to eat.

  E, Huai, and the six people who followed Yunchuan to here can occasionally eat one or two. If you want to eat a lot, you can only eat peaches that are also considered old trees around the old peach tree.

  The rest of the tribe can eat a lot of peaches from a small tree farther away.

   So far, they have not developed the habit of enjoying, as long as they can fill their stomachs, they are good things.

Abu, Kuafu ate a lot, a lot of peaches... They are very in favor of Yunchuan's decision. No matter whether they can eat the peaches from this old tree or not, they do not plan to share this food with other people. .

   Good things can never be shared, it is better not to be shared if they are rotten, and forever...never can be shared, because this is a sign of power.

The    people do not intend to resist this ban, nor do they have this idea. They can eat every day. This is already very happy, and they dare not ask for too much.

   The tall red sandstone has been flattened by the industrious people. It was originally a small red sandstone like a small mountain peak, but now it has become a house built of seven or eight red sandstone bricks.

   From the point of view of the momentum-it is similar to the soil villas that Yunchuan had seen in the countryside before, and there may be some shortcomings. After all, the people's aesthetics is very problematic and full of primitive and rough style.

   The most excessive thing is that the walls of these houses are covered with graffiti, among which the tall image of Yunchuan is the most prominent.

There are pictures of Yunchuan burning bamboo groves to drive away pandas and elephants, there are pictures of Yunchuan catching river fish with their hands, there are pictures of Yunchuan burning pots and pots, there are pictures of Yunchuan making iron, and there are pictures of Yunchuan dividing rice paddies and Picture of growing crops...

   It can be said that this guy Abu is actually very talented in art. Before Yunchuan moved into the new Red Palace, he added a picture of Yunchuan standing on top of an elephant and being worshipped by his tribe.

   At this point, in Yunchuan's view, his **** position as the **** of protection of the people, the **** of war, the **** of planting...has been very stable.

   Especially after the little elephant brought its parents and an old man to the island and ate the peaches, even the smallest and most stubborn female elephant gradually let go of the people on the island.

   However, they can't live on the island, so when it gets dark, the three elephants leave Peach Blossom Island with a baby elephant and return to the shore, behaving very leisurely.

   Yunchuan has already started teaching Abu literacy.

   didn't teach him Oracle.

  Because Yunchuan doesn't know how to do it, what he teaches is simplified characters.

Abu's learning ability is very strong. Yunchuan once thought that this guy had the ability to never forget. It was not until he saw the simple characters "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and heaven, earth and people" all over the wall. Sure, Abu is a very hardworking person.

  Industrious people correspond to lazy people.

   Yunchuan is a lazy person. He has no idea of ​​dominating the king in this era. After all, people don't have the idea of ​​being born as a monkey king.

   Everything he has done so far is to make his life more comfortable.

  Everything is fine and safe. Kuafu led the army to conquer outside, Abu led the tribe to work inward, and Yunchuan was doing things that the tribe could not understand all day long.

   Sometimes, he would ask his tribe to find as many plants, leaves, stems, flowers, roots, and fruits as possible when they go out, and bring them back clearly.

   Sometimes, Yunchuan will ask them to bring back all the strange stones they can find, and remember where they were found.

   Yunchuan is very busy, but he spends more time thinking.

The peaches on the peach tree have all matured. The peaches on the surrounding peach trees have been eaten by the tribe and four elephants. Only the old peach tree is still full of peaches, but the peaches that fell on the ground are more many.

   Bison eats a lot of peaches recently, which attracts ants who like sweetness. After being attacked by ants a few times, the buffalo doesn't like to eat peaches and prefers to find a puddle and wait for it to ruminate slowly.

   When the autumn tiger came, the crops in the ground had already begun to head. Judging from the results of this heading, it is generally better than summer grain.

   After all, when planting summer grain, there is no way to guarantee the seeds. It is already the limit of the Yunchuan tribe’s strength to be able to plant such a large piece of land with grain.

   The hemp planted on the edge of the land has matured. Yunchuan asked the tribe to collect hemp seeds, which can be used to squeeze oil and make delicious hemp bran. Even if it is fried, it is a good choice for snacks.

  Of course, the most important thing in Yunchuan's eyes is the hemp pole. This fragile pole is useless, but it is very useful.

The    people threw the hemp rods into the puddle to make hemp. When the rods rot, the hemp would fall off naturally. After being boiled and soaked in ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the linen can be used to weave linen.

   Weaving linen is very simple, just a few wooden sticks and a shuttle, but the linen woven in this way is very hard and can only be used to make sacks.

After    was steamed several times and beaten several times, the linen piece became real linen.

  All these jobs belong to women. In fact, farm work also belongs to women's work. What Yunchuan has to do is to wait for the women to make the linen cloth and teach them how to use linen to sew clothes.

   There are more and more people living on the island, but Yunchuan stubbornly set the number to 1,000, and it is 400 men, 300 women, and 300 children.

   Just like in the mother's tribe, he allowed Abu to distribute the food stored in the tribe to individuals, and allowed them to join together voluntarily to form a family.

   Although Xuanyuan made this request first, Yunchuan is a follower, and Yunchuan doesn't care about this.

   The transition from tribe to family is a general trend and cannot be stopped.

   Right is right, it doesn't matter who comes first.

  The surrounding area of ​​the Qianmo traffic finally has a smoky smoke, especially when the smoke is scattered on the bamboo forest in the rain, it is very beautiful.

   Everyone has food, and everyone has a sackcloth to cover their bodies. For the tribe, it is happiness.

   The little elephant yelled to pick up a rotten peach from the ground and handed it to Yunchuan with his nose. Yunchuan sitting on the branch shook his head, and the little elephant stuffed the peach into his mouth and ate it.

   Nowadays, rotten peaches on the ground are already a rare food, and there are not many peaches on the tree. The elephant is very happy to find one occasionally.

   Yunchuan's brows suddenly frowned. It is evening, and the suspension bridge should have been closed. How could the little elephant stay on the island?

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