I Am Not a Savage

Chapter 35: Hoshidare Ohno

   Chapter Thirty Five

   Xuanyuan said that he will come back, and what such people say is generally true.

   If the Yunchuan tribe had new developments and new military methods when he returned, Xuanyuan would default to the current situation.

   If the Yunchuan tribe does not have any major development at that time, he will not feel half guilty when he annexes the Yunchuan tribe.

   A politician is such a pure type of person, who will not be tired of feelings, let alone be confused by fame.

   Even if it is fishing for sleeve soup, it must be picked up from the bottom of the soup pot with the steady, accurate and ruthless three-character tactic.

   It was not until this time that Yunchuan discovered that in this era when development is linked to life, people are willing to make changes. There is no scholastic view. As long as it is easy to use, it will definitely be used.

   Such as the military formation that Yunchuan showed this time!

   The reason why Xuanyuan left in a hurry was to test the military formation he saw. This kind of disciplined combat method was better than they swarmed up to fight.

   This is also a gift from Yunchuan to Xuanyuan.

   Yunchuan didn't like Xuanyuan, and didn't like it at all, but this kind of person is too important to the process of social civilization formation.

   is almost irreplaceable.

   Therefore, this kind of destiny son should be cheaper, after all, this is also the welfare that people should have.

   originally planned to tell him the secret of the bamboo armor. After all, the bamboo wall spear formation must be combined with the armor to use it. Unexpectedly, Xuanyuan saw that Yunchuan was helping him, so he proudly refused.

   He thought he had understood Yunchuan's bamboo wall spear formation, and he was very self-righteous.

   Yunchuan's ultimate goal is to build a city, a brilliant city, so he doesn't mind absorbing talents.

   It’s just these talents. You must first prove that you are a talent.

   Only making bamboo leaf tea is absolutely not a talent.

   This city has appeared countless times in Yunchuan’s dreams. In fact, he felt that he had already seen that city when he looked at the world for the last time.

   People always need a little spirit.

   The harder the life is, the best dream is bound to be. Yunchuan’s dream is to build such a city, a city with gleaming gold and incomparable glory.

   That city should be able to carry all his dreams, all fantasies, all hopes, and all his life.

When he raised his head and looked at the sun through the leaves, the sun was still dazzling, but he also saw a huge peach. The surface of this peach had been stained a little red by the sun. Yunchuan was not in a hurry to pick it off. I feel I can wait.

   In fact, waiting will always have results.

   Just when this injury called Huai had already practiced the method of brewing bamboo leaf tea to the top, and when Yunchuan did not accept him, he confided a secret.

   A secret that he didn't tell even when Xuanyuan quickly killed his entire clan.

   Yunchuan originally thought that the secrets of savages were generally not very valuable. This time, after hearing Huai's report, Yunchuan felt that he should take a trip.

   The next day, Yunchuan left Abu to watch the house, and he took Kuafu, Hui, the three first young people who followed him, and fifty strong people, and left Peach Blossom Island.

  When he left Peach Blossom Island, the bison was unwilling. This guy has grown up now, and his body is taller than his father, but he has little courage.

As for the little wolf, after fading twice, it has completely grown into an adult wolf. However, it may be that the time spent with this bison is too long, and the wolf’s wildness is completely gone. This guy has even learned to ruminate from the bison. Fortunately, no success...

   Huai, after becoming a guide, was also very sad and indignant. Until now, he still has not received Yunchuan's approval, which makes him feel that he has suffered a lot.

   Yunchuan basically had no sense of security after leaving Peach Blossom Island. He resisted the urge to set fire and walked into Lin Mang under the protection of Kuafu and Huihui.

   There is nothing to say about the primeval forest. Fortunately, it is the primeval forest in the northwest. There are not many shrubs and poisonous snakes in the forest. There is no road. Fortunately, with the existence of elephants, there is a path in the forest.

   Yunchuan They walked on an elephant road.

   Ever since the tribesmen wore bamboo armor, their courage has grown a lot. Even if they knew that the road in front of them was the Tao, they walked with peace of mind.

   Yunchuan looked at the tall tree canopy above his head, always feeling that there seemed to be an unknown danger hidden there. He took out the fire folds again and again, and put them back again and again.

   He thinks it is better to set a fire.

   Guangming should be able to dispel all evil.

A leopard was lying on a horizontal branch and looked slyly at the group of people passing by under the tree. The triangular eyes were full of vicious meaning. After being glared by Kuafu, he quickly jumped between the branches. This time eventually disappeared.

   A bear with a white crescent on his chest stood in the bushes, staring at Yunchuan and his party dullly, until he found that Yunchuan was crowded with people, quietly put down his front paws and walked into a black pine forest.

   The little wolf jumped on the broad spine of the bison and put his back in Yunchuan's arms, and then proudly roared towards the thick branches of the branches.

  Although it was sunny outside, the forest trails were still muddy and difficult to navigate. This did not bother the people of Yunchuan. They stepped on the mud with their bare feet, as fast as the wind.

   Marching in the forest, people easily become silent. Fortunately, the coyote howls from time to time prevents the whole team from being too dull.

   The lead Huai has just recovered from his injuries, and his body is still very weak, but when he walks, he is more agile than the unharmed person Yunchuan. Yunchuan can only keep up with his pace if he rides on the back of a bison.

   On the way, Yunchuan has been looking at Huai's back. He really wants his eyes to have a perspective function, so that he can see Huai's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

   If it hadn't been for the spies he sent out to track Xuanyuan and the others and reported that Xuanyuan had gone far, Yunchuan would never leave Taohua Island for such a hike.

   This shouldn't be Xuanyuan's strategy.

   There are a lot of raspberries in the woods, and Yunchuan has no desire to eat, but the tribe has collected a lot of them, and they are eating while walking, and the formation is a little messy.

   The building of the army is still a long and difficult process, and there is no way to build a disciplined army overnight.

  If you want to build such an army, the culture must first keep up. Only when a fixed warrior class culture is formed in the tribe, the army can be formalized, and this is much more difficult than creating an army.

   Huai walked until the evening, and then stopped in a dry clearing. Everyone was going to spend the night here.

   This is the top of the mountain, the wind is very strong, even in the hot summer, it is still a bit cold here, the common bamboo forest in the mountain has completely disappeared, replaced by the tall pine forest.

   There is an obvious regional differentiation between plants and plants. The pine forest on the top of the mountain is covered with a thick layer of pine needles, and pine trees swiftly across the pine needles, and no other small animals are seen.

   The absence of small animals means that there are no large carnivorous beasts. Because of the cold, there will not be too many poisonous insects here.

   After crossing this mountain, it takes two days to walk from where Huai said.

   If it's a small thing like food or minerals, Yunchuan will never leave his nest to go into the mountains and woods anyway.

   The problem is that Huai quietly told him that more than a year ago, a big star fell on the other side of the mountain.

   If it was just a meteor, Yunchuan would not care too much.

From Huailian's gestures, Yunchuan also sent out a light wave when the big star fell. This light wave destroyed the surrounding trees just like when he descended, and even the thick stone pillars also stopped him. Cut off.

   And more than a year ago, it was the time when I came into this world.

   Huai said in great detail, Yun Chuan concluded that this was not something Huai's poor brain with few brain cells could make up.

   Yunchuan has always been concerned about his sudden coming to this world and suffering. Even if he can't avenge God, it is still necessary to figure out why he came to this place. Otherwise, he can only be a fool in this world.

   Before going to sleep at night, Yunchuan retracted his eyes looking at the starry sky and looked at Kuafu, who was close at hand, and said, "Do you know that the stars in the sky will fall?"

   Kuafu's eyes immediately became blurred.

   "When the patriarch died, a big star fell from the sky. That star was too big, big..."

   "Go to sleep!"

   Yunchuan is not interested in listening to what mythical stories Kuafu tells~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After seeing Xuanyuan, Yunchuan now dozes as long as he hears any deified story.

   Xuanyuan couldn't even jump over the ten-meter-wide river ditch. At this time, let's talk about the myth that can call the wind and rain and throw beans into the clouds, and the man who can drive the dragon like a cow and horse is Xuanyuan. Yunchuan doesn't believe a word.

   The historical origin of China is the three emperors and five emperors, and among these eight people, the most famous is undoubtedly Xuanyuan, who unified the primitive society.

   can't even trust him, let alone others.

   It's amazing. These eight people are all people who have worked hard for the Yanhuang civilization.

   In addition, the wild people have no culture, so they gave these eight people to the mythology based on the falsehood. After all, if they don't have the skills in the mythology and the bizarre encounters in the mythology, how can they make such a great feat?

   In contrast, Yunchuan feels that only by coming to this event can he match those magnificent myths and legends.

Kuafu fell asleep, snoring like thunder, but Yunchuan's brain was gurgling. After spending a whole night in his spirits, his belly turned white until the horizon. He got up to his feet and urged everyone to make breakfast quickly. After eating, Good to keep going.

   Yunchuan urged him in a hurry, and because he was already near the beginning of his descent, everyone rushed faster.

   The flat land in the mountains was covered with plants without any footing, until Yunchuan and the others found another elephant road, and then they started to move on.

   This is a very fresh elephant road, not as wide as other elephant roads, as if only a few elephants pass by here.

   Yunchuan accidentally saw the baby elephant's footprints mixed in the adult elephant's footprints, and for no reason remembered the adult male elephant whose ears were torn by him like a broken cat fan.


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