I Am Not a Savage

Chapter 31: obedient! I am your dad

   Chapter 31 Obedient! I am your dad

   Xuanyuan is coming, and Yunchuan thinks he needs to make some preparations.

   So, he first checked the food reserves of the tribe.

   The results are not bad. There are a group of hardworking people. The food reserves in the Yunchuan tribe are very good, mainly because there are more fish.

Since the tribes learned to dig a big water hole near the big river and introduce the river water into the low-lying area of ​​Taohua Island, many fish have swam in from the hole. After all, the food here is richer. As a result, these people come to eat food. Fish became the food of the tribe.

   Sun-dried fish is a unique way of storing food in the Yunchuan tribe. Perhaps this is not the case, and the mother's tribe should be too.

Since people learned to dry fish, there has been no shortage of food for the tribe. Yunchuan never thought that a big river would be like a fish pond, with such a wealth of fish. The fish here are not only big, but also numerous. .

   Later, I ate a lot of fish here, and after finding too many eggs from the belly of the fish, Yunchuan guessed that this water area is probably the spawning place of these fish.

Yunchuan still has some knowledge about fish spawning places. He knows that with these fish’s dedication to spawning places, even if they catch more fish by themselves, as long as the fish does not become extinct, they will continue to succeed. Sent himself to the door.

He is not prepared to implement any long-term development rules, nor is he prepared to implement any means of catching the big and letting go of the small. The fish eggs are too important for the development of the human brain. You can't let the fools of your tribe run wild because of the pity of the fish. .

   and learned to use his brain to think of ways to fish, Yunchuan believes that this is a great leap in the tribe’s intelligence, because Yunchuan did not participate in this process from beginning to end.

   The method of digging fish ponds to trap river fish is their own idea.

   digging fish ponds to trap river fish can get a lot of food, and drying the fish can effectively solve the problem of food storage. This is a very good closed-loop experience. For the tribe, it is very, very important.

   Xuanyuan is here after all.

   Perhaps, Xuanyuan's process of conquering the hilly tribes was the beginning of his process of unifying China, and Yunchuan did not intend to give in.

   Because Xuanyuan’s mantra is—obedient!

In the last life, Yunchuan has been obedient, listening to the country, the school, the parents, the parents-in-law, the leaders of the geological team, the master, the girlfriend, even when going to the toilet, the urinal wall There are all the words above asking him to lean forward.

   It seems that everyone in this world is a master, only Yunchuan himself is a **** slave.

   This time, he wanted to see the consequences of disobedience.

   Especially if you don’t listen to the words that may be his ancestor, will he be struck by lightning?

  I chose this island because I took a fancy to the terrain. To be honest, living on the island is not convenient.

  A small island cannot support the lives of more than 500 people. You must leave the island and go to a wider space to get enough food.

   However, living on the island is also good, that is, you can stay away from harm.

  In this world, people are not the most powerful existence. The dead people on the other side of the river who have been trampled on human skins by elephants know best that if they have a choice, they must be willing to live on a harmless island, even if life there is not convenient.

Yunchuan has read some ancient history. The history books say that the most fundamental reason why the ancient holy kings are called holy kings is that they can take the tribe to drive away the ferocious beasts and protect their tribe. People.

After confirming that the food can support for two months, he ordered all the people outside to return, and put away the suspension bridge, the whole people hid on the island and continued to live their lives. It happened that the scale of the Red Palace was too small, taking advantage of this period of time. , And build some outbuildings well.

   At this time, there are so many tools in the tribe. The tools made of wrought iron are not good at all, but they are better than nothing, at least surpassing bamboo, wood, and bone tools. Just be careful when using them.

  The sandstone bricks were stripped from the red sandstone by the tribe, and replaced by a castle with tall walls.

   The tribes who have just left the category of savages have very rich experience in defending against enemy attacks.

   They are actually building a wall!

   A wall made of bamboo.

   There are many bamboos left from burning on the island, so they inserted these bamboos into the soil and built a fence around Peach Blossom Island.

Yunchuan tried it. As long as there are two people with his strength, he can knock down the fence wall, not to mention that there are big and small holes in the fence wall. In some places, let alone people, elephants can get in. .

   This is how the people work-as long as I think it is safe, it must be safe.

   In the end, Yunchuan believes that if he has the ability to build a fence, it is better to prepare more bows and arrows, more bamboo spears, and throw spears, and the defense effect will be better.

   According to Yunchuan’s instructions, Abu selected a hundred people from the ethnic group to eat dry rice. These people are either waste or dry rice, because they have the opportunity to eat millet dry rice once a month.

   The work of defending Peach Blossom Island must not be handed over to those people who eat bones, drink fish soup, and eat grass roots.

   Yunchuan felt that they might betray, as long as Xuanyuan promised to eat meat for them, they would turn their backs to the enemy one after another.

   It has been more than a year since I came to this world. Yun Chuan knows that it is never the relationship between distant and close relatives that determines the people's hearts. It is not the moral restraint, but the degree to which you can fill those wailing mouths.

The loyalty of    people is always related to how well you fill their belly.

   Therefore, the boring means to win people's hearts is useless at all. People here don't care if you use them as livestock, they only care if you can get enough.

   If you can make them full every day, they can get down on their hands and feet. Please use them as animals.

   In this regard, there is not much difference between the prehistoric era and the feasting era.

  Whoever comes out to mix is ​​actually for the sake of smashing a few ounces of silver, and it is no more noble than eating for a few bites in this era and going there as a livestock for others.

  The rules have been formed since the beginning of mankind, and they are not unique to later generations.

   This is the true meaning of society. After grasping this true meaning, Yunchuan can be an exploiter with peace of mind, and can exploit the surplus value of these people with peace of mind.

   Don't be guilty, they will be grateful to Yunchuan for filling them.

   Xuanyuan is now doing what Yunchuan is about to do, conquering with force and making up for it with material, but Yunchuan looks down on Xuanyuan because his methods of doing things are too crude and primitive.

   In terms of the current human transportation ability, Xuanyuan's method of conquering the hilly savages must be war.

   There is absolutely no way he can carry a large amount of food and grass on the expedition.

   can only take local materials and use the food storage of the conquered tribe as a supply. By conquering the next tribe, once a tribe cannot be defeated, his food and grass supply will be a big problem.

   It is impossible for him to bring tens of thousands of people over. Only relying on hunting and looting, there is no way to maintain such a large army.

   So, it is destined that the battle that Yunchuan will meet is a small-scale war similar to the fight of the young and Dangerous.

   As long as Yunchuan pulls up the suspension bridge, Xuanyuan will not be able to enter, and there is no way to confront Yunchuan, leave, and find the next tribe that is easier to conquer is Xuanyuan's only choice.

   Yunchuan thought all over again, and felt that there were no loopholes, so he stopped putting all his thoughts on Xuanyuan's upcoming arrival.

   He has more important things to do, such as screening seeds.

  The millet planted in Yunchuan has matured, but these millet is not as described in the article that Yunchuan has studied. Because it is full and successful, it will bow its head.

   The millet he planted raised their heads as proud as the dog's tail grass. What Yunchuan has to do now is to separate the modest and prudent good millet that occasionally appears in the millet field from other proud scum.

   Modesty makes people progress. This sentence is absolutely correct when applied to millet. Only those millet ears with their heads down can pass on their genes.

   The proud and complacent guys with their heads up, deserve to live only one season.

  Mizi~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wheat and sorghum are treated in the same way. Among them, Yunchuan always cares about wheat.

   However, he gave up this concern until the wheat ears, because the wheat at this time is completely different from the wheat in his memory.

   The wheat ears are small, and the grains of wheat are also small. After biting, there is not much white starch, but the bran is very thick. No matter how you cook such wheat, it won’t taste good.

   Just when Yunchuan led the tribe and began to harvest the grain on the plains, Xuanyuan came.

   He was standing opposite the suspension bridge, facing the sunlight, causing his white teeth to sparkle in the sunlight.

   Behind him stood two hundred big men with various fierce images. These big men were looking at the dense crops on the island with greedy eyes, wishing to attack immediately.

  Only Xuanyuan's eyes were soft, looking at the tall red palace on the island and the lush crops about to be harvested, water seemed to drip from his eyes.

   Yunchuan stood on the suspension bridge with a cold face, surrounded by bamboo shields, only one head was exposed. He wanted to look at Xuanyuan's arrogant face again.

   "Yunchuan, I am your father!"

   Just when Yunchuan thought Xuanyuan was scolding him, Xuanyuan dragged a woman holding a child from the crowd, and proudly showed it to Yunchuan.

"From now on, my mother will be my wife, Yunchuan, you are my mother's son, that is, my son. I have established rules. From now on, a man can only have one wife. Of course, People like me can naturally have several women.

   If you can feed more people, you can also have many wives. "

   Yunchuan untied his shiny green tortoise-shell bag from his back, poured out the contents, and threw it into the river with all his might.


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